Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Forgiveness Takes Love and Understanding

Many years ago, a student once asked me: "God said to honor our parents, but how can someone honor a parent who has abused them?"

I replied: "By understanding and forgiving. By taking the time to truly know another's path and letting go of the pain that was created by being on the same path. Loving yourself enough to do this."

First, it takes strength and patience to let go of the anger. Holding onto it will only hurt you, not another. That, alone, would be a great incentive in letting go. 

Forgiving doesn't mean forgetting. Learn from your lesson and release it with love. If not, you may be challenged to face it again. That, too, would be another incentive towards understanding and forgiving.

We are only human. Just because our Divine Creator said to love one another, he didn't expect us to always like one another. He knew we would have differences of opinions. He also knew we would find a way around them.

This takes loving yourself enough to allow the understanding of what was unknown to you in order to forgive what needs forgiving. It's like giving yourself a hug. A loving hug can beautify souls and bring meaning to life.

1 comment:

  1. I shared this the other day but I wanted to add something that guidance added today.

    "Forgiveness doesn't mean you still need to stay around that person's energy. Some people are "infants" still learning and are too self absorbed to change. Move on with love knowing that they'll get it eventually - even if their density takes lifetimes to remove. We're not always the teachers in another's path. We may only be the observers or we needed to learn something from them. Many things to consider."
