Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Flow and Snare of Obsessions/Addictions

Have you ever noticed how a flow of energy can pick you up and carry you along like a strong river... not knowing the journey "could" be tragic because of it? A lazy river now becomes a raging river that ends in a huge waterfall destroying you. How could this be? It was so innocent and blissful in the beginning?

One scenario: husband buys a motorcycle with the excuse it will save gas. Then he decides to join a biker group (how cool). But wait! Got to get a tattoo to fit in... got to go with the flow. Of course, it doesn't ever end there, now the wife (girlfriend) has to fit in. Oh, come on... it's only one.

Sure let's drag another into your fantasy. That makes it right. Right? If it's good enough for me, why not another? After all it's only one, right?

But is it or will it?

Now... put that same principle to any "addiction" story and how it all began. It always starts out blissfully innocent. Right?

However, this is how obsessive compulsive behavior begins. Unless you or another knows how to stop the flow or remove yourself from it, you will be pulled along with that flow.

The problem is that most are unaware of any such flow... of any addictive behavior... until it's too late or you "wake up" to who or what is really in control. Is it you or the tattoos? Is it you or the alcoholism, drug, sexual, food, electronics, or the plastic surgery addiction? Is it?

Please understand that the tattoo scenario was only an example of what flows of energy means. For every flow you enter, you have to understand what is behind it... other people that need food and shelter, etc.

Oh, you didn't know about them? Yes, you will be supporting them and they don't care about your addiction. Why? Because they have an addiction too... survival... and you may be supporting it.

Who or what will win? Are you really in control or has that "flow" taken over?

Decisions have consequences.

Innocence is not always bliss.

To me, less is more, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

What is enough for some or too much?
Below is how I feel.

Enough 😊

Too much 😕

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