Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Slenderman: Myths and Cover-Ups

This morning, a friend shared a video documentary about Slenderman. She felt it was a fake documentary and wanted me to look at it. Slenderman had been a recent discussion with other friends on Facebook due to two 12 year old girls' attempt to murder another 12 year old in mid-2014. Apparently, it was due this fictitious Slenderman; a character which has morphed into more then it's original creation.

This character morphing made me think of Santa. Another fictitious character and how it's developed into what we know today. Sure, there are various tales of real people that have become part of the Santa fantasy and maybe this could apply to the  Slenderman character. Many eons of fables trying to be perpetuated into one or more beings.

Anyway, after watching only a few of the "documentary" videos, and getting a lot of feelings while doing so, I decided to write about what I was sensing, which vaguely pointed to cover-ups that people allow due to fear and imaginative minds. I became disinterested from further watching, because all my intuitive training was telling me that they were piecing past myths together to hopefully make it a fact. It's the same feeling I get, at times, with watching certain alien/UFO/ghost television shows. Anyone knowing my true story would know that I'm not denying these "realities" but only some things I've seen on television or certain internet documentaries that aren't adding up.

The expression that comes to mind is: grasping at straws.

However, these ideas can still manipulate people, because uneducated or young minds may fantasized or fear more. People may yell in court that Slenderman made me do it, but it's important to understand that Slenderman won't be going to jail. This is why there are people, past and current, who wish to keep us uneducated. Not to say those that are educated can't be duped. I sure learned that the hard way, over 25 years ago, by trusting in a multidimensional world of divine teachers and forgetting about the other end of that spectrum; those with evil minds, or selfish intent, who enjoy using fearful programming of ghosts, devils, demons, aliens or even Slenderman characters, against people. Using myths to explain away the unexplainable. 

For instance, a child is kidnapped and murdered by a physical person. It suddenly vanishes never to be seen again. Is it easier for some to believe it was a mythological being called Slenderman or any other mythological creature, past or present? Isn't it more logical to believe these myths may have been created to pull people away from actual facts? Truths we may want to deliberately ignore, because the myths may be easier to believe than a dastardly deed done by a friend or relative?

Is it possible that the criminal minds are the ones that also perpetuate the fairy tales to take the thoughts off of them? Using a subjective thought, one that is projected into an artist's mind to draw a "troublesome spirit" (Slenderman?), in order to help in their endeavors? After all, Slenderman originated in 2009 but before that we had Jack Skellington, of the 1993 animated movie, "Nightmare Before Christmas." He was also a very skinny and tall character ... a slender man. Could one character morph into another; mentally channeled and produced by an artist's semi-tranced mind while drawing? Used by those who wish to keep their fearful or painful fantasies alive, just so they can continue with their criminal activities, while blaming a new character ... Slenderman perhaps?

Isn't that similar to blaming a sibling for a crime it didn't commit and who cannot defend itself?

Past myths? Collusive cover-ups? To me, it's eons of the same game but different names. Things that can be placed in our minds (souls) which can be, and have been, used against us.

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