Thursday, July 30, 2015

Sabbath and Black Isn't?

I saw a video yesterday where someone was saying the Sabbath isn't Sunday. I looked up the word origin and it means "to rest." I guess that means we can work any of the seven days, but we just have to rest on one of them. Which means Sabbath can be any day. Right?

Old English, from Latin sabbatum, via Greek from Hebrew šabbāṯ, from šāḇaṯ ‘to rest.’

However, it may only mean just the word "rest" because I found this Bible quote with Sabbath in it and it wasn't referring to church or resting.

Leviticus 25:6-7 - "The Sabbath of the land shall provide food for you, for yourself and for your male and female slaves and for your hired worker and the sojourner who lives with you, and for your cattle and for the wild animals that are in your land: all its yield shall be for food."

While looking up Sabbath, I saw a lot of Black Sabbath pictures. So, just for the fun of it, this had me looking up the word origin of black. Much to my surprise, it's the opposite of what we think of it today.

"The word ‘Black’ can be traced back to its proto Indo-European origins through the word ‘blac’ which meant pale, wan, colourless, or albino. In Old English “blac” person meant fair; someone devoid of colour, similar to the word “blanc” which still means white or fair person."

It's amazing that we have this capability to look into a word, that we use today, and see that it isn't always what we think it is.

I guess Black Sabbath actually means "fair rest" or fairest. Did Ozzie Osbourne know this? Hmmm ... maybe not. :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Sacrificial Lamb

You know that saying that truth is stranger than fiction? Recently, I had this surreal epiphany regarding the metaphor of a sacrificial lamb and how it has been going on since before and after Christ. 

It's based on our wants or desires - our collective thought that holds power - answering our prayers. You know that proverbial - be careful in what you wish for? And - not everything is as it seems? We are, collectively, creating our current reality. 

Something to think about the next time we see something major in the news. Could this be someone that's been set up for a higher purpose - a sacrificial lamb - an answer to a prayer? Something that our thoughts produced but the outcome isn't necessarily as we expected? 

A big clue would be, for example, if you read or hear: maybe now people will listen ... maybe now things will change. Yes, they had it within them to do whatever we prayed for, but we, collectively, pulled that symbolic trigger.

I was shown a man that was injured earlier this year and why our thoughts/prayers provoked his suffering. I was also shown that he was receiving financial and physical redemption for being used. Even with all my training, all I could say was - unbelievable! 

Recent controversial news headlines now have me searching for a deeper meaning than what we're actually seeing on the surface. It's a shame that it takes a sacrificial lamb to help us see a change is needed. However, what's worse is: did we really need a change or did our self seeking desires provoke another's suffering needlessly?

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

I've Learned

I'm often asked to share what I know, regarding the "really tough lessons" that taught me my abilities, among other things. Here's a few things that I've learned, while being a student of life, that may be important to understand, due to what's going on around the world today.

I've learned that people will believe whatever they want, especially if it's a special interest. They will do all they can to twist a non-truth into a truth. However, eventually, the facts have to add up to give us a concrete foundation of belief. If not, we can become lost souls in a delusional dream world. We can be caught up in their emotional storms, particularly if we don't take care in guarding our emotions and sharpening our intuition. "Going with the flow" isn't always the correct path and patience is imperative. 

I've learned that we can believe in fairy tales as long as we know they're fairy tales. Everything has a place or a reason. But one day, sooner or later, we grow up and realize that there's no mythological creatures, especially as we've come to recognize them today, via the art of many creative minds over many years. Even extraterrestrials will remain intangible until we have more tangible evidence - besides UFO sightings. We can either allow our fantasies to destroy us or shrug our shoulders and move on. It all depends on how strongly one believed in their fantasy or how twisted their reality. Deeper beliefs crush our souls more deeply. 

I've learned to be flexible in my beliefs, especially with science, because, like life, science is fallible and changeable. Hardly a day goes by that I don't learn something new, but in order for me to accept it, it must make sense. It must feel right. It must add up by weighing everything and not being hasty in my decisions. I do this in order to protect myself from those who pride themselves in being deliberately untrustworthy. Hopefully, my "little voice of reason" will keep guiding me.

I've learned that there's always at least one mind that holds the truth that I may be seeking, even if many want to concealed it or disbelieve it. Seeking that truth, if compelled, is important for my peace of mind. I feel it's why so many people are unhappy or angry. They are either denied the truth, or denying the truth, leading to an unsettled mind. Removing my ego, when asking for truth, has released me from preconceived barriers. Barriers like truth itself, because truth is a strange thing; it's always in that moment, in the next moment it may not be true. For instance, a person may be blonde today but a brunette tomorrow.

I've learned to keep things in perspective. Not everything may be as it seems.There could be reasons why things may have happened which could be beyond my present awareness. There's two sides to every situation. Weigh both before you decide. I like the yin yang explanation from Abhinyana: In the black, there is some white. In the wrong, there is some right. In the dark, there is some light. In the blind, there is some sight. 

