Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sore Loser

This morning I was awakened very early and in my semi-awake state kept hearing these projected words into the universe: sore loser. A sore loser is someone who loses in a fair competition but whines about it on a constant basis, blaming everyone around them for their loss except themselves.

Eventually, the repeated phrase stopped and I fell back to sleep, but not before I realized that it wasn't being done in hate. It was as if someone was pointing out an obvious fact; to make them look within. The few feelings I received told me that there were some who wanted to be hateful and unscrupulous but weren't succeeding in their endeavors. They couldn't accept that they hadn't won. Because of it, they were misbehaving as a sore loser.

When I was younger, and involved in anything competitive, it was considered immature to be this way. We were taught to accept that we were bested. Win some - lose some. Better luck next time. Live and learn. We were also taught to be fair. Anyone who didn't play fair were cheaters. Cheating wasn't honorable or respectable much less appreciated. Being bested, in that regards, was only more proof they were a loser in the worse way; they had to cheat to win. Besides, do cheaters truly win?

Anyway, I'm not quite sure why I was awakened to hear it, other than I needed to know what was going on, and to be reminded that there are "those" who are watching and helping whenever and however possible. It seems most people tend to listen to wisdom when they believe it's coming from themselves and not another.  

Hopefully their endeavor was successful. I'm sure many of us know how it feels to deal with the unpleasantness of a sore loser ... from any dimension.

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