Many times, I see comments about people saying, prove God exists. Or that God doesn't exist. I find this ludicrous due to what I was taught and have taught. In fact, it's so simple that I'm surprised many haven't reached this conclusion. Or... maybe many already know this and that's why their belief is unshakable.
First, let me clarify the term God, which is the word I will use in order to simplify things. In monotheistic religions, it is considered the "creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being." In certain other religions, it is a "superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity." In addition, I decided to use the pronoun "it" due to my belief that this Creator God can be spirit but can, also, take on any male, female or androgynous form.
Now, as far as proof. First, one must understand emotions. This is an important step because it provides the necessary tool needed. Every being has emotions. To keep it simple, I will use only human emotions. We often call this the spirit or soul of a person, but it is what we emit throughout our life. We can often tap into that emotional energy, while we're around someone, who's expressing their emotions/feelings via sorrow or joy, for instance. However, there are people, like me, who are trained to tap into emotions of those not physically present. These people are often called empaths, among other names. I tend to use metaphysician, because of my training.
So, we're dealing with the subject of emotions and tapping into them. Or, in this case, one being in particular... the original soul. This knowledge, of an original being, has been discussed among scholars for eons. So, it would stand to reason that this being would, obviously, have a soul/emotions as any of us do. Right? If it's real?
The next step, for proof, would be seeking the emotional truth in the universe of this original being and allowing this truth to guide you to it. As the saying goes: ask and you shall receive. Then, it's a matter of sensing the truth from this being's "emotions" to "allow proof" that this is the only one that the universe recognizes as the original spirit/soul... God. Because, as I was taught, many years ago, words can lie but emotions don't. Seek the truth through emotions.
Once, you achieve these steps, you'll have your proof. You see, as I've told my students, I can give you the steps to prove it, but you'll have to do the work. Of course, you can be like many on this planet, who feel and accept this truth, unconsciously, or may have blind faith. I was never much into blind faith; I wanted proof.