Sunday, March 1, 2015

Dream: Leonardo DiCaprio, My Dad & More

I had another dream this morning with my dad in it but it also had Leonardo DiCaprio... a younger version of himself... something like this blog picture.

In the dream, I was watching L.D. in a room talking on a radio show with a mic in front of him. Later, I asked him if this show was a daily thing and he said no and that he was off to Chicago soon. He was sitting next to me, mildly flirting, and I casually mentioned I was old enough to be his mother. We were sitting next to each other and he gave me a hug. I returned the hug as if I was comforting him from a hurt. (I wondered later if I was being represented as a younger version of myself too.)

The next thing I remember, we were in a kitchen cooking. My dad was standing between us and I told my dad... "see, I told you he could cook." Meaning L.D. could cook (I don't know if he can or not). Dad was telling him he wanted to move to a property that had a better ocean view and L.D. told him he would help him look because he was looking for ocean property too... in the state of Virginia. After that, the dream went into other directions: looking at people walking around in water, seeing people inside a building, and then looking at an ocean. That's when I woke up.

Later that morning, I was explaining the dream to my husband and the strangest thing occured, I couldn't remember L.D.'s name and could only refer to him as an actor in my dream. I could sense a deliberate mental block of his name. Suddenly, I remembered my earlier psychic training about mental blocks as it being a clue I was being judged. I asked guidance, "am I being judged by him?" I still couldn't get his name to come through and could only refer to L.D. that way... him. There wasn't any response, but I felt something was amiss. By early afternoon the block must have lifted because someone spoke his name very clearly to me.

I couldn't understand why I was having a dream about L.D., because I never had before, but as I was looking for a picture of him, as a younger version, I noticed an article of a new movie he's going to be in. This movie is about multiple personalities called, The Crowded Room (see link).

Now, that peaked my interest!! Especially due to all my metaphysical training of nearly 30 years and the various scenarios of why mental issues occur. Was this the real meaning behind the dream and why I was being "judged" later?

Was the hurt I felt from him, in the dream, due to his never receiving an Academy Award? If so, I hope my hug helped. 

1 comment:

  1. The link above is now at -
