Friday, July 27, 2012

Getting over Negativity

A friend asked me about getting over negativity in one's life. I decided (after some "persuasion") to share my answer - hopefully to help others - as it is based on my personal experience and not repeating another's truth. If it works for me ...

***The biggest thing you can do is keep walking towards positive thinking and keep busy on what makes you happy. Keeping positive and happy makes the bad go away. Try it one day - do a lot of positive and happy things and see how it makes you feel. You can draw back on those feelings when you are having down days for any reason. I only allow myself a small amount of time for woe is me type of pity party and then I give myself a kick in the butt and tell myself to do all I can to move on. One step at a time - one foot in front of another. That's how any journey is taken.***

You can use this for getting over any OCD that is controlling you - it's called reprogramming. Love and support from family and friends does help but in my experience most will walk away if they don't see you helping yourself. YOU have to put forth the effort more then they do. YOU have to stop the excuses and walk away and out of the circumstances.

A person playing in the mud will still get dirty but it's still your attitude about the mud that matters. You can either lament or make mud pies.

Picture form Ellen Bristol on The Leaky Bucket Nonprofit Blog

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