Sunday, December 9, 2018

Why Learning English is Difficult

I found this on my computer today and since I have some new family members who will be learning English, I decided to share it. I do feel empathy for their journey as I recall the time I lived in Italy, as a child, and had to learn a new language. I've always admired any bi-lingual or multi-lingual person since. Anyway, I received the below information in an email, many years ago. I wish I knew who put this together but so far the author is unknown. Learning English isn’t just a question of learning the rules – it’s about learning the many exceptions to the rules. The numerous exceptions make it difficult to apply existing knowledge and use the same principle with a new word, so it’s harder to make quick progress.

Here goes …

If you ever feel stupid, then just read on. If you've learned to speak fluent English, you must be a genius! This little treatise on the lovely language we share is only for the brave. Peruse at your leisure, English lovers.
Reasons why the English language is so hard to learn:
1) The bandage was wound around the wound.
2) The farm was used to produce produce.
3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
4) We must polish the Polish furniture.
5) He could lead if he would get the lead out.
6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.
8) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
10) I did not object to the object.
11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
13) They were too close to the door to close it.
14) The buck does funny things when the does are present.
15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
17) The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
18) After a number of injections my jaw got number.
19) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.
20) I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
21) How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?
There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple.  English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France   Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat.
Quicksand works slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.  And why is it that writers write, but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham?
If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth beeth?  One goose, 2 geese.  So one moose, 2 meese?
Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend.  If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?  Is it an odd, or an end?
If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught?  If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?  In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital?  Ship by truck and send cargo by ship?  Have noses that run and feet that smell?
How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites?
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out, and in which, an alarm goes off by going on.
English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race, which, of course, is not a race at all. That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Proving God Exists

Many times, I see comments about people saying, prove God exists. Or that God doesn't exist. I find this ludicrous due to what I was taught and have taught. In fact, it's so simple that I'm surprised many haven't reached this conclusion. Or... maybe many already know this and that's why their belief is unshakable.

First, let me clarify the term God, which is the word I will use in order to simplify things. In monotheistic religions, it is considered the "creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being." In certain other religions, it is a "superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity." In addition, I decided to use the pronoun "it" due to my belief that this Creator God can be spirit but can, also, take on any male, female or androgynous form.

Now, as far as proof. First, one must understand emotions. This is an important step because it provides the necessary tool needed. Every being has emotions. To keep it simple, I will use only human emotions. We often call this the spirit or soul of a person, but it is what we emit throughout our life. We can often tap into that emotional energy, while we're around someone, who's expressing their emotions/feelings via sorrow or joy, for instance. However, there are people, like me, who are trained to tap into emotions of those not physically present. These people are often called empaths, among other names. I tend to use metaphysician, because of my training.

So, we're dealing with the subject of emotions and tapping into them. Or, in this case, one being in particular... the original soul. This knowledge, of an original being, has been discussed among scholars for eons. So, it would stand to reason that this being would, obviously, have a soul/emotions as any of us do. Right? If it's real?

The next step, for proof, would be seeking the emotional truth in the universe of this original being and allowing this truth to guide you to it. As the saying goes: ask and you shall receive. Then, it's a matter of sensing the truth from this being's "emotions" to "allow proof" that this is the only one that the universe recognizes as the original spirit/soul... God. Because, as I was taught, many years ago, words can lie but emotions don't. Seek the truth through emotions.

Once, you achieve these steps, you'll have your proof. You see, as I've told my students, I can give you the steps to prove it, but you'll have to do the work. Of course, you can be like many on this planet, who feel and accept this truth, unconsciously, or may have blind faith. I was never much into blind faith; I wanted proof.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

What If?

Have you ever wondered about "what ifs"? I have and I like to share a few, that I've had, and why. During my life, I had so many things happen to me that I started asking (to no one in particular) what did I do in a past life to deserve this? Was there really such a thing as past lives? Then one day, due my questions and curiosity, I found out some things about me via past lives. I learned about karma and that there are those that don't let injustices go - sometimes ever - because they keep living in the past. Because of this, our past can often come back to haunt us and I don't mean our current life's actions... even though it can contribute to it.

Now, the what ifs. We hear people say things about karma (cause and effect) and that people will reap what they sow (sooner or later). What if people, that we see in desperate or depraved situations, in any country, are actually reaping what they sowed? From some past horrendous crime to humanity or another being? Or what if they're still climbing that proverbial ladder of removing past transgressions? What if our thoughts/curses are creating these scenarios for ourselves and others? You know that saying: be careful what we wish for.

