Monday, September 25, 2017

Conspiracy Theories: Unhealthy Obsession

A friend was discussing some people who become so obsessed/possessed in their conspiracy theories that they lose all sense of reasoning. I had mentioned that I had helped a few out of that unhealthy abyss but some, sadly, chose to stay.

Another friend made a comment that I wish to share, because I completely agree with it: "Yes, there can be a fine line between healthy analysis where you use it to benefit yourself and others, and unhealthy analysis where you are looking for the negative all the time and use it to criticise yourself and others in non-constructive ways. The shadow of a naturally analytic personality is to become obesssed with unhealthy mental toxins that undermine your wellbeing, and that leads to paranoia and vulnerability to darker energies. Healthy analysis on the other hand finds positive solutions and a balanced view of life. You can still experience difficulties, but these do not define you or prevent you from striving for the next goal. You use them for guidance instead."

Anything we become involved in, we must be mindful of crossing the line that could lead to an unhealthy obsessed/possessed mind. Conspiracy theories is only one area. Even science theories can lead to an unheathy attachment. People forget it's only a theory until proven but some become dogmatic.

Even with all my training, I am still ever mindful of becoming entrapped. I've learned to protect myself with having a somewhat diverse life that's filled with supportive family and friends as a check and balance system. We don't have to go along with another's beliefs, but it helps to be able to logically and reasonably discuss things to keep us from sinking into that dark abyss. Believe it or not, an occasional naysayer often helps to keep us balanced.

As the saying goes: life's too short to be miserable. It's important to prevent conspiracy theories becoming an unheathy obsession. However, as I mentioned above, I've also learned that some may choose the abyss. We don't save people - they save themselves. As a student once told me: You can tell someone that the fire may burn but they may still stick their hand in it.


  1. i havea spirit that was supposed to cross over but didnt and she is really jelousof me so she just keep poking me.

    1. There are many around the world with similar stories. I've discovered that it may not be our guides but an animal that's locked in our soul energy. Just so you understand more, this is nothing new. Here's a video playlist of some stories. After watching you'll see there are many reasons things can occur. Also, I have teaching videos on this channel too. Scan through them and watch anything about soul cleansing. Also watch other's videos and their advice. Again - you are not alone. I honestly believe that what we're going through is lessons for a universal awakening. But stay busy and keep your mind preoccupied with earthly things to help keep you grounded.
