Saturday, July 28, 2012

Right or wrong?

Christianity, like all religions, were based on concepts of right or wrong, however whose concept of right or wrong is right or wrong?

Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple because he thought what they were doing was wrong. Yet, in his actions of doing this, they may have thought he was wrong. I suppose good versus evil depends on what side of the fence we stand on in each moment.

Makes me wonder why there is still children being bought for sex slavery when so many believe in their heart it is wrong. Is there a right in all this that we could be overlooking - some deeper karmic reasoning?

I try to see the sense in the senseless but sometimes it makes my brain hurt thinking that deeply. I guess it's like Spock says: you cannot reason with the unreasonable.

I like to take the Golden Rule into consideration with anything I do, but maybe I am asking for someone to do something to me even though I feel it is wrong.

The mysteries of life ... good or bad - right or wrong. It seems to be much easier to explain love and hate then right and wrong.

Christ driving the Traders from the Temple - El Greco

Friday, July 27, 2012

Getting over Negativity

A friend asked me about getting over negativity in one's life. I decided (after some "persuasion") to share my answer - hopefully to help others - as it is based on my personal experience and not repeating another's truth. If it works for me ...

***The biggest thing you can do is keep walking towards positive thinking and keep busy on what makes you happy. Keeping positive and happy makes the bad go away. Try it one day - do a lot of positive and happy things and see how it makes you feel. You can draw back on those feelings when you are having down days for any reason. I only allow myself a small amount of time for woe is me type of pity party and then I give myself a kick in the butt and tell myself to do all I can to move on. One step at a time - one foot in front of another. That's how any journey is taken.***

You can use this for getting over any OCD that is controlling you - it's called reprogramming. Love and support from family and friends does help but in my experience most will walk away if they don't see you helping yourself. YOU have to put forth the effort more then they do. YOU have to stop the excuses and walk away and out of the circumstances.

A person playing in the mud will still get dirty but it's still your attitude about the mud that matters. You can either lament or make mud pies.

Picture form Ellen Bristol on The Leaky Bucket Nonprofit Blog

Friday, July 20, 2012

Intuition Power or Gun Power?

Our intuition can play such an important part in our life.

There's a little inner voice nagging within me saying - how many people in the recent Colorado theater shooting could still be alive if their inner voice was heard and obeyed? How many are alive because they did listen?

After 9-11, I can't tell you how many people said they didn't go into work that day because of one feeling or another, which later, reflecting on it, they felt guided and heeded the warning.

I know our intuition (emotions) can be blocked but what kind of evil can block that many people when only one young man was involved?

I truly feel this is a wake up call for everyone. If not we will start regressing back to the days of the wild west with everyone drawing guns in a free for all.

Develop intuition or free for all gun battle? Where are we heading?


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mental vs MENTAL?

Telepathy (from the Greek τηλε, tele meaning "distant" and πάθη, pathe meaning "feelings") is the supposed mental transmission of information from one person to another. The term was coined in 1882 by the classical scholar Frederic W. H. Myers.

All of our past metaphysicians (prophets, etc.) were into telepathy, considering they were all capable of mind communication with the unseen ... i.e. God, angels, demons,

Today this ability has been coined by modern science as Schizophrenia.

Yet, one should keep in mind that not everyone that is into telepathy is a prophet, but they could still be under an oppression ... not unlike Jesus when he confronted the devil in the desert while being taunted and tormented by him.

Which one is it then? Telepathy or Schizophrenia?

If one closes a door to an avenue of something they find too "dark age" for their "modern day thinking," they could be closing a door to helping another achieve more then what is currently an injustice towards them ... towards everyone.

One would wonder why ... unless there is a deeper meaning to not wanting to understand more.

So, are we ... Mental (telepathy/developed) or MENTAL (sick/oppressed)? Or is being one leading to being the other?

Mental vs MENTAL? What do you think? The two faces of our mind makes me think of the two faces of Janus (picture).

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Stupid is as Stupid Does ... or ...

To keep this dialog simple in wording, I will use the word stupid. Other words could be substituted if you feel the need to do so.

After watching some "testosterone" TV shows, lately, with my husband, I have decided that there really are two types of stupid: the don't knows and the do knows.

The do knows, but do anyway, should be carrying the "here's your sign" much more so then the don't knows.

It's perplexing to me how someone can be considered stupid when they are kept from anything or anyone to help them be more then they are. Sure, they may be less aware, but circumstances may have kept them from knowing more.

To me, the real "stupid" is when they have tons of awareness (schooling, internet access, books) but refuse to heed the warnings or advice from many others who have been there - done that.

Testing the truth, of the wisdom of others, is anyone's decision to do but when the evidence is stacked against them, and they still do it, it amazes me why they look shocked that it went against them too and then wonder why people look at them and say ...duh! Didn't they just ask for this to happen?

Then I thought: are they being blocked from thinking smart? Is there some kind of karmic vengefulness going on around the minds of these people? Is it really a genetic flaw within them or is there something more to it?

So many variables - it boggles the mind. Stupid is as stupid does? Or - is it? What "possesses" someone to do stupid things? Who's really being stupid if a block is present or you are being subjected to ... and not always from the seen.