Friday, April 17, 2015

Animal, Human or ... ?

Humans express anger and hate because they are showing their fears of what they want to control or change but also feel impotent to do anything. Humans, who are more emotionally animal, generally, want to create mayhem when they're angry. This is one of our base (animal) survival instincts; a need to attack and conquer. 

There are people who are still learning to control the animal within. However, many times, these base emotions are still controlling them, sometimes a little or a lot. Especially when irrational, phobic fears, which can cause a plethora of emotions that may create harm to themselves or others. Once we understand this, we can work on changing those emotions into a more positive and humane direction by communication, cooperation, and resolution. Awareness helps to calm the angry beast within. Knowing the answers to our fears may help relieve them, giving us better options and definitely making better sense than allowing mayhem out of anger. 

Furthermore, many of us have learned, through education and observation, that all souls are eternally evolving, as well as no two souls are alike. Understanding soul/mind programming may help us control these inner emotions that surface when under any threat or at least help us react with less violence. The more animal human tends to create problems with its instinctual attacking emotions while the more evolved human knows this makes matters worse and works on resolving them.

Also, could there be additional clues, about what's in our souls, coming off the universe, with the words we say or hear? 

For instance:

She's running like a scared rabbit.

They're butting heads like rams. 

Quit monkeying/horsing around. 

She's purring like a cat. 

You're like a bull in a china shop.

He's sly as a fox.

She's a snake in the grass.

They're quiet as a mouse.

He eats like a pig.

You're an eager beaver.

Are these animal idioms only a coincidence or is someone trying to tell us something? I used to jokingly tell my husband he was a Neanderthal. Years later, I learned it was the first lifetime in his soul. A clue from the universe? 

Just for clarity, I'm not negating animals (fish, mammals, birds or reptiles). I watch animals shows and respect them, knowing what they have to do for survival, but I'm honest about their limitations as I am about my own. I just feel, as humans, we should be reaching higher in whatever capacity we can. If not, what is our purpose here? 

In conclusion, many times we hear: what possessed them to do that? What did? Was it an emotion from this lifetime or a past life? Of course, one would have to believe in souls and past lives or that animals souls can evolve into a human life. There's always doubt on this subject. Yet, can anyone come up with anything that would explain why two people can go through nearly identical experiences but react differently? 

What's in your soul? 

Who's controlling your emotions: animal, human or ... ?

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