Then I remembered something a spiritual teacher taught me once: sometimes, spiritually-evolved people are selected to return to help some people with their burdens. People like Jesus or Mother Teresa, for instance. They may be hurt by helping others. But maybe some choose to help who aren't as evolved. What if people, like those, are still working on their karma... including past or current leaders who had to use force to control the angry masses of lower life energies? What if it was their burden to do this... to pay off past transgressions... but caused more transgressions in the process?

What if everyone is on the journey they're meant to be on... due to karma? What if a woman, who feels she's a man, was a man who crucified a woman, in a past life, and now has to be a woman in this life (or vice versa)? See? And... what if all the evil and darkness we see, all round the world, is part of this karmic curse ideology? What if this ideology has gone too far and that's why we're seeing so much hate and anger? What if this hate and anger, of our inner turmoil, is being redirected to those that were sent to save us? Blaming them instead of looking within.

So... what if we all knew about these what ifs? Would we have more understanding? More acceptance? More change? More harmony? More peace of mind? Really... what if?

Friday, July 6, 2018

American Detention Centers vs. Nazi Concentration Camps

Pardon me while I rant a little. I've been reading where some people are comparing our refugee detention centers as Nazi concentration camps. Really? Sure, it's not a summer camp, and it's not meant to be, but comparing today to that horrendous past undermines the murdered people and reality of that time period. Maybe I can understand their ignorance; they probably haven't studied history and are reiterating bias media, or what their family and friends are saying, because it suits their purposes. But a lie is still a lie no matter how it's sugar coated or spun. And, before challenging this blog, spend a day or two checking the personal and historical articles on the internet, as I did, and not just the prejudice and exaggerated statements from any mainstream media. 

To continue, if you look at the definitions of words used for camps like concentration, internment, detention or refugee, you'll see that detention or refugee would be the proper words to use for America's current places. Even though "concentration camp" can be used, based on part of its definition, which includes the word refugees, many prefer to avoid that word because of what happened to the Jewish people, and others, in Europe. Those concentration camps, in all honesty, were “death camps,” because the main purpose was to torture and kill its prisoners. 

Nazi concentration camps were places of barbarous medical experiments and executions. Some were extermination centers with gas chambers. Millions of Jews were slaughtered in the Holocaust. Many others, including Gypsies, Poles, homosexuals and political dissidents were also victims of the Nazi concentration camps. Generally, Jewish women and children were not separated, because, immediately upon arriving at Auschwitz, they were often lined up to be murdered (picture). Under these savagely, cruel conditions, it's a wonder anyone survived but many did. Do an internet search for a man named Chaim Ferster. He was Holocaust survivor who cheated death in eight Nazi concentration camps during World War II. 

After a couple of days of research, I didn't find any similarities to compare today's temporary detention situations with what occured back then. We're not enslaving and murdering people. It's not a picnic. It's stressful. It's depressing. It's often more humane than putting them out on the streets, with no means of support, which could lead them into human or drug trafficking. It's required by our immigration laws, which has been in place for years, to protect our country from being invaded. We have similar laws that protect us from personal invasion. 

Even the recent outrage of the Shiloh Treatment Center, which "specializes in providing treatment services for children and youth with behavioral and emotional problems," has been treating children, since before the Obama administration, by giving them antidepressants and/or psychotropic drugs, when prescribed by a doctor. But, suddenly, it's an issue? Because of this administration? With that many people being placed, there's bound to be many various situations occuring and just as many reasons why they did. Incidents were first reported in 2014 but the government continued placing refugees there. However, it's a wait and see situation, because there's more than one side voicing their stories in order to weed through any hysteria or lies. And, as minors, their court records are often sealed. Yet, from what I've been able to read, to say it is anywhere near the Nazi's well-documented, unethical, diabolical, medical experiments is ludicrous. If that's the case, we should be questioning parents who are willingly giving similar drugs to their children, the doctors prescribing them, as well as any children's resentful behavior in being forced in taking them. What's the difference? 

Maybe all these protestors should consider cutting our government employees some slack, or giving them some help, instead of just protesting. Many have been overwhelmed with doing their job that we've hired them to do. Yes, it's not perfect, people aren't perfect, but how would you, say a middle income person, handle 25 family members and friends, for instance, suddenly showing up at your house asking you to provide refuge? Not a pretty picture. In fact, it may create a financially unstable situation, like capsizing an overloaded boat. Countries are no different. 

