Friday, February 13, 2015


Telepathy: the supposed communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses.

Recently, a friend asked me to help her understand what I knew about these "flashes of insight" that many people receive. How do we determine what is us ... as opposed to another's thoughts? I shared a brief explanation in what I've learned throughout my life.


Think of your mind as a programmed computer and you are going about doing all the things you're programmed to do ... reacting to things consciously or sub-consciously.

If you see a light on, your memory says  turn it off because you see it. If you walk by your dog, you may think: I need to take it outside.

However, say you’re walking out of the house, and you’re not thinking about the light being left on in a room that you no longer see, and you get this "flash of insight" reminding you to turn off the light. That’s guidance (telepathy - distant emotions) telling you to remember something you forgot.

It’s similar to your computer operating on all its programs but suddenly it gets this message: you have an update, do it now or later? The update message is like  receiving a telepathic message and you have the option of doing it now, later, or not at all.

And yes, sometimes everyone may forget the light is still on (including guidance) and it doesn’t get turned off.


The above explanation was only for those instant mental messages we can receive. There are other examples too. For instance, one example is finishing someone's sentences. I had a friend once that we were so attuned to each other's emotions that we did this quite often. Laughed about it too. Thought it was amusing.

Yet, when I did this to a student once, he didn't find it as amusing. He said: let me finish what I was going to say. I patiently waited to hear him tell me what I had already felt but he had to painstakingly put to words.

Such is life. ;-)


  1. Hahaha the last line about your student who wanted to finish his sentence xDD I never imagined that is telepathy. Me and my sister use to do that a lot. Nowadays I would say something and she'd said "Darn it! I was about to say that"

    This is very interesting. I'm wondering how it work. Does it have to do with energy?