I've learned that life can be harsh, full of trickery and deceit, all things designed to make one ill if we allow it. We must do all we can to find peace and never lose our sense of humor. It's those walks on the beach or wooded paths, among other beautiful and tangible sights and sounds, like a loved one's laughter, that can help lift our spirits. I pushed at doing these things, particularly when feeling low. It can rejuvenate our soul and help wash away life's harshness, calming our minds to help us find our way. It has helped me during some severe trying moments and to maintain balance while I'm learning. 

Monday, July 27, 2015


Respect is constantly earned.

No matter how many past lifetimes you have had, you will be measured by who you are today.

Paying your dues is ad infinitum.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Stop Discriminating While I'm Discriminating

I'm always amazed at people who point fingers at others, who yell the loudest about not being treated fairly or being discriminated against, are the same ones who do all they can to segregate themselves from others that they initially discriminated against.

I'm not referring to race, but by their religious or political opinions, negative attitudes, sexual persuasion, ideology, vocabulary, vulgarity, profanity, mannerisms, ignoring laws, hair, clothes or the many other eyebrow-raising, distinguishing marks.

People are being treated differently because that's what they want. Just as anyone treats another differently who doesn't fit their blueprint. Think about it. They don't want people discriminating against them but they're doing the same. Or, they're whining because people aren't kissing their butt, because they're also expecting everyone to accept anything they do, without exception, and wonder why they don't. I, personally, wonder why they think anyone should? 

Conveniently, the world seems to be blind to this "stop discriminating while I'm discriminating" mentality? 

Friday, July 24, 2015

Police Perspective

I shared some of this with a friend the other day regarding police who "appear" to trigger easily. I mentioned that it's an occupational hazard. Like the military with PTSD. They join to help but can become hardened or damaged over time with what they see or hear everyday on the job. And, sadly, it's getting worse. If a law enforcement officer is agitated, (or starts becoming agitated) we shouldn't make it worse with our own bad attitude. Those that do, do so at a risk. 

Keep in mind, we don't know if they just left the scene of a horrendous crime; possibly a child murdered by a drive by shooter or some mass murder. We don't know if they just witnessed a police friend killed in the line of duty or if they just helped with an accident where a family were all killed by a DUI driver. We don't know what transpired before.

They also don't know if someone is a hardened criminal waiting to take their life. They don't know what may happen, even with just a traffic stop, which keeps them on guard, making them easily triggered. However, this doesn't justify anyone breaking the law ... including them.  

If we are polite and respectful as possible, hopefully we won't get sucked into any of their hidden emotional trauma. Our calmness will help them remain calm. Yes, there are some who are just a**holes but not all. Maybe some counseling or meditating, while off duty, might help them, but it all boils down to survival on the street and that's the main thing that will be triggered within them, because they all want to make it home safely to their loved ones. 

For every picture of police brutality on the internet, there are many pictures of police helping others. Let's keep things in perspective. Not everything we see or hear is what it is. It's not always police on power trips but possibly working off of someone's disrespect and bad attitude ... day in and day out. Is it no wonder things can escalate because of it?

I've personally witnessed this with a family member who wouldn't shut up. And ... this family member would be the first to yell police brutality. Can't imagine why. Can you?

Also, there are those who want to incite riots. Sometimes, pictures are shared by those who choose to twist or corrupt the truth. You can look at this blog picture and wonder if it's bad or good law enforcement situation (bad or good all being relative that is). It's actually from this article (link) where they're practicing for emergency situations. Yes, practicing for bad stuff to happen from bad people. Get it?

Remember, that's their job. Those who make it more difficult for them, do this at their own peril. Let's remember this when pointing fingers. The life they save could be yours. Unless they're taping off your house from a home invasion murder.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Flat Earth Conspiracy?

Flat earth theorist believe that the earth is actually flat not round (spherical). After viewing a few videos and websites, regarding flat earth believers, I decided to do some research on the other side and found this lengthy, but well written and logical article (first link), using detailed documentation that disputes flat earth. 

I wanted to share it because the below excerpt, I pulled from it, really resonated. There would have to be an enormous amount of people involved to pull off a worldwide conspiracy such as this. My questions would be: why would anyone want to and what would be the logic or gain in deceiving billions of people?

Also, my logical mind just couldn't feel the truth in their conspiracy. There were too many flaws in what they presented, based on counter explanations. So, I decided to meditate and ask guidance. My answer from them was simple: "Those who believe in a flat earth, their souls are riddle with doubt or deceit. Those who believe in a round (spherical) earth are not."

Article Excerpt: "The inevitable ridicule and indifference that he received convinced him that the Earth could not be rotating and that there was a conspiracy (for no defined reason) that hid the fact of the Earth's flatness. This conspiracy blossomed to include everyone in every government, civilian pilots (post-war) and/or GPS manufacturers (1960s), everyone in every telecommunications industry, everyone in the southern hemisphere (the difference between the currently-accepted globe and Flat Earth map are so massive below the equator that they would be difficult to ignore) and anyone using an odometer on a trip between any four landmarks. Also included in the conspiracy are thousands of supersoldiers keeping ordinary citizens from witnessing the Ice Wall, which surrounds the Flat Earth."

