Sunday, November 6, 2016

NWO - Globalization

Wow! Hold onto to your hats. What a mind blowing message I received this morning! So, you think we're not being puppeted? This all started with me asking about the Bush family. I couldn't understand why they were going against their own party politics just because of Trump. After all, they all have skeletons in their closets too. We know all politicians do. Some just hide it better.

So, guidance put the puzzle together for me. They reminded me, this morning during meditation, about the elder Bush being slammed for his NWO beliefs. They said, and I paraphrase, remember when people were outraged over his beliefs (see video below) and despising him for wanting to sell out America? Of course, he was a Republican wanting a NWO and people hated him. So, they hate Republicans now? It's the Republican's fault? Well, let's put a Democrat in office. We can manipulate them too. We can use Clinton's nafarius past to keep him aligned to the plan. Good little minion. How convenient that his disgrace opened the door up for our next puppet, we have Bush Jr. in office. Let's keep it going, he knows the plan. Back to hating Republicans again? Fine, we'll put another Democrat in office, but let's make it more appealing by using a black man, using him for the NWO. His background is ripe for the picking, but we'll change the name to Globalization, so they think it's a different program coming from the Democrats. They're coming along just like the good minions they are. And since the younger Bush was defeated by an outsider, no problem, we have a back up plan to make sure we keep this going. We'll support this woman, who has already been introduced and ensnared by this idealogy, so we can still perpetuate our dream.

Honestly, folks, you can't make this crap up. It could be a dramatic movie for all its twists and turns. You see, it's not party politics - it's a goal - the puppet masters don't care who they use. Brexit upset their plans. Trump is upsetting their plans. Think about it.

Lastly, think about why we were vehemently against the NWO ideal, when it was the Republicans, but are being pulled into Globalization (the same thing) by the Democrats, as if it's okay. Only because it's YOUR party this time? Seriously? Good little minions.

George H.W. Bush NWO Speech: 


  1. What do you think of this election? Are you happy with the results or so so? Anyway I should have expected something like this to happen.

    1. I think the people have spoken about their needs with this election. Like the Brexit vote it's showing the world that a vital change is needed for many reasons everywhere. People know there will be trials and errors but hopefully they'll calm down soon and work together. Only time will tell as always.

      I was sensing this for a very long time. As far as being happy, I feel at peace but let's hope it continues. Change isn't always an easy pill to swallow, for many, but it's often more necessary than people know. I'm just glad I have guidance sharing the path that others don't often see.

  2. Oh, I'm glad you feel this way. I am still far behind. I know it's saying a lot, but I am, or was, very afraid this morning. Then I saw so many people (on the liberal side) supporting each other and other minorities, and that gave me hope. I know I am probably biased, but I believe this change could open so many people's eyes, but at thesame time I see that America is very divided. This was a very tiring election and many were not expecting this.

    Heh, sorry for this long post, I get on these huge topics and go on and on.

    1. No problem - anytime. I agree, it was long and tense. Kind of liking watching the World Series. Afterwards, we know that everyone won't be good sports but we eventually move on and prepare for what's ahead. Until things settle down, it's best to just sit back and observe for awhile - maybe add a comment or question for clarity now and then.

  3. Wait there is something else bothering me. I think I understand your views on Mrs. Clinton, but I'm not sure about Mr. Trump. It has brought change yes, but it has also brought up aggression. There is reports of discrimination and people protesting, and talk of impeaching Trump. I honestly don't support Trump nor his supporters-at least the die-hards that think it's ok to disrespect other minorities (not all of them are like that, but you see the point).
    All I'm saying is, should I simply accept four-height years of a Trump presidency, but still fight for what I believe in, or should I be, or other people in general, be against it since Hillary technically won the majority of the votes, but not the states?
    I don't understand if this is a plan from the universe to teach us a lesson, maybe on tolerance and unity, or if it was for balance (you know, eight years under Liberals is followed by eight years of Republicans). And I guess I am writing this to reflect, because this election is something I don't really understand. Should people be mad for the results because it went against all they believed in, or should they try their best to stay together and look out for each other (especially people who might feel threatened after the election).
    If it is true that there is a plan, should people feel alright to go against it, or should we reconsider our beliefs.