In fact, the only similarity I could find, mentioned by some Holocaust survivors, wasn't the concentration camps but the strict enforcement of American immigration restrictions to accept additional refugees. By 1939, up to 95,000 had immigrated to the United States via the immigration laws that were in place at the time. This meant they had to have multiple sponsors and secure a quota number in order to arrive... all during the time of America suffering a Great Depression. By 1941, due mainly to WWII and protecting our borders from enemies, immigration was temporarily stopped.

Lastly, for those saying they see this happening here (Nazi concentration camps): "it may not be now but, you'll see, it will get worse." One: where were you when it was going on in the past administrations? Two: have you suddenly been endowed with the gift of prophecy? Three: if you're that concerned about their welfare, be more productive than protesting and open your doors to them... without government support. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Born This Way?

A long time ago, a warning went off in my mind when I head the phrase "born this way." I thought - well, how far down this rabbit hole are we going to go? I was concerned about it being used as a way to allow pedophilia. Well, I was right. It's all over the internet today with some saying they deserve our sympathy because they were born this way. What next? Allowing their fantasy? No! It's no different than gender dysphoria. It's a mental illness which needs psychological help. 

Let me explain. To me, this phrase made no sense, especially when we see pictures on the internet where people also claim that children aren't born racists. If so, where did it come from then? Is it possible that some acquired racism due to society's programming? We can also say that children aren't born hateful or murderers. So, what pushes people to hate and murder? What about those born with a disease? Allow it to be? No, that would be inhumane. We have to try and cure it. So, what's the difference? Just because it's mental and not physical?

Many feelings can change from birth. We have free will. I don't believe any birth feeling is our only choice. They can change with new or different information. I've seen this too often with people changing their minds. Remember the various, outrageous styles throughout history? Where are they today? Did we change our mind? Or did society change it or us? Every day, in every way, we live and learn... whatever our life's situations place us in... moral or immoral.

Which is why I've thought about this for a long time and decided that I'm not buying into the "born this way" ideology. It's flawed. I knew it was going to open a Pandora's box and it did. It's insidious, especially due to the physical and mental harm it does to another, whose innocence should be protected. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Our Self-Destructive Ego

At times, our ego can be a very terrible thing. It can create a mental block in not allowing us to admit something is true when deep down inside we know it is. It can become a self-destructive enemy, because, sometimes, our ego doesn't want to admit failure. 

This is why it's in our nature to demand facts to prove we did or didn't fail at something. Yet, I've seen where people, including myself, have been shown facts and still go into denial. It's as if a ton of bricks have to hit us before, finally, acquiescing to the truth that we already felt.

I think this is the self-destructive path I've seen many on, who have poured their hearts out in the last presidential election. Egos who cannot or do not want to comprehend that a candidate just may have failed them, wherein creating a feeling that they failed. Like a failed relationship, we cling to our ego by repeating: It's just not possible! We argue and reason all that our ego demands. However, sooner or later, for our well-being, we have to admit that it is possible... and move on.

Today, I saw this acquiescing with my handyman husband. He had to concede that a home repair job was bigger than he could tackle by himself, without possible injury or death (picture). I could see his ego didn't want to admit failure. Thankfully, his common sense prevailed. The facts started adding up and he realized he didn't have the right tools or manpower. He knew he had to call in a professional and not be resistant to the facts.

I was very proud of him and took a well-deserved, deep breath when he decided to let go of that self-destructive ego. 

PS: This picture is a little misleading, because he's actually standing on our first story, slightly-pitched roof, looking up at the second story roof line where our aluminum fascia was blown off. 😊

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Dream: Thought Seeding

I would like to share an interesting dream I had nearly thirty years ago, but first, have you ever ask yourself... who was the first who came up with that idea?

We've had many changes to many things since the beginning of time. For instance, who was the first to think same sex was okay? Who was the first to think of body piercing or tattooing. Who was the first with any particular clothing design or a weird hair style? I know we've had plenty of strange ones over history, especially in my life time. Who was the first cross-dresser or transgender? Who was the first who thought females should wear dresses and males should wear pants and then decided to reverse that idea?

Who was the first at anything, that thought it was okay to do something, and then go about convincing others it was okay, too? But... then be convinced it wasn't okay? Fads have died out. Science has intervened. Yet, we still have some who think it's important to push that extreme or cross that line. 

