Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Take a Bite

I've always been a people watcher. Years ago, I used to enjoy listening to the Hollywood stars on talk shows. That is, until I started noticing how some were becoming the depraved, demented, often violent, vile and vulgar characters they had started playing. As if they couldn't turn the switch off from the fantasy characters they played or they had started enjoying that life more.

Furthermore, similar to the Wicked Queen trying to entice Snow White with the poison apple, I started noticing how they too were cunningly inviting others to take a bite - not necessary to die but to join them in their moral corruption.

But hey, if you do die, that's not their problem, because sincerely caring about another's opinion, or life, wasn't really part of their fantasy. Just bite the apple and give me your money.

Yet, some people thrive on their every word as if they believe these people are wiser - the epitome of perfection - and not just, occasionally, entertaining.

Please be careful about giving your power away or jumping on another's bandwagon. Some may have hidden agendas and only want you to "take a bite"... in order to appease their fantasy... in order to drag you down to their level. 

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