Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Demographics: Invasions and Conquering

I was reading about the amount of "illegals" coming into our country and how it's being, intentionally, done to change out the demographics. Well, that part is nothing new. Many countries have had that for centuries.

Lately, my feelings about this "invasion" is more of a deliberate conquering of our country. Of course, that's nothing new either. Because, throughout history, there have been conquering of lands and people. The less noticeable way seems to be the Trojan Horse method of conquering from within. 

For instance, some people, from south of our border, may arrive illegally just to conquer us via drugs. China buys up businesses and lands here with the intent on taking over. Investments with foreign nationals sways our media and more.

And let's not forget the religious and socialists fanatics who keep perpetuating their ideology from within our nation.

It's a never-ending story. It's survival of the fittest and, from what I've seen of the dummying down of Western Civilization, I'm sure we're on the chopping block. Maybe not in my lifetime but it WILL occur at this current projection. 

And, just think, maybe it will be an "alien" invasion and conquering next. Did we "allow" that too? I wonder how that will change our demographics? 🤔 

There's always something. 😉

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