Have you ever wonder if earth is just one big science experiment being viewed by others under a microscope? Here's why I ask. As I said above, I had this dream, which I wrote about in my book called Eternity Proven. It was the ending question, from this man in my dream, that was thought provoking. 

In my dream, I saw the clouds parting and a weird shaped flying saucer appeared. Off to the left appeared two more. They, too, were weirdly shaped but not like the first one. Each one was different. They all landed and started walking towards my house… towards me. The people, two men and one woman, one in each ship, were wearing "punk" style clothing and spiked hair. The bigger man walked around grumbling, as the woman sewed clips to my head, with ribbons. She was telling me how pretty I looked and that no one would laugh at my hair now. I turned around looking at everyone. The smaller man sat quietly; never said a word. The woman was childlike. The bigger man looked at me and said, "You think we cannot seed your thoughts from where we live?" I woke up thinking… why not? Isn't that how we get these ideas of ours; from someone seeding our thoughts? Are we ever to know if someone "out there" is having "fun" with us?

Now, maybe you too will ask: who was the first who came up with that idea? And, even a better question: why?

Friday, March 16, 2018

Mental Illness

Mental = relating to the mind.
Illness = mind or body ailment.

When people hear the words mental illness, they often think of the extreme versions. Today, most adults know there are spectrums to mental illness. I've written about some causes, because of my education, and I realize there are some who may never be healed because of brain damage.

However, the mental illness I wish to discuss is the one that can cause this feeling of dis-ease. The feeling of hopelessness, that we see in many young people today. As well as a separation from reality, possibly due to drugs, bullying, taking a wrong path, or a dealing with a hurtful childhood... among other things that can cause someone to lose control and do harmful things to themselves or others. I relate it to someone drowning in their emotions... lost souls.

I want to share some things I've experienced with helping others. Unless someone has been diagnosed with a severe mental illness, or brain damage, most can be helped with love, compassion, patience and fortitude. They're often desperate.  They want help. They want answers. They want hope. They want change. Most are impatient with all of what they want.

Well, I've learned that I have helped in those areas. I offered help and hope with answers to their questions. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've done this throughout my life. I was once called a comforter, but my "tough love - no nonsense approach" is what I think they really appreciate. They need that reality to help ground them. They need that person who becomes a sound-minded lifesaver to prevent their emotional drowning. They don't like hearing they're often their real enemy... until they get it. Then the light of truth illuminates the darkness in their mind.

Over the years, I've also learned that many want a person in their life they feel they never had. Sometimes, they just need a shoulder to cry on or a person who will listen. What I see, in our troubled and hateful world, is often quite the opposite. There are countless emails and personal messages that I've received that will attest to this. People who I've offered support whenever needed. Young people who were suicidal and now living a mentally healthy life... because someone cared. Someone who showed them that life can and will get better. Someone who saw their "mental illness" and showed them a better path. Someone they believed in until they began to believe in themselves.

That's the mental illness I'm seeing in many of these troubled souls who are committing acts of violence. I know we aren't their saviour, they have to open the door to save themselves. I'm just hoping people will start seeing this too and start putting out the effort to show them the door that they can open. It can be done behind the safety of the internet, if one is unsure of the person, or reach out within your community. Whichever way feels the most comfortable. Either way, it's not just up to the government... it's up to humanity.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Tough Love

My friend, Janelle, allowed me to share her beautifully stated words a year ago on Facebook. As I was reading them again, I decide to blog what she shared because I agree, completely, and thought others might be helped by them. 


Forgiveness is for the person who was wronged, not for he who has wronged.

It is a peace of mind and heart for the person who has been harmed. So it is important to love and to forgive and it is important to also never forget.

Ever hear the saying "fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me"?

Forgetting means that we may suffer the same pain and lesson over and over until we remove the thing, person, or situation that keeps us falling into the same pattern.

This is harmful and unecessary.

Ask yourself "When am I going to learn"?

No amount of love for someone should keep you in an abusive or toxic relationship. Forgetting that toxicity will hurt you permanently or worse.

I've met too many people who've wanted to end their life because they wanted to change someone or make it work with family, a friend, a boyfriend, or even with alcohol and drugs.

Life can never be trouble free. Problems make us stronger, if they don't kill us. But many problems, you choose to allow in your life.

Honor the boundaries you set.
Honor your goals.
Honor those who honor you (but don't excuse abuse).
Love and honor yourself.

It's tough love time for the collective forces who wouldn't want to be treated the way they treat you.