Furthermore, there is a real time earth viewing with the International Space Station. Well, unless you're into the conspiracy of flat earth. I can just hear the flat earthers saying the ISS isn't real. Of course, then all our weather satellites must not be real either.

From NASA website: "The HDEV does not record video on board the ISS, all video is transmitted to the ground real time; any desired recording of the video occurs as ground operations."

I understand that earth can look flat, depending on how one views it. Yet, one's perspective isn't always actuality and we can be duped by what we don't know. I also understand that one's perspective can be swayed by personal bias and gain, not just ignorance.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Nightmare: Out of Body Dream

I had a comment on one of my Atomarane You Tube videos that I thought I'd share here on my blog. It was someone sharing a nightmarish, out-of-body (obe) dream and, based on my personal experiences, they can be frightfully intense and seem very real. I've shared many of my various dream experiences, among many other things, in videos, blogs and books. Anyone can do an internet search using the words dreams and atomarane to see what I've shared about them.


Comment: I had an experience or really it seemed like a dream. I was being beamed back down from something thru the sky, I woke up while being beamed back down and started flailing my arms out of fear because I was in the sky. I was trying to grasp for something, like I could really grab ahold of something, but I'm in the middle of the sky. I don't recall what was above me but as I was grasping for something out of fear, something came over me and calmed me down and it was like I was laying flat on my back with my hands over my chest like I was in a casket. I looked back down towards the ground as I was being gently lowered back down thru the sky, my body seemed transparent, I floated thru the roof, attic and finally thru the bedroom ceiling and placed back in my bed gently and I woke up. It felt so real. Strange

Response: Yes, I've had a few. That's not your physical body, it's your soul out of your body. That's why you went through your roof because your spirit isn't as dense as the physical form. Many people experience this and think it's their physical body being abducted. That's not always the case. 

I call them power dreams and have a video about it, if you want to watch it. There's a lot of energy and minds involved. It's nearly always a planned event. Many times it is just to teach someone the reality of this occurring; then move on to the next person. Sometimes it's a psychic attack and can go on for sometime.

All these things may have a lot to do with what someone gets involved in, like metaphysical things, or the soul (past life) of the person experiencing it. Lately, I've been hearing a lot has to do with people using mind altering substances influencing these occurrences. I've also heard that people are attacked for numerous reasons besides drugs. There are things that can be used against someone as in pendulums or the Ouija board. All devised to be used against us to keep us in fear or being puppets to others.

So you see, there are many things to consider why something occured. If you want, I have teaching videos to help people understand more. Also, my personal story, of my early experiences, is condensed in a few videos but the book is more detailed. It's called Great Flame Within.

If you're not experiencing anymore influences, I would just take it as a lesson in life and move on. Hope this helps. 


Nightmare - Power Dreams

Great Flame Within: The Story of a Forgotten Master

Monday, July 20, 2015

An Extraterrestrial Experience - True Story

I had someone comment about a reptilian experience. It was on one of my true story videos titled: Beauty and the Beast, a Reptilian Encounter True Story. I thought I'd share the comment and my reply (see below).

I would also like to add that many times portals are open for us to see things which are similar to holograms. We're seeing this and not a being that's actually in our third dimension space due to our atmosphere, etc. They are protecting themselves from our density, so to speak. Sometimes, it may only be a mind projection that may occur or a dream. Contact can be in numerous ways.

Furthermore, I would like to warn of some dimensional beings who do not wish anything but deceit and harm. The confusion they create is deliberate in order to control. Sadly, we also have those on our planet who jump into things before they're truly prepared to help or teach. That's why it's important to discuss things with people who've been extensively trained and have good credentials. Yes, there are some who are not trained well, but are anxious to share, and will innocently or ignorantly plant seeds within someone's mind that's completely false information. That's because they're working off of their perception and are not fully open to receive the truth off of the universe. Be careful where you gain your information and keep telling your soul/mind to never accept anything that doesn't resonates as universal truth or isn't for your highest good.

You can read this and other comments on the video (part one):

Comment: You know ever since I woke up one summer sunny morning and saw one just standing there staring at me, I have been on a hint to see if other people have experienced this strange situation. I was indeed in terror, horror and in shock, my view on life, people and everything I have ever read about The Most High has changed. I was getting ready to scream like a little school gurl but IT IS LIKE IT KNEW I WAS ABOUT TO SCREAM AND BEFORE I COULD GET A SOUND OUT IT VANISHED RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES. please someone who knows such things, why on earth was it just standing there looking at me with those piercing yellow and black reptile eyes!!!????

