Sunday, December 18, 2022

Cultural Appropriation Hypocrisy

So much hypocrisy from those who want to point out cultural appropriation but don't want to look in their own mirror. With the recent decision of making Belle black (Beauty and the Beast) and the Ariel (Little Mermaid) also black, I got to thinking of other areas where black people have "appropriated" white culture. 

For instance: "In 1978, the movie 'The Wiz' was produced with an all-black cast. This was an adaptation of the white 1900 children's novel the wonderful wizard of Oz, written by L. Frank Baum. Also, Annie Live! is a musical television special that aired on December 2, 2021. It was a 1977 musical Annie performance based on the comic strip Little Orphan Annie by Harold Gray. Called an adaptation; this could be interpreted as Black Cultural appropriation of white culture."

Which is why all this "appropriation" stuff is crazy. I've always felt that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. People should be more inclusive, understanding and kinder about different cultures, not so selfishly devisive. It's why I like traveling so I can learn more about other cultures. Now, I can't even cook or enjoy Spanish or Eastern food because it's not appropriate? Does that mean that Asian people are not allowed to look like Europeans? Or, blacks are the only ones allowed to sing soul music or rap? Seriously! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Anyway, back when they made the Wiz, I never gave it any thought that it was offensive or cultural appropriation. I enjoyed watching it. But then, I hadn't had years of media and political brainwashing telling me I should be offended by every little thing. 

Of course, I do draw the line on anyone's culture or ideology that involves molestation of anyone or anything, especially children. I think everyone, everywhere, should be offended by that. 

But, be warned, if you do anything with the idea that it's only to get even or with an "in your face" attitude, I'm sure many will sense that and not give you their time or money. Appropriately so. 

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