Friday, October 9, 2020

Change: Be Careful What You Wish For.

Please bare with me, I know this may be long, but after reading some pros and cons about medicare for all/single payer/insurance health care, from articles and comments on social media, I've come to the conclusion that you can't please everyone, nothing is ever perfect, and ignorance abounds. 

But, in my opinion... and this is all my opinion... once we have MFA/SPH (if we do), we wouldn't have the choices we have today. Check and balance is also important. Something I learned in my accounting days. Which is why, good or bad, we have political parties. Choice. 

Even with education, we still have school choices (home, private or public). I pay towards public (primary/secondary) education through my real estate taxes, but that doesn't mean I think it's the best education and I shouldn't hold others back from getting a better one, if they choose. 

Anyway, as responsible adults, we are required to take care of our health by having health insurance. We're also required to have home and auto insurance, if applicable. Yet, I know some people don't think they should have that either. But, should the government (we the people) pay for that insurance too? Well, some people may think it's a great idea, but is it? 

You know that saying... be careful what you wish for? Change isn't always positive or progressive. Most people may not be thinking about the consequences of giving too much power to these government people in charge and, obviously, aren't mature enough to realize how they're trading off their freedom by having another make their choices. Isn't that why most children, eventually, leave home so their parents stop making decisions for them? 

So, when did we think it was okay to have the government decide for us... all the time? Do we really need "Big Brother" making all our adult decisions? Well, maybe some do need help. There are exceptions to the rule. But, we do have multiple programs for that too, in many areas, private and government, including medical. 

Besides having health insurance, I've also paid into Medicare my entire adult life. But, when it came to retiring, the government laid out my insurance plan and I had to pay more for additional things. However, I still didn't feel that was good enough and decided to get a supplement insurance which helped improve it. Instead of whining, I had the ability to choose a better option for my health. Thank God I had that choice and that I didn't have to count on Medicare only. 

As many know, the government doesn't always have the best reputation in getting things done much less paying their bills. Ask people in the medical field. They can attest to this. Some doctors won't take Medicare because of it. One comment from a person stated that the government works to lower the price they pay but even then they don't pay. It's not the first time I've heard or read that over the years. But I've never had a problem with my Medicare supplement insurance plan. At least, not yet. 

With insurance companies, if we don't like how they treat us, or what they provide, we can go to another. With a single payer plan, no choices. You get what you get. It might sound great in the beginning, but, over time, decline, in many areas, can and has occured, based on the input that I've read from people in other countries. 

In fact, back in the early nineties, on a trip to Germany, a tour guide was talking about their universal health care and said: "If you have money, you can jump ahead in the line." It still seems to be that way today with anything. Universal health care won't stop preferential treatment and I've seen that preferential treatment, in those countries, with the rich or government employees. Do you think it will be any different here? Doubt it. 

So, I see a very slippery slope. What next? Government run homeowners or car insurance... as someone thought was a great idea? Or, how about government run plumbing and electrical workers?  No competitive market? You get what you get? Will we still have a need for lawyers after awhile? Will a runaway government controlled country allow lawsuits? Against medical? Against government? 

Sometimes, the things that sound good aren't always. Hindsight and all. Yes, I agree that there's good and bad in everything. Wisdom is important in making decisions. And that's why intellectual discussion is vital for positive change. Some of the comments, that I read, weren't factual, intellectual, much less wise. More like adults acting like greedy and petulant children who were still tied to those proverbial apron strings. 

And, as I told an acquaintance, many years ago, we have a system that's pretty balanced in our country, if you think about it. It’s a combination of socialism and capitalism. We have to protect that so one side doesn't dominate the other. 

Is our healthcare perfect? No!

Is socialized healthcare perfect? No!

Will we always have what we want? No! 

Is life always fair? No! 

But it's not always the government that may take the sting out of life, it's also great family and friends. Shouldn't we keep a broader circle when it comes to our mental and physical health?


Sunday, August 2, 2020

Right or Wrong. Lies or Truth. Evil or Good.

This quote got me thinking, because I've learned that our perception of right and wrong may change over time. And, I feel right and wrong depends on what side of the fence we're on. I know that we have a general consensus of that, only to create order out of chaos. 

And, as far as evil, yes there is that too. There are some who are very wicked. But, I wondered if we're on a perpetual cycle of reaping what we sowed? Is someone still holding a past or current life grudge? Did we do something evil to them? Are we paying for it now? We're all in this energy that we call the universe. What past rift, in the universe, did we create or ignore? Yin/Yang?

As far as truth, I understand that truth can be subjective, but I've always believed there is ultimate truth in each moment. Meaning, currently I'm a brunette, but I color my hair. That's a truth that should come off the universe with no shadow of doubt. It's what I call God's truth. It's what I seek when asking for guidance, along with my intellectual and emotional  experiences. It's what I use to guide myself and others. 

But like Plato's Allegory of the Cave, guiding someone into a different truth may mean removing their fear first. Without that, it may be difficult for them to see it, because fear, or mistrust, tends to hold people in their old way of thinking. Your truth may seem to be a lie to them. And, if the majority holds onto this lie, it may take more awareness, and more time, to change anything. 

Some may accept and some may decline. It is what it is.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Seeing Emotions?

Years ago, I was teaching a student about putting images to emotions. Sometimes, one psychic ability may be blocked and another one may need to be ramped up to get answers. I decided to share this in order to help others understand how you can work on unblocking any or all.

S: Is it possible to see an emotion?

T: You don't see emotions, you feel them. People feel emotions all the time and can put an image to them or not.

S: Well, that's sort of what I am asking. Can I see an image of an emotion... that can happen?

T: Yes, if you feel an emotion, it can give you the sense of what it is. It's like me mentioning a decorated birthday cake. If I don't describe it in detail, you can pick up my emotions about it and put images to it. Your mind may play tricks on you, so you have to, constantly, ask the universe for the truth in what you are receiving from those emotions. Verification is important, too. It may take time, when you're first learning, but it can be done. It's the same with sensing an image of a person. Be careful to ask for and feel the truth in it as I did when I was doing those soul beginning videos and "fine tuning" the looks of a being not from here, for instance. That's when interrogation goes into play. You have to become a detective and keep asking until all feelings of doubt are removed. Hope that makes sense and helps you.

S: Yes, perfect sense!

Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Truth Will Set You Free?

I, finally, decided to meditate and ask for guidance over a question that's been bothering me for sometime.

Q: Why do some people say our President lies or is a liar, but can't look at their own party's lies and manipulation? I'm not saying he's perfect but is my intuition off about this?

A: No, it's not off. How would you feel if you were constantly fed lies and then someone comes along and tells the truth? Even half-truths, due to national security, can be disconcerting over any deception one has bought into. People feel they have to belong to something or someone. Sometimes, they have been disappointed, misled, or even abused by those they thought cared about them. It hurt them, but out of some misplaced loyalty, they feel the need to defend or protect those who have done them harm. Including calling out others for what is actually occurring within their home or group. They don't want to believe the person or group they're in isn't good for them... failed them. They become defensive and point fingers outside of themselves or their group. You see, as long as people have fear and hate, it can blind or block their intuition... God's guidance. There are those who want people to be in fear and hate because of it. But God's truth will never stay hidden. One day people wake up to it. Only then can they free themselves. Generally, that comes about when they realize they've been allowing the lies and lying to themselves... when they can look in their mirror and admit it... when they can finally walk away.

Q: Is this a lesson for them?

A: It's a lesson for us all.