This quote got me thinking, because I've learned that our perception of right and wrong may change over time. And, I feel right and wrong depends on what side of the fence we're on. I know that we have a general consensus of that, only to create order out of chaos.
And, as far as evil, yes there is that too. There are some who are very wicked. But, I wondered if we're on a perpetual cycle of reaping what we sowed? Is someone still holding a past or current life grudge? Did we do something evil to them? Are we paying for it now? We're all in this energy that we call the universe. What past rift, in the universe, did we create or ignore? Yin/Yang?
As far as truth, I understand that truth can be subjective, but I've always believed there is ultimate truth in each moment. Meaning, currently I'm a brunette, but I color my hair. That's a truth that should come off the universe with no shadow of doubt. It's what I call God's truth. It's what I seek when asking for guidance, along with my intellectual and emotional experiences. It's what I use to guide myself and others.
But like Plato's Allegory of the Cave, guiding someone into a different truth may mean removing their fear first. Without that, it may be difficult for them to see it, because fear, or mistrust, tends to hold people in their old way of thinking. Your truth may seem to be a lie to them. And, if the majority holds onto this lie, it may take more awareness, and more time, to change anything.
Some may accept and some may decline. It is what it is.