Monday, July 20, 2015

An Extraterrestrial Experience - True Story

I had someone comment about a reptilian experience. It was on one of my true story videos titled: Beauty and the Beast, a Reptilian Encounter True Story. I thought I'd share the comment and my reply (see below).

I would also like to add that many times portals are open for us to see things which are similar to holograms. We're seeing this and not a being that's actually in our third dimension space due to our atmosphere, etc. They are protecting themselves from our density, so to speak. Sometimes, it may only be a mind projection that may occur or a dream. Contact can be in numerous ways.

Furthermore, I would like to warn of some dimensional beings who do not wish anything but deceit and harm. The confusion they create is deliberate in order to control. Sadly, we also have those on our planet who jump into things before they're truly prepared to help or teach. That's why it's important to discuss things with people who've been extensively trained and have good credentials. Yes, there are some who are not trained well, but are anxious to share, and will innocently or ignorantly plant seeds within someone's mind that's completely false information. That's because they're working off of their perception and are not fully open to receive the truth off of the universe. Be careful where you gain your information and keep telling your soul/mind to never accept anything that doesn't resonates as universal truth or isn't for your highest good.

You can read this and other comments on the video (part one):

Comment: You know ever since I woke up one summer sunny morning and saw one just standing there staring at me, I have been on a hint to see if other people have experienced this strange situation. I was indeed in terror, horror and in shock, my view on life, people and everything I have ever read about The Most High has changed. I was getting ready to scream like a little school gurl but IT IS LIKE IT KNEW I WAS ABOUT TO SCREAM AND BEFORE I COULD GET A SOUND OUT IT VANISHED RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES. please someone who knows such things, why on earth was it just standing there looking at me with those piercing yellow and black reptile eyes!!!????

Reply: There could be numerous reasons. I'll give you some generalities of what may be going on. One thing may be due to your soul. You've incarnated and closed down to who you were. Your soul holds memories that your mind doesn't understand but the emotions from your soul tells you things. It may tell you to fear, which means you may have had a bad memory from your past. It may tell you to be happy. This could be a good experience. This being may have been checking up on you. It may still remember who you were and checking up on who you are now. This is why some people may have various experiences. Your initial fear may be due to not understanding what was going on. The being didn't represent anything to fear though because it left. If it doesn't return, it was satisfied with what it saw. If it returns, you may have a prior commitment to watch over you. Like people here on earth, we can have good or bad anywhere. It's best to go about your life and do what you can to take care of yourself here.

If you need to know more, please watch my videos. Also, I wrote a book which included many questions I was asked over the years regarding ET's, based on people's true stories, and the answers they were given. It's called Ask Atomarane II - Other Worlds. I have it in .pdf and print format. Hope this helps.

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