Reply: There could be numerous reasons. I'll give you some generalities of what may be going on. One thing may be due to your soul. You've incarnated and closed down to who you were. Your soul holds memories that your mind doesn't understand but the emotions from your soul tells you things. It may tell you to fear, which means you may have had a bad memory from your past. It may tell you to be happy. This could be a good experience. This being may have been checking up on you. It may still remember who you were and checking up on who you are now. This is why some people may have various experiences. Your initial fear may be due to not understanding what was going on. The being didn't represent anything to fear though because it left. If it doesn't return, it was satisfied with what it saw. If it returns, you may have a prior commitment to watch over you. Like people here on earth, we can have good or bad anywhere. It's best to go about your life and do what you can to take care of yourself here.

If you need to know more, please watch my videos. Also, I wrote a book which included many questions I was asked over the years regarding ET's, based on people's true stories, and the answers they were given. It's called Ask Atomarane II - Other Worlds. I have it in .pdf and print format. Hope this helps.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Real Medicine

I saw a website where someone was putting down another due to their idea of what they thought real medicine was and that this person's medical ideology, regarding curing cancer, made him a quack.

He said, "Real medicine relies on evidence, accuracy, testing, truth, reason, science and reality."

I agree, however, after the numerous things I've seen and read during my life, about some people in the various fields of medicine, including the recent incident regarding Dr. Farid Fata, I would like to add that: Real medicine also relies on humans not being unscrupulous, imperfect, dishonest, bias, unethical, evil and/or egotistical. All these things that could deliberately distort his statement of real medicine.

I'm thankful that I've had some good doctors in my life but I've also had a few bad ones. Based on my experiences, the bad ones don't want you to question their knowledge; the good ones are open to discussion and trying new ideas.

If you get feelings that something isn't right, question it or move on. You have that right. Your intuition might be trying to tell you something. Just because a person has a degree in anything, it doesn't make them infallible.

Not me, not you, not anyone.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

University Degrees: Pros and Cons

If it sounds too good to be true, it generally is. Isn't this what we've heard before? With this constant push on university degrees, I'm often reminded of the people, including several family members and friends, that I've talked with over the years, who had degrees but they didn't have jobs in their field of education. It became a useless piece of costly paper that didn't help them due to job availability being scarce in their field (among other things). I've seen or heard of it far too often to wonder about the logic behind promoting a higher education when the jobs won't be available for them, leaving them with large tuition bills and possibly lower paying jobs. It's insane.

Why push at someone to get a degree if the jobs aren't there? Why also stigmatize someone for not having a degree? Who's really gaining from all this? In fact, has it ever crossed anyone's mind in who's behind promoting that the government should have free university education? Will it escalate to the point that we will need a degree to be a restaurant server? Seriously! Besides, we all know that nothing's ever free. Someone will always pay. That means, if not in tuition, it will be in higher taxes.

I've thought about this for many, many years. It seems so illogical for someone to have any degree, for instance, and be flipping burgers, instead of having the job they went to school for and still have to pay back a student loan. Not that flipping burgers is bad, I've done it and it's a necessary job in which I'm thankful there are those that do this. Any "service" industry is very vital to our country. They should be appreciated for their contribution and never demeaned because of it.

This morning, I began to think about this again when a friend posted a quote from Albert Einstein: “I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.” After posting the quote, her friend commented that we couldn't live without our sanitation department and how extremely important their jobs were to everyone. I agreed with him, we would be in serious trouble without them. My husband retired from Storm Water Operations in Tampa. He was a street sweeper that kept our city gutters clean and sewer drains unclogged against street flooding, especially during our rainy season. A very important function to keep a city functioning.

Anyway, to continue about degrees and my observations, I also discovered that there are "degreed" people who were being paid less in their field of education due to a flood of these people in the job market. I discovered that, first hand, back in the late eighties when I lost my accounting job due to a recession. As I was looking for a job, I was told that there were university CPA graduates being paid less than what I had been paid at my last job. At the same time, I was noting how others, with degrees, weren't using them because they got better pay in another field, sometimes service related fields. I don't mean just restaurant employees or street sweepers. There are also jobs that are taught through technical schools as well, or on the job training; many things that wouldn't require a four year university degree.

In fact, I worked as a bookkeeper (with only a high school education and on the job training), back in the mid-seventies, at one such technical school that taught computer repair. People can also learn to be an electrician, construction worker, an appliance repairer, medical transcriptionist, paralegal assistant, among many other jobs that can be taught through technical or trade schools, but check the job market first before deciding any career. 

Also, there are people I know that are self-taught web designers and multi-media artist. They're good at what they do, but should they be stigmatized because of not having a degree? Should they be made to feel discriminated against or snobbishly looked down on? No!

Yet, isn't that what some do in order to promote universities and their high tuitions? Making people feel one is more important than another due to a particular education or degree? You're a sanitation worker and I'm a doctor. Right! Yet, without that sanitation department, doctors would be up to their necks in more germs than they would ever want. I can go on with more analogies, but I only hope people understand that there are pros and cons when it comes to degrees. No one should be stigmatized, because we all have jobs to do, we're all educated in those jobs (however that occurred). Also, no one should feel that another is always better off either.

