Sunday, May 26, 2013

Boastful Bragging?

Recently, I've been seeing some Facebook posts that would constitute exaggerated bragging about their psychic abilities (saying things in a boastful manner), yet the emotional energy they are emitting constitutes a covering over of a hurt ... from my empathic perspective ... then the truth of what is being stated. 

Kind of like a child stating that - my dad is bigger then your dad. Is he really and does it matter?

I'm reminded of a quote from my dad when I see those comments. "Who are you trying to convince - me or you?"

If you think someone is pumping up their own self importance, think about that quote and ask yourself ... are they trying to convince me or themselves?

Do they have anything to back up what they say? Because, if they are the only one doing the bragging, that could be a clue to run, not walk, in the opposite direction. 

You might as well, because if you do decide to call them out on it, and their self worth is false, they will delete and block you. They may say you are projecting your emotional state onto them without realizing that they could be undermining their own growth with their own programming. 

If their self worth is solid, they won't mind a challenge and be open to a discussion ... as long as the discussion is between two adults being respectful. Even I will have my limits and that's one of them: Say what you will but don't be disrespectful. The minute someone does that to me ... in my mind, that is a battle already lost. Yes, a good debate can be like a friendly battle. 

This message is a wake up call for everyone. More and more people are being awakened to their emphatic abilities. Keep in mind that they will know who your boasting is trying to convince. Before you put your thoughts out to the public, this is something else my dad also told us: don't bite off more then you can chew. 

Are you really trying to convince me ... or yourself? 

Think about it. 

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