A long time ago, I had someone tell me that they were glad I shared so many various things about my life. I replied: Thanks, I have a purpose in doing that. After all, if you had an extraterrestrial contact, learned telepathy, and saw a UFO, you might want to tell people about it, but at the same time prove your sanity.
And, I had an employer giving me some great advice back in the 80s. He told me that verbal doesn't cover your butt, put it in writing. For this reason, I decided to document and share some of my life's memories via various social media sites, and my true story books, for anyone interested. Additionally, I had a metaphysical teacher explain that by not sharing my worth, due to being in fear of people judging me, it would be me judging them instead. Hmmm...
Of course, you may ask: why bother proving anything? You see, I understand perspective. For instance, if someone only knew me during my youth or school days, or only through the eyes of my family and friends... if someone only knew me through one of my many occupations or through my various hobbies... if someone only knew me during my Navy or Business and Professional Women days... and yes, if someone only knew me through my metaphysical teachings, being contacted by an otherworldly metaphysical teacher, seeing a UFO, or my telekinetic attacks... that would be, in my opinion, a very limited perspective of my life.
However, if they understood my complete life's journey, they would have an enhanced perspective. My reality may become their reality... with less judgments or assumptions. Of course, no guarantees, people may still judge me, regardless, and people may still get a different perspective of my memories. It happens.
But, my hope that people may care to know more has been positively confirmed, because I've had people say: "Wow, I never knew that! You've had quite an interesting life. Thanks for sharing." This is why I will continue to share my perspective/reality of my journey and what I feel was/is important to me. So far, its been based on my strongest memories, often backed up with photos, dates, and places, or any other documentation that I can provide. Because, sadly, I also know how history can be written or rewritten with limited or deliberate false interpretations, and it appears to be getting worse.
In addition, another reason that I decided to share some of my life's experiences or memories, besides proving my sanity, is because of my research on historical past lives. I discovered how past false or bias perceptions can often create a debilitating effect on one's current life... some people can hold grudges for a very, very long time.
So, as you can see, based on all the aforementioned, there is a method to my madness. Hopefully, it will prevent being maligned over another's perspective. I say "hopefully" because I know that you can lead humans to knowledge, but you can't make them think... or believe.