Unless, of course, one might surmise that a person who has a nice paying and less worrisome sanitation job, without a degree and school loans to pay back, might feel they are better off than a doctor with all their responsibilities and enormous tuition loans to repay.

Something to ponder.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Dimensional Beings: Science, Religion or Both?

Every now and then my "Jani" video encourages people to add their "professional" opinion. Of course, I don't mind this because, even though I might be repeating myself, based on prior comments, I get to do the same. This morning was another occasion to help someone open their minds to a different understanding than what their third dimension reality currently allows them. If you look on the video's comments, you'll see this was a person agreeing with another commenter, so I included those comments too. The comments between "Ashley" and I are at the beginning of this blog with today's comments with "Kel" following. Please keep in mind that these are only a few comments I've made on this video, collectively they can fill a book.
Also, many times, I'm hoping my response sparks a light into their minds. I often feel as if they are similar to the prisoners in Plato's Allegory of the Cave and hoping they become the prisoner that's released and can see more. 

This is my Jani video, along with all comments that's been made over the years. Sometimes, I've included a few video comments in my blog, because they could be deleted or rewritten later. 

Comments between Ashley and I about a month ago:
Ashley: It's hard to not go off on a video like this but I think at the core you are a kind and caring person and you want good things for other people but you are clearly not a medical expert and maybe you should look to history to see how the demonization of mental illness has led society to treat psychosis in the past. Although the treatment of mental illness is far from perfect the suggestion that psychosis is a spiritual battle instills fear, guilt, and powerlessness into those who suffer from the illness and takes us backwards on the already long road ahead to understanding the complexities of the human mind.
Atomarane: Thanks for commenting. However since you are observing one video to determine my knowledge and qualifications, I will educate you. I have two PhD's, among other degrees, in Metaphysical Science and Religion. I teach, through my school, what I've been taught, I share videos on this channel and write blogs to inform people of what I've been through (as well as other's experiences). I've also written books to educate as well. I do this to help remove fear not instill it. To shed light on a subject and not bury it in the darkness of stigma and medication which neither has worked. In my opinion, science needs to stop burying it's head in the ground if it truly wishes to help people because this mind ability (yes, I said ability) has been around a very, very long time and I don't see it going away. So if you want to be more in control of your life, to be more aware before you judge another, you might want to take a peek at my videos, books and blogs. Then we may be on the same level of mental communication. Maybe, because there's still the training I had that's also involved.
Ashley: Thanks for your response. Perhaps I implied you were ignorant and that's unfair. I speak from my own personal experiences as well and for me personally talks of possession did more damage then it did good but that's just me. As for your education level, two PhDs?!? well I humbly cower to your massive brain. I am but a lowly student still working to complete her Masters. ;) Hopefully your message helps in the way you intend. Best, Ashley
Atomarane: It never hurts to learn something outside our current awareness. (I sent her my book website - see below link).
Here is today's comment from Kel and my reply. If any further comments  are made, they can be viewed on the video.
Kel: I have to agree with Ashley, to be honest. I may be a lowly Master's student, but psychology happens to be the field I am studying. And I have spoken with people who have schizophrenia spectrum disorder. Schizophrenia also happens to be the area in which I would like to perform research, as so little is known about it. For example: Schizophrenia spectrum disorder affects approximately 1% of the general population worldwide, with childhood onset schizophrenia (such as in Jani's case) affects approximately 1% of those affected with the disorder. Mind you, I work hard to ensure that the people I come in contact with understand that the stigmas around mental disorders are unfounded. But by learning about what happens to the brain with these disorders (such as working memory not functioning correctly due to a decrease in hippocampal size in schizophrenia), we can determine how to help people not deal with "living in a nightmare you just can't wake up from" (from an interview I conducted with a person who had residual schizophrenia, according to the DSM-IV). Mind you, I am also Christian. I believe that Christ healed many people. But the Bible also mentions that we would not be able to see these things any longer. I feel that your message contradicts what the Bible tells us, and (no offense intended) to be quite honest, I'll stick with what the Bible tells me on that subject.
Atomarane: Well, it's a tad hypocritical to state you believe in the stories of the Bible and Jesus but you don't believe in possession. But let's just say the Bible doesn't exist and we're only discussing science. First, the science of the mind is a new science and we're learning more of what causes the many psychosis in people. However, we're discovering what causes something that's been going on from before Jesus. We know what is effected, we may even see the brain functions caused from it, but do we actually know what's creating it? Is it a family genetics? Is it from their soul? (That's a Bible thing too that science hasn't quite measured yet either.) Saying science sees how it effects the brain is no different than science x-raying a broken bone. You can see it's broken but did anyone see how it happened or who really did it? We don't always have that answer. Only that it's broken.
How about this, just as a challenge to your proposed profession. Remove these current limited blinders you're wearing just long enough to allow more light to filter into your mind. What if I told you that the reason some people (not all but some) are ill due to making sure you have a profession? Think about it, without you needing money to support yourself (and others too), we may not need as many "mentally ill" people. See? It starts out with a need from someone needing help. That help turns into a profession, that profession bleeds the system wanting sick people to support them so they can buy what they need to survive. It's not too unreasonable for any intellectual to imagine this and see the logic behind it.
Also, while you're letting in a little more light, you might want to take a look at the books I've written. (Note: I included the website below.) One is a true story call Great Flame Within and it's how I discovered what goes on in other dimensions. You know that "spirit" dimension that Jesus knew about? Well, unless science thinks they know everything? In that case, Jesus etc., are all mental patients suffering from delusions and not really the spiritual teachers we've made them into. Just something to ponder.
I would also like to state, as I've done in older comments, the process of determining what could have caused a problem is important in science. We know brain issues can be done through damage from an accident or abuse. One would then have to surmise that if there wasn't either of these, then where did it originate? Unless someone is lying about their experience. Science also has to be accountable too. Medication isn't always helping and, many times, making the situation worse due to the chemical effect it's creating, including depression and suicide.  This information is based on those younger and older adults who wrote me and told me. Why? Because they knew I knew what they were experiencing. In fact, I learned quite a bit more myself by listening to them.

