Saturday, March 28, 2015

Don't Push Me!

Has anyone ever wondered why it may take lifetimes to change the way we think or do things? If so, maybe I can explain one reason why we have this issue.

When observing so many "this is my truth and if people don't agree they're ______ (fill in the blank)" comments on Facebook (or elsewhere), I'm constantly reminded of Newton's Third Law: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

First of all, it's presumptuous and egotistical to believe anyone ever has to agree with another, especially if it goes against their logic or reasoning. This is something to keep in mind when "pushing" one's beliefs at another to change theirs. Newton's law states there will be an equal and opposite return push. 

So, the harder one pushes ... 

It's not difficult to understand, people don't like being pushed, even with logic and reasoning, however, as history has shown us, these two things may make changes faster then immature name calling, beating one's chest while threatening harm, or petulantly stomping one's feet. Personally, I wouldn't want to change my opinion either if met with that type of negative force. Who would? 

It only makes sense then that we shouldn't expect another to do what we despise? 

They say a picture (below) is worth a thousand words, but I attached this video because I felt the action in it may make a stronger impact. Maybe Newton was just reiterating an older law: as you sow, so shall you reap. 

Newton's Cradle - Incredible Science:

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