Monday, September 7, 2015

Transgender: It's a Setup!

My husband said something earlier, about this current topic of transgender rights, that had me thinking ah-ha! He said, "it's all about the money."

He didn't say it hatefully and neither was my ah-ha epiphany that I received (slightly expanded for clarity). It wasn't about judging but a reason, albeit bazaar for some, yet with my knowledge it made perfect sense. Of course, this scenario may not fit every person, I firmly believe everyone should be treated on an individual basis, but it's a reasonable scenario that warrants consideration. This particular path didn't start yesterday; like many situations, it's been in the making for a long time.

~~~~~ Epiphany

You have two professions that need to make money: psychology and attorneys. What do you do to make sure they have income? You set someone (or a bunch of someones) up to provide for this need.

You create a transgender scenario (or any scenario but we'll stick with this one), which feeds into this mindset creating ill will and a need for counseling. This helps provide an existence for the psychologist. Counseling suggests any number of issues. They are persecuted or misunderstood. They're born this way. We need to be compassionate and understanding. Yet, they're still judged, which keeps patients coming back for more counseling and more money for that profession.

Then the misunderstood and angry transgenders decide to push this further. They've had enough. They want their rights. Deliberately pushing beyond what's collectively acceptable. Maybe seeking revenge. This feeds into discrimination and a lawsuit, which helps the other profession - attorneys. Attorneys exist via fees and lawsuits. They not only make money off of this, but so will the transgender, if they're lucky.

Now, the transgender will have the money to have corrective surgery. That is, if they haven't been totally messed up in being used by this system and decide to commit suicide first. This could be due to a young soul who's not prepared for being used in this manner. If not, it could be an older soul that's been around the block a few times and will turn a negative into a positive. They will use their lawsuit money for whatever they choose, including surgery. After all, not everyone is lucky to be born with money either. In that case, it's a win-win situation for all concerned.

Possibly a win-win-win situation, because now we can include the plastic surgeons who will be involved, also making money in order to survive. Then there's the situation of making money through television and that too will help pay for surgery, if that's their objective.

~~~~~ End

As all this plays out before us, the rest of the world may be sitting back and shaking their heads thinking what a crazy world we live in. Some may call them sick and want to throw stones (in a manner of speaking). Some may think things are spinning out of control and demand the universe to pull back the reins. Asking - how far will this go?

However, and pay attention, all these people are unknowing players in a universal play of answering prayers and wishes of putting food on someone's table, clothes on their backs and a roof over their heads. Someone's got to do it!

Apparently, my husband's money remark may have had more insight than he even realized. It is all about the money and using it to support ourselves and our desires. I felt this wasn't anything new. Prayers are answered in various ways. As they say, be careful what we ask for.

Furthermore, as these professional or other employment fields expand, and money is needed to exist, we may see more people set up in ways that will have us all asking: where's this leading?

Recently, a friend told me that our perspective about a mountain depends on which side we're viewing it. This epiphany is a perspective that may be from a different point of view than some may be seeing it. It's not meant to be the complete picture, yet it's part of a very big picture that started eons ago.

By now, I'm sure this information may have many shaking their heads thinking I've lost my mind, but can you come up with a more plausible reason? I know one thing that I felt strongly, while discussing this with guidance: it sucks to be used! It sucks because of other's collective thought or reasoning, for survival, and to not know why or from whom. It sucks being you? Well, it sucks being me too! Now what?

With knowing, all too well, that feeling of being used, I will try to regain my sense of humor and sum this blog up with my husband's words: dem bastids!!

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