So, you see, maybe an alcoholic can see pink elephants but maybe their brain is open to seeing more because of it. However, training (as I received) can do this too. No alcohol - no drugs - just going to school and learning.
Yes, like prophets/prophetess of old, I hear voices too. I have had painful experiences too. But the difference with me and Jani is that I know more of what goes on around all of us that a layperson does.
Science may want to eradicate Shamans, because they're old school, in order to justify their education and paychecks, but I wouldn't discount them, I would learn from them. A blending of these two fields - science and religion? Yes, that would be a blessing for anyone needing help. No big "I know everything" egos - just love and understanding based on a different level of awareness.

I also have a blog account if you want to read more. Google Atomarane Advice and Schizophrenia.
Book website:

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Two Opposing Forces

When we have two opposing forces, in opinions or beliefs, it's important for us to be able to compromise in order to have peace. This is how we divert or block these forces. However, when one side doesn't choose to compromise, then they don't want peace, they want power and control. Many times that comes at a very costly price.

Furthermore, the right attitude is important. Having a hateful or haughty behavior over another's belief, when demanding one's own, shows mental immaturity. It's similar to a child throwing a temper fit because they're told no. That has never solve any situation peacefully.

It reminds me of a quote that says: "God answers all prayers, but sometimes the answer is no." Many times no is the reasonable answer, yet, from my personal observation, some people are too busy pouting to think reasonably. We're becoming a society expecting a yes to every demand. This can create a moral and financial death. It's illogical and unreasonable to even assume this is justified.

Also, how can anyone justify persecuting another while saying they're being persecuted? How can anyone show disrespect to another while saying they're wanting respect? How can anyone be hateful to another while demanding not to be treated hatefully. How can anyone gloat over another's suffering when the shoe was once on their foot? It's not only hypocritical, no matter how one tries to justify it, but it's also shows a lack of emotional and intellectual development.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Breastfeeding Conspiracy?

First of all, I'm not a conspiracy advocate but I am a thinker. Yesterday, I got into a discussion with some women about a woman publically breastfeeding in a restaurant with an exposed breast and the impropriety of it (for various reasons discussed).

Today, I kept getting this "message" regarding those who do this are very similar to an exhibitionist: a person who behaves in ways intended to attract attention or display her (his) powers, personality, etc. In looking up this word, I noticed that psychology also associated it with narcissistic behavior: tending to derive erotic gratification from admiration of one's own physical or mental attributes.

I would have thought that this might be extreme, except I was also reminded of something I read, back in the eighties, about women climaxing while breastfeeding. Yes, it's true, Google it; one site said there were six million results. Since I never breastfed, I couldn't attest to it, but many women did in this article that I read, and apparently still do today. This, it was claimed in the article, also attributed to men and their fascination with women's breast. It wasn't just nurturing, it was also sexual, and a reason for being exploited. In fact, many women stated that they enjoyed breastfeeding because of it. The things one learns.

Now, this brings me to today and more women publically breastfeeding. Yes, you know where I'm going with this. Is it only logical that others also know about this and may not wish to participate in this possibly and publically occurring? Whereas, others may feel they don't mind "Sally" publically climaxing while they or others eat? And if people choose to participate, by watching, and not be uncomfortable with what may occur, wouldn't psychology agree to this as being similar to voyeurism? Similar only due to it being subconsciously permitted and because it's not actually done in secret.

Now, science comes along and states: go back to breastfeeding; it's good for mom and baby (some dispute this claim, of course). However, we do know that science isn't always perfect. They have flawed many times. Makes me wonder why many were so willing to participate in this. Makes me wonder why some women choose to breastfeed for longer than necessary. I enjoyed my freedom and flexibility, yet I still nurtured my babies. My mom did the same. Why the guilt trip? Was it a time period where women's breasts could come out of the closet? What would be another purpose other than breastfeeding? Hmmm...

