Sunday, March 19, 2017

Intuitive Reading Testimony

You know that expression, I can read you like a book? That's part of what I do and been doing most of my life. However, about 30 years ago (and since), I went on a roller coaster ride of "improvement" training. Because of making this information public, I'm surprised at the times I get "messages" that people have memory lapses or mental blocks about what I know. So, I'd like to share a testimony from someone that had a session with me some time ago. Thanks for reading. If interested, the link has more:

Testimony:  Thank you so much for the session you had with me Charlene. Truly, there are intuitive readings... and then there are Intuitive Readings. I would say that my experience with you was definitely one of the latter! My Intuitive Reading completely blew me out of the water. Not only did I get a very complete answer to the guidance and clarity I was seeking, but you hit all the bases and thoroughly examined and went over any and everything that came up. Not only were you so amazingly accurate, you were such a pleasure to talk with - not all the time do you meet someone who can communicate what comes up in a truly intuitive and understanding manner, as well as with humor and a dash of genuine comfort and naturalness... I know this from many personal experiences. My reading completely surpassed any and all expectations... its been many years since I've had an experience that got to the core of me like this. I had to immediately tell friends of my experience and I've highly recommended your counsel. You are a bright light amongst much muddiness. Like I've said... its been years since I have received a quality of experience like what you have given me. Your insight cuts straight through the dirt with a sword of love and compassion. But what I value most is that you are willing to see us for who we really are, and not get caught up in judgement, names, titles, or boxes and all the other "stuff" that comes along with such things, for we are much, much more than that, and can be much different from the next guy... Not only does this show me the very broad range of understanding and compassion you have, but that you have put it into practice and that you live it! You intuitively understand and see "the bigger picture" of our souls. I know this very well because I am not a, shall we say, "easy" case to many. I am so grateful for being lead to you. I will be reaching out to you again for sure, as well as pointing others your way whenever I can :) Much love from Los Angeles JA

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