Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Stupid is as Stupid Does ... or ...

To keep this dialog simple in wording, I will use the word stupid. Other words could be substituted if you feel the need to do so.

After watching some "testosterone" TV shows, lately, with my husband, I have decided that there really are two types of stupid: the don't knows and the do knows.

The do knows, but do anyway, should be carrying the "here's your sign" much more so then the don't knows.

It's perplexing to me how someone can be considered stupid when they are kept from anything or anyone to help them be more then they are. Sure, they may be less aware, but circumstances may have kept them from knowing more.

To me, the real "stupid" is when they have tons of awareness (schooling, internet access, books) but refuse to heed the warnings or advice from many others who have been there - done that.

Testing the truth, of the wisdom of others, is anyone's decision to do but when the evidence is stacked against them, and they still do it, it amazes me why they look shocked that it went against them too and then wonder why people look at them and say ...duh! Didn't they just ask for this to happen?

Then I thought: are they being blocked from thinking smart? Is there some kind of karmic vengefulness going on around the minds of these people? Is it really a genetic flaw within them or is there something more to it?

So many variables - it boggles the mind. Stupid is as stupid does? Or - is it? What "possesses" someone to do stupid things? Who's really being stupid if a block is present or you are being subjected to ... and not always from the seen.

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