Thursday, October 29, 2015

Enlightenment and Emotional Blackmail

"I can't believe this person says they're enlightened. So judgmental! What a hypocrite!"

What many are actually saying, with those above words, deep down within, is: "I can't believe this person isn't going along with me and what I want."

I know, because I've been caught up in this web of controversy myself, which had me contemplate both sides in order to understand this dilemma. I've had mental blocks before and I've tried to understand others possibly dealing with similar situations. Since I've had some time to think about this, I decided to share my feelings on it.

The word enlightenment shouldn't be used as a form of accusation or emotional blackmail and that's what I'm seeing on social media. To me, this indicates immaturity. Has it ever dawned on anyone that enlightenment opens our eyes and not just our soul? Once we connect, we see ... we sense ... we know ... we understand.

After reaching this enlightenment, why would it be reasonable to become unknowing again? Yet, there are those whose energies reek of density and would prefer to bring an enlightened person back down to their level of darkness instead of reaching a higher awareness themselves. Why wouldn't any enlightened person know this?

Why wouldn't enlightened people know that those "judging" accusations are possibly due to these people actually judging themselves; projecting their feelings onto another? Are they accusing this person, of "knowing," of being unenlightened, judgmental, and hypocritical as a form of emotional blackmail in order to force their density onto another? Reverse psychology? A guilt trip? 

For instance, I consider myself fairly enlightened. Does this mean I have to accept anything someone does or says without question? Absolutely not! I wouldn't be very enlightened, after all, if I did. Especially, if one's reasoning isn't reasonable, based on my awareness. Should I placate that insanity?

Think about it. Am I being judgmental or am I preserving my soul from another's negativity? Wouldn't an enlightened person sense density and protect their awareness? If they decide to share their awareness and another doesn't choose to learn from it, that's fine. Move on with love. However, if this person, who doesn't choose to learn, also decides to point a finger, out of hostility or stupidity, then who's truly being judgmental? 

Here's another example. Suppose, I choose to show people a light switch, figuratively speaking, to help them see the light. I offer to do this based on what I know, yet they ignore it or turn the light back off after turning it on. Does that make someone, that's enlightened, judgmental if they choose to walk away from this darkness that others choose to live in? Because I choose to walk away, would this make me hypocritical ... or ... self-perserving?

Therefore, when you choose to call someone, who has reached a higher level of awareness, a judgmental person for sharing their truth, their wisdom, you could actually be looking into your own soul and seeing your judgments. Especially, if the emotions of this enlightened person is without anger and only sharing their opinion out of love for humanity. Whereas, another's emotions may be self-serving, uneducated or unreasonable.

I've mentioned this before, on my blog site, but it bares repeating. God once told me, during a meditation, a very long time ago: "We allow people to be who they want but allowing doesn't mean putting up with." Was God being judgmental, because he didn't choose to put up with density either? Why wouldn't he know how to see the real truth within another and choose not to participate? Why wouldn't I, or others trained like me, know how to do the same?

Enlightened people would know those words of accusation are being used for emotional blackmail in order to provoke. As I said above, we would read this as immaturity. Furthermore, when truly enlightened people speak about another's judgment, its done with love, with discernment, because they're seeing the density in another's heart that they may once have had in their own ... in this lifetime or another. When an unenlightened person speaks of another's judgments, they normally speak with ignorance or hate. Generally, it's done with malice or manipulation. We feel this.

In addition, if you're accusing an enlightened person of being judgmental, think first before you speak. What are you doing and why? What's your motives? After all, we may already know them. We may have already walked that same path, once upon a time, and choose not to do it again.

Does that make us a judgmental hypocrite? No ... it makes us enlightened.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Forgiveness Takes Love and Understanding

Many years ago, a student once asked me: "God said to honor our parents, but how can someone honor a parent who has abused them?"

I replied: "By understanding and forgiving. By taking the time to truly know another's path and letting go of the pain that was created by being on the same path. Loving yourself enough to do this."

First, it takes strength and patience to let go of the anger. Holding onto it will only hurt you, not another. That, alone, would be a great incentive in letting go. 

Forgiving doesn't mean forgetting. Learn from your lesson and release it with love. If not, you may be challenged to face it again. That, too, would be another incentive towards understanding and forgiving.

We are only human. Just because our Divine Creator said to love one another, he didn't expect us to always like one another. He knew we would have differences of opinions. He also knew we would find a way around them.

This takes loving yourself enough to allow the understanding of what was unknown to you in order to forgive what needs forgiving. It's like giving yourself a hug. A loving hug can beautify souls and bring meaning to life.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Time Doesn't Exist?

Back in 2011, a You Tube subscriber asked about time not existing. As we awaken, we're often presented with the quandry of time and space illusions or delusions. This is what I decided to share.

Albert Einstein once said: "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." So I will see if I can keep it simple with answering your question.

Yes, we all live in a world of time, because it is what we created to give us an understanding of our current 3-D space we exist within. It is why we created words like today, yesterday, tomorrow, afternoon, morning and evening; to explain our emotions, of our moments, to another.

