Saturday, October 15, 2011

Communication: Negative Emotions

When people talk about you, or taunt you, over a subject, and you start sensing strong negative feelings about it, before becoming defensive or argumentative step back and ask yourself: is it really my negative feelings over their subject or is it a projected thought/emotion to bring me down, to set me up, or to make me do battle? Why do I feel this need to "butt heads" with this person or persons?

A difficult lesson for us all to learn: we don't have to be argumentative, defensive, guilty or anything negative. You can honor you as you still honor them. You can relinquish those feelings with love. We don't always have to agree unless you want to agree to disagree. 

Besides, is their emotions really worth you allowing yourself to go into such density that can dis-ease your body, mind & soul? It's giving the "devil its due" but at a serious expense; an expense that may be your death. 

If everyone learned to communicate in a kind manner, would there be battles? I think not. How can one battle when they are into respecting, honoring and being loving individuals? And it makes sense that one wouldn't need to stop a battle if they didn't participate in one. 

Intelligent communication is supposed to be for human beings, which brings us above being called wild animals. Isn't that we say about ourselves, that we're above this? Allow the animals to attack, fight or destroy, if they choose. Ask yourself: am I acting like an intelligent human being or an animal? Well?

This is not saying we shouldn't be able to question the things we hear, or react to them, but we must learn to be in control of the emotional energy within and around us. Don't forget that animals have souls (emotions) too. Are they controlling you? Are you sure? How would you know? Do you really know you and your feelings? Can you protect yourself against emotional attacks that aren't always coming from the seen? Again, are you sure?

Life assignment: turn a negative into a positive. Everyday do what you can to be better then what you were yesterday. Understanding you helps you understand others.

Leave the "butting of heads" to animals. 

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