Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Memory of 9-11 ... Plus More

I was working at Disney Travel Company and had just taken another call with a travel agent. A cast member had just mentioned that a plane had hit the World Trade Center just before I took the call. I asked the travel agent if this was true. She was just telling me a second plane had just struck the other tower and we were calling this an act of terrorism.

As she was explaining what was going on, my manager came up to me with a balloon ... it was my anniversary … I had started with Disney on September, 11, 1998. I had to put my finger up to silence her from singing happy anniversary and I told her what happened. She, like I, hadn't heard. She tied the ballon to my desk and walked away feeling the same sorrow I was feeling.

I kept my mind occupied by handling the call I was on, and the calls that followed, until I could take my break and go into the break room to see the repeat broadcasts of what happened.

I had a numb feeling the rest of the day as well as months afterwards, because I realized that there was more to this then I had previously understood. For sometime I had been hearing (in my mind) ... 911 ... with the thought immediately following that it was my anniversary date.

I knew in my metaphysical training that repeated thoughts or words coming into my mind meant there was a message in the universe. That day reaffirmed that these messages could be deliberately distorted, especially when one's life is very involved with other things. We shrug it off as unimportant or we don't want to judge.

Not that I feel I could have done anything to prevent this ... it took years of planning. Besides who am I to have someone believe me?

Live and learn!

Now, when I have repeated messages I do what I can and when I can to discover what it could be ... if inclined.

However, as I told my guidance ... in this country, we cannot hold someone accountable for a crime that they haven't committed, but we can try to thwart one if we know about it.

People can watch ... feel suspicious ... be wary ... but as a police officer told me once, we either have to catch someone in the act or with the goods ... anything else would be torn apart in a court of law.

Sometimes, I think of our government's hands being tied in the same way, especially when dealing with other countries. Damned if they do and damned if they don't. Trying to maintain civilized behavior, in a world that can still be barbaric, has it's drawbacks. Do we become barbaric ourselves ... do we bring ourselves down to that level?

All anyone can do is their best, even if others think that best isn't good enough. We all do what we can ... when we can ... or allowed.

Everyone blames the government but forgets that WE are the government. Did we, as individuals, do anything to thwart this disaster? I know I didn't. I had the training, I was being allowed information, albeit distorted, but I didn't go the extra mile.

Later, I reasoned that it would have been ignored anyway. The same way many things (videos/books) I have done has been ignored.

If the powers that be allowed this day, then maybe the real message would be why? Why was this and other major catastrophes allowed? Maybe someone is talking but we're not listening.


This picture was my layover in NYC in 1994. I was on my way to see the Statue of Liberty and I asked someone to take this picture of me. Later I realize it had the twin towers in the back ground.



  1. Wow! Great picture with the towers behind you! Also, even if you knew what you know now... do you think anyone back then would believe you? You're amazing

    1. Thanks, Ellen.❤ Actually, I don't think anyone would have believed me. I mean, after all, I would have been a nobody and most likely considered a nut. Possibly. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And, maybe vague messages actually protect me. Lots of evil people on the world.
