Friday, February 6, 2015


I remember reading this story a long time ago about a prophet who was burned at a stake. He was accused of being a heretic. From what I remember, he tried to share the current words of God and stepped on the church's toes by going against religious dogma of his time period. 

Based on my personal experiences, going against any collective thought can be detrimental.

Anyway, I wish I could remember his name but it was his proported words that had an impact. Words that resonated with me because of what I was experiencing with my "awakening" as well as the condemnation I was receiving. This is what I remember that he was quoted as saying as the flames came towards him. "God, if you had only shown them what you did me, I wouldn't be here." He became quiet but once again he spoke out as the flames crept higher. He said, "And God, if you hadn't shown me what you did, I wouldn't be here."

I completely agree with these words whether it was said or not. Many people are crucified for being awakened ... seeing beyond the veil. As in the words of the song Amazing Grace: "Was blind, but now I see."

I've also learned that truth is varied. There can be your truth, my truth, but there can be ultimate truth ... aka ... God's truth. I discovered that God's truth can be filtered by our truth. Hence, if this prophet didn't want to be burned at a stake for being a heretic, he may have tempered God's truth to save his skin.

That's what I decided to do, in spite of physical attacks to my body and mind, because I also learned that some people can't handle ultimate truth. Including those out there who attacked me to preserve their truth when in their hearts they knew were lies.

Please remember that there are some who are persecuted without one seeing the damage being done. There have been "flames" I've walked through that the physical eye can't see. Those words, of this persecuted prophet, deeply resonated. Maybe they will with you too. Only some may completely understand them.

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