Does anyone truly wonder who's really behind many of our rules/laws that are made and why? I know I do. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Like the Ocean

I used to have a friend, Namitha, in India, that emailed me often about her life, family, love of photography, and spiritual awakening, along with a ton of questions I didn't mind answering.

Sadly, and suddenly, her life ended too soon. Several years ago, only in her forties, she developed a serious infection and her husband found her dead in her bath. It was another friend of hers who wrote me on Facebook to tell me of this heartbreaking tragedy, because she knew I'd want to know. It was a shocking reminder of how precious life is and how quickly it can be over. This is why we should never assume.

I still think about her now and then. She was a very beautiful soul. One day, about five years ago, she wrote a lovely ending in her email. I would like to share it with everyone and say I feel the same to all who stood by me over the years. She said: thank you for being there like the ocean.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Lord Will Provide?

Is it just me or is anyone else seeing or hearing this and questioning it?

Over the years, I have, repeatedly, read or heard people say things like, God made her (him) this way, who are we to judge what God created? The Good Lord created this situation for us to ____________ (fill in the blank). It's in God's hands. The Lord will provide. God must have wanted it this way or other similar statements when people seem to be justifying their actions or things they don't understand.

Many times, I think, who are they trying to convince, me or themselves? After all, who said it was our Creator that allowed anything? Did everyone have a divine message? Did God tell them directly? Are they into communication? Could it be an assumption to placate their ego? To eradicate a guilty conscience? What if my feelings don't correspond with their's? Who's right then?

The reason that I feel this needed to be mentioned was due to an experience I had a long time ago. A family member, of a family member, was at a family function. She had stolen from another family member sometime before this event. They knew it was her, but didn't have evidence, so they couldn't do anything about it. At this function, she mentioned that the "Lord will provide." In that instance, guidance gave me a message which I relayed to her: "Which lord, because you know there are two?" When I spoke those words to her, she shrugged her shoulders and walked away, but I could see it had the impact they wanted her to have.

So you see, in that instance, with that message, it reminded me that there are two opposing forces. We can make excuses, we can state feelings, but the fact remains "God" isn't the only one "providing." Yes, I realize that good and bad are relative to what side of the fence one is standing on when something happens. Because of this, we have learned to recognize those opposing forces, but we've also learned to create excuses for them too.

Maturity comes when we stop making excuses and start making changes. We should understand that it's quite possibly our desires which are creating our realities due to the many influences around us, seen or unseen? For instance, our family, friends, community, or worldwide events that become part of our mental programming, as well as those invisible emotions or thoughts that can also permeate our consciousness to sway us.

The Lord will provide? Which one?

Monday, July 6, 2015

A WWI Soldier's 1919 Letters Written After the Armistice

_____When you think your life sucks!_____

Doing genealogy has helped me appreciate more of what I have today. Here are two letters (newspaper clippings) from back in WW1, written after the Armistice, from an ancestor and his various experiences. Earle (Earl) A. Mudge (1889 - 1926) is my third cousin, once removed, from Michigan. Whenever I think my life sucks, I'm reminded of these letters (among other things), and the words he wrote. More importantly I think about those unwritten words, which weren't in these letters, when he said: "I could write you a book on this war."

(newspaper clipping)
From Germany
Earle Mudge Writes a Fine Letter to His Old Friend, Dr. B. L. Cleveland
Earle R. Mudge one of the very finest and best Birmingham boys has written a fine letter to his old friend, Dr. B. L. Cleveland, all the way from Germany, and it sure is full of very interesting matter. Earle has done his bit and is a boy to be proud of, and we wish him the best of everything, a safe return and continued prosperity.
Diekirch, Luxemburg,
January 14, 1919.
Dear Friend Dr. Cleveland —
Received your letter today and was sure glad to hear from you. The picture is good of you and you have a find dear. Your rheumatism does not sound good but you can't keep a good man down. We are all troubled with colds and bowels a lot, but our doctor watches us closely.
I am with the 2nd army 33 Division occupation troops in Luxemburg about ten Kilometers from Boche border doing military police duty. The inhabitants about 4000 in Diekirch are German speaking and very pleasant, but we keep an eye open always. The American soldiers are living in the schools and colleges here. Have been in this city a month and no trouble, things are very quiet except in Berlin and I'll bet we go there yet and occupy the city. We won't come home until peace is signed and that won't be before June. The 123 Artillery Band is playing beside the billets at present, it sounds nice. My delivery man Chas. Edwards was killed in action, too bad. Do you know Wilkinson that was mail clerk, I got a letter from him in France, he is O. K.
The experience is a great one, but during the war excuse me again from such experience. I don't want to see or hear any more fire works. I have been thru cities that were shot down flat as a paper and even woods shot down and the earth turned inside out just think of men living thru such hell of fire. A soldier near me now was over the top four times and right in No Man's Land for over a month, bullets, shrapnel and whiz bangs etc. were hit all around him, but he is with us today and not a scratch on the boy, believe me God gave that soldier confidence and luck. Doctor, I could write you a book on this war and you realize that, we are allowed to write anything now except to criticize the government.

