Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Sports Fan Riots

The first time I heard about a "sports fan riot" was when I was visiting London in 1985 with my friend Jeanne. We met a man from Germany, while eating dinner in the hotel restaurant, who suggested we shouldn't walk around outside alone at night. He suggested he could walk with us and show us around. We thought he was being chivalrous until we started hearing a bunch of singing and yelling coming down the street towards us about an hour into our walk. He then suggested we go back to the hotel. That's when he explained that sports fans can become rowdy and riotous. I realized then that he had been concerned for our welfare because he knew about the game and what may transpire afterwards. Since then, I've noticed this type of barbaric mentality is worldwide, many times with horrible outcomes, not rooted in any one particular gender or race, and not just sports. 

Yes, it may seem strange that sports fan riots have been part of history and I didn't know much about it before then. However, I was never a sports person and television news was limited to certain times and only on three channels. This type of news may have only been a blip of time and then onto other news. It's definitely not like the daily news we have today. 

Anyway, being someone who is interested in soul programing, the things that make us who we are and do what we do, I decided to see what history had about this and found the first recorded sports fan riot, etc., was in 532 AD and was called the Nika riots. Not discounting the horrendous riots we still have in our current time period, this one is the worse. I was appalled over what I read about a chariot race, with political issues, and it's outcome. 

I also realized that this soul programming, of barbaric rioting for any cause, goes deep into history and our souls, probably way before recorded history. The more I thought about this, I wondered if the world would ever understand this programming and learn to rewrite it, so we can become more civilized. Sadly, with what's going on with our current world, maybe not. Maybe the programming goes too deep to ever recover. It's definitely better, but we still have much to overcome, especially when the feelings of persecution and entitlement are added to the emotional mix.

Lastly, Wikipedia has a list on sports fan riots, for anyone interested, but the link below is about this first recorded one. One that makes me wonder if we're improving or heading back into this darkness. 

Wikipedia Excerpt: The Nika riots (Greek: Στάσις τοῦ Νίκα Stásis toû Níka), or Nika revolt, took place over the course of a week in Constantinople in AD 532. It was the most violent riot in the history of Constantinople, with nearly half the city being burned or destroyed and tens of thousands of people killed.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Animal, Human or ... ?

Humans express anger and hate because they are showing their fears of what they want to control or change but also feel impotent to do anything. Humans, who are more emotionally animal, generally, want to create mayhem when they're angry. This is one of our base (animal) survival instincts; a need to attack and conquer. 

There are people who are still learning to control the animal within. However, many times, these base emotions are still controlling them, sometimes a little or a lot. Especially when irrational, phobic fears, which can cause a plethora of emotions that may create harm to themselves or others. Once we understand this, we can work on changing those emotions into a more positive and humane direction by communication, cooperation, and resolution. Awareness helps to calm the angry beast within. Knowing the answers to our fears may help relieve them, giving us better options and definitely making better sense than allowing mayhem out of anger. 

Furthermore, many of us have learned, through education and observation, that all souls are eternally evolving, as well as no two souls are alike. Understanding soul/mind programming may help us control these inner emotions that surface when under any threat or at least help us react with less violence. The more animal human tends to create problems with its instinctual attacking emotions while the more evolved human knows this makes matters worse and works on resolving them.

Also, could there be additional clues, about what's in our souls, coming off the universe, with the words we say or hear? 

For instance:

She's running like a scared rabbit.

They're butting heads like rams. 

Quit monkeying/horsing around. 

She's purring like a cat. 

You're like a bull in a china shop.

He's sly as a fox.

She's a snake in the grass.

They're quiet as a mouse.

He eats like a pig.

You're an eager beaver.

Are these animal idioms only a coincidence or is someone trying to tell us something? I used to jokingly tell my husband he was a Neanderthal. Years later, I learned it was the first lifetime in his soul. A clue from the universe? 

Just for clarity, I'm not negating animals (fish, mammals, birds or reptiles). I watch animals shows and respect them, knowing what they have to do for survival, but I'm honest about their limitations as I am about my own. I just feel, as humans, we should be reaching higher in whatever capacity we can. If not, what is our purpose here? 

In conclusion, many times we hear: what possessed them to do that? What did? Was it an emotion from this lifetime or a past life? Of course, one would have to believe in souls and past lives or that animals souls can evolve into a human life. There's always doubt on this subject. Yet, can anyone come up with anything that would explain why two people can go through nearly identical experiences but react differently? 

What's in your soul? 

Who's controlling your emotions: animal, human or ... ?

