Friday, April 19, 2019

Dream: Psychic Attachments

Strange dream this morning. It left me feeling it was a personal message not to sweat the small stuff.

I was trying to make plans for things and kept feeling doubt. Couldn't shake it off. Then I was sitting next to a very old man and telling him about my feelings, and he told me that he knew what was going on. I said, "maybe it's because of my own doubts or insecurities."

He said, "No, it's because of other's desires. You have too many strings attached to you. It's their strings of wishes and hopes for them. You're having these doubts because someone could be ill and may want you nearby. Or someone may be planning a trip. They may want to include you, but haven't told you, yet. Sometimes, it's someone in the universe giving you doubt about making plans because they know someone is getting ready to cross over and they want you nearby. See? Plenty of attachments being created to give you doubt."

I asked, "So, what do I do? If I stay I may begin to feel I'm being used. That I'm only serving another's needs."

He said, "Then set your priorities, make your plans the best you can. If it's meant to be, it will be. The flow can't always be about another unless you keep allowing it. Don't forget, even if someone gets ill or crosses over, their destiny is already seen. Do you think you can change that by not going anywhere?

I asked, "Can I?"

He asked, "Can you?"

I woke up wondering how many of my thoughts are attaching to other's plans and giving them doubt. Then I wondered about the demands on God and His council and wondered what they do if or when they want a vacation. Do they get one or are the demands (strings) too great on them to remove?

Then I chuckled and thought, I bet their scissors are huge.

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