"I can't believe this person says they're enlightened. So judgmental! What a hypocrite!"
What many are actually saying, with those above words, deep down within, is: "I can't believe this person isn't going along with me and what I want."
I know, because I've been caught up in this web of controversy myself, which had me contemplate both sides in order to understand this dilemma. I've had mental blocks before and I've tried to understand others possibly dealing with similar situations. Since I've had some time to think about this, I decided to share my feelings on it.
The word enlightenment shouldn't be used as a form of accusation or emotional blackmail and that's what I'm seeing on social media. To me, this indicates immaturity. Has it ever dawned on anyone that enlightenment opens our eyes and not just our soul? Once we connect, we see ... we sense ... we know ... we understand.
After reaching this enlightenment, why would it be reasonable to become unknowing again? Yet, there are those whose energies reek of density and would prefer to bring an enlightened person back down to their level of darkness instead of reaching a higher awareness themselves. Why wouldn't any enlightened person know this?
Why wouldn't enlightened people know that those "judging" accusations are possibly due to these people actually judging themselves; projecting their feelings onto another? Are they accusing this person, of "knowing," of being unenlightened, judgmental, and hypocritical as a form of emotional blackmail in order to force their density onto another? Reverse psychology? A guilt trip?
For instance, I consider myself fairly enlightened. Does this mean I have to accept anything someone does or says without question? Absolutely not! I wouldn't be very enlightened, after all, if I did. Especially, if one's reasoning isn't reasonable, based on my awareness. Should I placate that insanity?
Think about it. Am I being judgmental or am I preserving my soul from another's negativity? Wouldn't an enlightened person sense density and protect their awareness? If they decide to share their awareness and another doesn't choose to learn from it, that's fine. Move on with love. However, if this person, who doesn't choose to learn, also decides to point a finger, out of hostility or stupidity, then who's truly being judgmental?
Here's another example. Suppose, I choose to show people a light switch, figuratively speaking, to help them see the light. I offer to do this based on what I know, yet they ignore it or turn the light back off after turning it on. Does that make someone, that's enlightened, judgmental if they choose to walk away from this darkness that others choose to live in? Because I choose to walk away, would this make me hypocritical ... or ... self-perserving?
Therefore, when you choose to call someone, who has reached a higher level of awareness, a judgmental person for sharing their truth, their wisdom, you could actually be looking into your own soul and seeing your judgments. Especially, if the emotions of this enlightened person is without anger and only sharing their opinion out of love for humanity. Whereas, another's emotions may be self-serving, uneducated or unreasonable.
I've mentioned this before, on my blog site, but it bares repeating. God once told me, during a meditation, a very long time ago: "We allow people to be who they want but allowing doesn't mean putting up with." Was God being judgmental, because he didn't choose to put up with density either? Why wouldn't he know how to see the real truth within another and choose not to participate? Why wouldn't I, or others trained like me, know how to do the same?
Enlightened people would know those words of accusation are being used for emotional blackmail in order to provoke. As I said above, we would read this as immaturity. Furthermore, when truly enlightened people speak about another's judgment, its done with love, with discernment, because they're seeing the density in another's heart that they may once have had in their own ... in this lifetime or another. When an unenlightened person speaks of another's judgments, they normally speak with ignorance or hate. Generally, it's done with malice or manipulation. We feel this.
In addition, if you're accusing an enlightened person of being judgmental, think first before you speak. What are you doing and why? What's your motives? After all, we may already know them. We may have already walked that same path, once upon a time, and choose not to do it again.
Does that make us a judgmental hypocrite? No ... it makes us enlightened.