Friday, February 22, 2019


This is why it's important to read people's comments, on various topics, even those that go against our beliefs, because it can help us understand perspectives. I've been reading discussions, regarding white privilege, when it dawned on me that everyone had their perspective based on their life's experiences, but the one thing that stood out the most was how they handled those experiences.

Regardless of skin color, there was a common thread, from some, of "my life sucked more than yours" and now I'm entitled to this chip on my shoulder... this suffering or victim mentality. I could tell that many were perpetuating the hurt and hate in a self destructive manner... a means to an end. But what end? And then it hit me. It's to keep those invisible shackles on so they can use it as an invisible noose around another's neck... to perpetuate the suffering... the victimhood.

I realized, then, that no matter what anyone offered, it would not be well received. They weren't ready to hear it. It reminded me of people who have Munchausen syndrome, who feign disease, illness, or psychological trauma in order to draw attention, sympathy, or reassurance to themselves. Even though their experiences could be real, healing and moving on from their victimhood would not serve their intent. 

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