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Wisdom of Adages

An adage is a short, philosophical or memorable saying which holds some important fact of experience that is considered wise by many people. I grew up with the adage: think before you speak. With today's technology, we should add: read before you write. If not, another wise adage is: keep your thoughts to yourself. Doing that may keep you from: putting your foot in your mouth.
Or as Andy Rooney stated: "Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them."
Adages, like these, are to help us but there may a slight flaw in this "thinking before we speak" idea. Most often, while thinking, we bring into our awareness the things we know, yet the things we know may not be current truth. Think about it. Changes may have occurred since the last time we investigated something. Reading (researching) will help us learn more. However that entails both sides of a situation and not bias researching. Another adage was: take it from the source. Which meant, is this source reliable?
It also entails us to read, really read and not just scan over something, to know more, especially if it's important enough. Too many are falling victim to ADD which makes me wonder why this flow is growing so prevalent in an educated society?
As a person who likes to think, read and observe, as well as having the ability to sense things, I'm discovering there are more people who are forgetting these wise adages as well as forgetting about Karma or the Golden Rule. They are all about giving their opinion without understanding the consequences or that there are two sides to every situation. Not understanding both sides, before making a judgment call, can easily show our ignorance to those who know more about the subject. Maybe we should add one more adage: sense universal truth first. Those who are more "psychically attuned" will understand how valuable this is. That is, as long as they're into universal truth and not just their truth. I've learned that even a psychic can be bias, especially in their earlier learning days.
To continue, far too many people seem to think that just because they're hiding behind a computer, on social media, they can say anything they want. Many, lately, have acquired a bad habit of biased or hateful opinions. They make choices without truly understanding there are consequences. Let me rephrase this: during my life, I have never seen anyone get away with anything ... ever. Just because we may not see something occur, doesn't mean it hasn't or it won't.
We may hide behind a computer but there's no hiding from the universe.
Furthermore, we tend to develop bad habits, including the one called arrogance. Sometimes, it's a bad habit due to a lack of "mind to mouth filtering." Like any habit, they can become difficult to break. After all, who needs those wise adages anyway? Yes, we're living in a world of wisdom but arrogance too. When has developing a bad habit of arrogance ever overruled common sense?
We need to learn to break the habit of speaking or writing without thinking or researching. In order to do this, we first have to accept the fact that it is up to each of us to control our tongue ... our words ... our thoughts. That's where another great adage, my mother's favorite, can help ... the Golden Rule. We tend to forget this one when we're throwing out contemptible or vulgar words. I've been guilty of it myself, so I speak from experience. However, I have diligently worked on being a better person and not stay down if I do fall.
I'm sure it bothered my dad when I did bring myself down. He held all of his children in high regards. He used to tell us that the words we use show our intelligence or lack of it. He learned that from his father who he considered a very intelligent man. Thirty years in the Navy, my father never cursed ... ever ... before, during or after. A sailor who never cursed? Yep! A rare breed, but that's because he was programmed to believe it made you less of a person and it was the same beliefs he tried to instill in his children.
Anyway, being an observer of people, I began to see the wisdom in his words. Social media comments showed me this too. No judgment just a discernment. I can tell who knows something or who doesn't because of sensing. I can sense the feelings behind the words and many times try to ignore the words because of it. Yet, many times, the hate or ignorance behind the words are too much to ignore. Then I may venture forward with help or an explanation to open one's mind, even if they may not be immediately receptive to what I offer or never receptive. I do this with respect for mutual learning because I truly appreciated it when someone has done this for me; kindly showing me a different perspective out of love and not hate. Does anyone really want to be taught with hate? I doubt it.
It's seriously something to consider when tossing our words around publicly or via the Internet.
Lastly, let's reprogram ourselves to stop blaming (as much as possible). We, as adults, are responsible for the words that come out of our mouth or what we write. Did anyone make us do it? Is anyone holding a gun to our head and telling us to type or speak ignorance, vulgarity or hate? Please keep in mind that what we do shows others who we are. If we don't feel comfortable about what we feel, don't say anything. It could be a message that there's more to know before we speak.
And, speaking of "messages," just as I was finalizing my blog, I took a break, as I normally do, and decided to read my emails before returning to check it over once more before posting it. I received an email with this quote (below) and decided to share it too.
The universe really does work in mysterious ways.
~~~~~ Lao-Tze ~~~~~
Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Mental Illness: Reprogramming The Mind

I know there are exceptions to every rule, and I really hate to say what I wish to share in this blog, but sometimes I have to get things off my chest. Hopefully it will turn on the light within someone's mind. Before I start, I would like to state that anyone who knows me, and knows the challenges that I've overcome, will understand why I've often felt compelled to share my feelings about mental illness. What "possesses" people to do what they do?

To continue, being an observer of life, most of my life, I feel that society, lately, tends to give more credit and effort to animals being trained (programmed or reprogrammed) than humans with mental issues. To me, it's vaguely insinuating that we're less capable of being better, being able to be reprogrammed, or being able to overcome a challenge. It's insulting!

Is society just tired of the challenges they've faced in the past, are humans just too much animal to be reprogrammed for society's approval, or are we being programmed to accept our weaknesses instead of overcoming them? If so, then why? What has created this flow?

Then I also think about the whole leading a horse to water thing. You can't make someone do something. You have to have two willing beings involved, one to teach and one to be taught. I have seen extremely productive results when this occurs. The only tag then is teacher and student; challenging but not necessarily a strong stigma.

However, to tag a medical "mental" name on someone, give them a pill, along with an excuse to fail, due to stigma, just isn't the slightest bit logical. It promotes negative programming right from the start within some people. It's like saying, "you're an animal and cannot be taught anything." We know this isn't true, with a functioning brain, many various animals, with time and patience, have proven they can be taught many things.

So, why do we allow this demeaning conditioning to humans? More importantly, why do humans keep allowing it? I'm not saying all humans feel this way or act this way. I do see adults and children working on overcoming their challenges, sometimes very serious challenges; knowing it's going to take time but they're worth the effort. Yet, lately, I have seen enough adult victimizing to have me wonder ... what's up? To have me wonder ... why am I being shown these examples?

Is mental illness increasing due to population increasing or is mental illness really on a rise? Are we tagging too many situations with mental illness that are just people being people? I can understand the limitation we impose on children, but why would any adult human accept being treated as an untrainable animal?

What do we do when we want to train an animal? We give love, repetitive training, discipline, and positive reinforcement.

Maybe that's our answer.