    I ask this since my neighbors are Muslims and I am currently questioning my sexuality. I know I am relatively safe where I live, but I know there are others who are not due to intolerance. I mean I don't want Liberals to be violent or rude against Trump supporters, it's wrong and I realized that, but shouldn't people stand against hate and intolerance? Is it wrong that they're angry?

    I would like to know your opinion because I have been questioning all of this since after the elections. I don't know what is right anymore. And I feel bad for being this lost.

    Thank you for your time and patience.

    1. All I can tell you is this was something important seen by the universe or more like a higher council. Trump was "chosen" to stop a really bad flow. That bad flow didn't want stopping and they're still fighting back. That's all I was privy in knowing. I was told this over a year ago and I knew they had a fight on their hands to stop this flow they saw. I feel Trump will surprise many when things start calming down, people will see this but it will take time. He's not evil but he's tough.

      He's also not against women. One was his campaign manager and broke the glass ceiling on being the first woman to run a successful campaign. He's not racist and was never accused of this by any of his closest friends or family that knew him personally. I heard a black man and a latino man say he was always nice to them. But in a business world, you're bound to not please everyone all the time. This name calling came about due to hateful politics. He's not against Muslims either but he is against terrorism to Americans. His wall idealogy is to protect us and that's always important. There will be those "bad" people who will fight us because they want to bring us down - destroy us.

      The people who complain the loudest have their own agenda. I've learn to read them. Most of it is selfish reason and for the good of them not for the good of all. Also, some people are afraid of any change and will fight even if it's not right. People will fight if they didn't get their way. People will fight because they're being paid to fight back. There's a lot of corruption that's still going on. Our country is in turmoil because political correction has gone to the extreme and has become a mental illness. These are things that need to change and anyone who's been used to getting their way, or throwing a temper fit if they don't, will not be happy. Tough love is like taking nasty medicine to make you feel better. It's a necessary thing to do to save a person. But it's tough "love" not evil selfishness. The key word is love. Look at Trump's family for a clue to his character. They're good people but their not pushovers. I tell people I'm a nice person but don't do something I feel is wrong or I won't be so nice. 😉 See? And I feel this is another reason he was "selected." To help heal our country and to help heal other countries. But all in time. One day at a time. Hang in there. ❤

  4. Oh, ok. I'm not afraid of Trump as a person (although he might have good intentions, some of his ideas are not that great). I am mostly afraid of the extremists on both sides, because all they will do is fuel each other. Well, as you said, things will calm down.

    I just really hope President Trump will look over some of his past speeches and make some improvements. It will happen eventually.

    1. Some people will use any excuse to be evil. They don't need Trump. But I've been through many political campaigns and all the mudslinging, generally it gets back to "business as usual" fairly soon. Some people are unhappy that their choice was denied. It's always this way.

      What all the candidates said was to get elected: stir up controversy and keep people from voting for their opponent. I couldn't do politics. Too hateful.

      Yes, there will be the naysayers and nick-pickers on the opposition side but it's okay, they are a check and balance system. They keep our system from becoming a monarchy. We don't need that either. Also, don't forget, he's got a Congress to keep him from getting out of hand too. He's already saying he's making exceptions to the Affordable Health Care in keeping dome provisions. But I never thought he was going into office and be a bull in a China shop. That's just from his rivals because they're being sore losers. It's bad form but some don't care.

      If this tide hadn't turned, as I (and others) was shown, to me it would have just been onto Plan B. Some don't have that ability to think beyond that but I was a business woman and there's always a Plan B or even a Plan C. 😉