Yet, within our mind there may not be time, per se, due to our ability of astral travel: we can be in another area of the universe at the same time, but with our minds and not our physical bodies.

For instance, our body's time can be on planet earth and our mind's time can be on another planet. In 3-D, I am here in the south but another being could be 3-D in the north, yet we both can be, with our minds, in the same time or no time - depends on how you look at it.

Most people don't understand that, because most people don't know how to or are unaware of mind communication. Using this as an example, there is no distance, no time, no space between another being during that particular event of mind communication, even if that being is on another planet in their 3-D time. If that being and I wish to communicate, we can astral project to one another and we will both be in our individual time (i.e., physical) but in no particular space time (i.e., non-physical or mind).

So, you see, time can exist or not exist, depending on what that person is perceiving as time in their current reality. Whatever that realty is. Wherever that reality is. I hope that helps.

Mind communication is similar to what we do when we communicate by phone to a friend in another country. We are here - they are there. We communicate across space and, possibly, different times. In that moment, time does exists, within each mind, due to the location where we live. Yet, at the same time, it could also be considered non-existent, because the phone, or mind communication, helped us remove, to some degree, time and space. However, in order to keep ourselves grounded, or feel more at ease, we tend to choose our 3D time-space reality to give us a stronger foundation; a sort of comfort zone.

You can also read more in my previous blog: Space Time - Linear Time.

Space Time - Linear Time

This blog picture is my little stick figure art of mind communication with another physical being and with the help of our angel guides. The line only represents the separation of each being's time/space/dimension. It's from my book, Soul Searching for Truth, which explains more.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Space Time - Linear Time

A friend posted a meme which I had shared with her to give her a chuckle. We both knew it was silly but sometimes being silly helps overcome the bad stuff we tend to experience. On the meme it was written: life sucks, then you die; then you're reincarnated and life sucks again. Most were amused but one of her friends made a comment that opened up an interesting conversation. 
In response to the meme, he said: "Sort of. Everyone and everything exists forever in time that is space time. You are there in your past and future forever. Someone far enough red shifted or blue shifted can see you being born or your death.  FACT!  You will always be there even if the Earth is destroyed. Linear time is an illusion a western social and economic convention and contrivance. Other cultures all over the world put no stock in it at all. It has been a major source of conflict between western and other cultures as a matter of fact. Native Americans  and Euro cultures have always clashed over what they call "Indian Time" same all over the world. I do not pretend to understand space time. Who does?  My personal feelings are similar to indigenous cultures Animism. I feel that what we call space time is part of the bones of a greater living universe of which we are part."
I decided to share only the first part of what he wrote in my blog. As I mentioned above, there was a little more conversation which followed. I don't know everything but I'm willing to share what I know and get feedback. I like a friendly, intellectual debate. In my response below, I shared my initial response to his comment as well as a little more for clarity. 
Also, I decided to share my You Tube video (below) regarding Parallel Universe - Multi-Dimensions Plus for anyone wanting to review it as well. It will go more into what I was taught with all the complexities behind it.  
My response plus: In my understanding of space time, this is true - based on our current awareness of non-linear time. Yet, I've learned to be open to anything that may explain things better when we're mentally mature enough to receive it.
All we can do is live in each conscious moment, wherever or whatever that particular moment of consciousness is for each individual. As a teacher once told me: our future can change with our ever changing emotions. This means our "soul past" could change something and we would still be in our current moment without knowing anything ever occurred. Makes sense to me.
Besides, who wants to live in a world that's constantly depressed? It takes us consciously changing it, to keep improving even with stumbling or falling occasionally. Those are all part of life's lessons. All part of growing up.
I've seen my past, I've relived much of it in this current life via my mind. I know that my physical mind is living now in this moment and I can also use it to see my future when I wish. Each moment will be my next conscious moment and hopefully my "future me" will keep me informed to the best decisions for "our soul path." 
Seeing my future can afford me a step above others, who choose not to, in deciding to change it and knowing if I can. Hopefully my future me agrees in productive change or we would all still be cave dwellers stuck in a rut. Of course, it would still be my individual free will versus collective free will. We deal with this attitude every day with the laws of the land: making laws, collectively, and changing them, often to the chagrin of the individual.
However, I don't chose to see too much into my future though. It may tend to block me from enjoying this conscious moment. Like knowing when you're going to die and how. Sort of like knowing about a surprise birthday party. Lots of variables when you look at life like that. But I do appreciate my guidance warning me of danger. Or maybe it's their way of keeping me true to my path - whatever that may be. I tend to go with the flow of what feels right, whenever possible.
I've also learned that linear time has a purpose too. It was developed to help us maintain a sort of mental grounding in a form of a denser reality that gives us a base of logic to build on and to avoid being a loss soul in an abundance of non-linear fantasy. A form of sanity in a sometimes insane reality.
The "conflict," from what I've seen, is from those "who know" and are teaching those that haven't mature mentally enough to understand. Those are the same ones who should know better and not create the conflict. They should know it's similar to giving a gun to a two year old or teaching a two year old the facts of life. Timing is everything. You can't always beat any truth into everyone.