Thursday, July 23, 2015

Flat Earth Conspiracy?

Flat earth theorist believe that the earth is actually flat not round (spherical). After viewing a few videos and websites, regarding flat earth believers, I decided to do some research on the other side and found this lengthy, but well written and logical article (first link), using detailed documentation that disputes flat earth. 

I wanted to share it because the below excerpt, I pulled from it, really resonated. There would have to be an enormous amount of people involved to pull off a worldwide conspiracy such as this. My questions would be: why would anyone want to and what would be the logic or gain in deceiving billions of people?

Also, my logical mind just couldn't feel the truth in their conspiracy. There were too many flaws in what they presented, based on counter explanations. So, I decided to meditate and ask guidance. My answer from them was simple: "Those who believe in a flat earth, their souls are riddle with doubt or deceit. Those who believe in a round (spherical) earth are not."

Article Excerpt: "The inevitable ridicule and indifference that he received convinced him that the Earth could not be rotating and that there was a conspiracy (for no defined reason) that hid the fact of the Earth's flatness. This conspiracy blossomed to include everyone in every government, civilian pilots (post-war) and/or GPS manufacturers (1960s), everyone in every telecommunications industry, everyone in the southern hemisphere (the difference between the currently-accepted globe and Flat Earth map are so massive below the equator that they would be difficult to ignore) and anyone using an odometer on a trip between any four landmarks. Also included in the conspiracy are thousands of supersoldiers keeping ordinary citizens from witnessing the Ice Wall, which surrounds the Flat Earth."

Furthermore, there is a real time earth viewing with the International Space Station. Well, unless you're into the conspiracy of flat earth. I can just hear the flat earthers saying the ISS isn't real. Of course, then all our weather satellites must not be real either.

From NASA website: "The HDEV does not record video on board the ISS, all video is transmitted to the ground real time; any desired recording of the video occurs as ground operations."

I understand that earth can look flat, depending on how one views it. Yet, one's perspective isn't always actuality and we can be duped by what we don't know. I also understand that one's perspective can be swayed by personal bias and gain, not just ignorance.

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