Monday, February 11, 2019

Big Government Is Not Our Friend

I'm beginning to believe that most people who feel the government should do everything isn't necessarily due to laziness. It's more about fear in making their own life's decisions - a fear of growing up, as well as being responsible and accountable. I understand that government is necessary to the existence of a civilized society, but it shouldn't deprive us of every individual decision we need to make.

When I was growing up, I couldn't wait to move out and make my own choices, work, pay my bills and be responsible for my life. I was taught that we worked first and played later. If we couldn't afford it, we didn't get it. Part of our monthly bills was having insurance: medical, home and vehicle. To do less was irresponsible. We didn't believe the goverment needed to hold our hands and make mature decisions for us. We were free to make our choices. We weren't children anymore. We worked and helped others when necessary. It was in our nature to be this way. And, there were plenty of avenues to utilize if we ran into problems. 

Thankfully, I have hope for our future. It's refreshing to see some young who feel too much government is harmful to their freedom. They're waking up. They're talking about government overreach being criminal and making people lazy and indifferent. Others are still learning, but it took many years of programing their minds, from nefarious beings and mass educational systems, that "Big Brother" really cared. They're learning that it's not always the truth, especially when they've stepped out into the world and had a taste of reality. 

Those who have never liked excessive parental control see government overreach as another form of giving away one's power... one's freedom... including one's dignity. When it comes to making individual and proper decisions for ourselves, I can assure you that big government is not our friend. Do you want to know why I know this? I've read world history and understand human weaknesses. But, don't take my word for it, do some research. There's plenty of stories on the Internet about governments that failed and why.

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