I want to write a few lines on high cost of living here, you remember franc and marks money. A franc about 20c. A mark 23c. The Luxemburg people have adopted the franc as their money. I am going to mess now, will finish later. Well am back again after eating potatoes, beef, bean soup, bread, syrup and coffee. Clothes are out of question, although the people dress well. A suit of clothes and poor quality at that costs from 500 to 800 franc, shoes 200 franc, undershirt 40 francs socks 5 to 10 franc a pair. I have never seen any shoes here in stores except wooden ones. A grocery store is out of question, they can't get the goods, all I have seen in can goods is peas and they are 5 franc. Soap is very scarce. Laundry soap 7 franc a bar. Uncle Sam keeps us supplied with soap very good. Sugar 5 franc a pound. Bread is black and sold by ticket or weight. Our bread is pure wheat and lots of it. Bar of chocolate like 1-2 pound bakers, 10 franc. Meat is out of sight. A small pie hardly any filling, no laid is 7 franc. Ice cream 2 1-2 franc a very small dish and mostly made of water, cookies 3 for 1 1-4 franc. No fruit except Lemons 1 1-4 franc each. What do you think of these prices, ain't they a fright. The government issues smoking tobacco and chewing. Oh yes choc. candy $400 a pound. The Y. M. C. A. has tobacco and choc. and newspapers for us but goods have been hard for them to get, on account of congested traffic in France.
The weather is very rainy, no snow yet. Dear and wife did not go south this year. I would like to went but no danger of that this winter. I will be glad when they start us back, so can get busy again. Well Doctor we have good clothes for winter and plenty to eat and a fair place to sleep. They furnish us three heavy blankets for bed. Over coat, jerkin, raincoat, mittens, sweater, two pair shoes, socks, heavy underwear, blouse, trousers, leggings, shirt makes a good outfit for winter. Well Doctor will close and hope you have a good winter at home and believe me we will go fishing when I return. Fishing no good here. I have never seen a fish here, some rabbits. The water is nothing extra either it seems to be bitter and I believe acts on the bowels. I hope mother gets my mail regular for I know how she is when she don't. Since the armistice I know the people back home feel better, to go to bed and think that the big guns have ceased firing, and that some poor fellow isn't getting knocked off just on account of the Kaiser. Believe me the barrage the Yanks put over on November 11 at Saint Michael sector, shook the shingles right off my billet why long range guns from Verdun were singing over my head, shooting 15 miles. When they explode, everything goes around it and the hole in the ground you could bury an elephant without any trouble. You don't see any glass in windows, all been shook out by shell fire. I have seen some very bad aeroplane accidents, aeroplane battles.
To sum the whole thing up France is 100 years behind times and Luxemburg about the same. England is a little better, Liverpool where I landed after being on Atlantic 13 days is a large city and modern. The English are very neat about their property but the French are just the opposite. I must not forget to tell you about a few pests that rank next to Boche and that is fleas, "cooties" or old grey back lice. I have slept in straw, stacks where the fleas would absolutely get on my neck and face by the thousands, take a bite out of you then hop off. After a fellow has hiked 10 to 15 miles with heavy pack and then run into those fleas at night it is no joke. We made a hike of two weeks from Troyon France to Diekirch with heavy pack a distance of 150 miles and rain every day and slept in some old barn, school house, etc. at night with bully beef and hard bread for dinner we call this iron rations.
"Cooties" are the pest of our lives, it is impossible to dispose of them at any length of time, they get on our underwear and at night they sock it to you and a mosquito bite is not in it at all. They lay eggs on your shirt and hatch very fast, a cootie becomes a grandfather in short time. They are hard to kill. Rats in France by the millions, they run over you at night.

Well space is short now and will close, hoping you are well again and that the winter be mild.

Very truly yours,
33 Military Police Co.
A. P. O. 750
American Exp. Forces, France
Via New York
(newspaper clipping)
From Luxemburg
Private Earle A. Mudge Writes Another Readable Letter to His Friend, Dr. Cleveland
Diekirch, Luxemburg, Feb. 25.
Dear Friend Dr. B. L. Cleveland — Your pleasing letter of Feb. 8 came through a distance of 4,000 miles of congested transportation "toot sweet."
A civilian would judge by the guard duty we do in rain, snow or slush that rheumatism would conquer the Yank before "boche." Nay, nay. The hours of the soldier, regular meals and mostly the physical exercises are a terror to disease.
In the evening soldiers will be lined up around their bunks, made by 'filling a bed sack with shavings and covered with shelter half or 0. D. blanket and off comes the O. D. shirt — then the undershirt, where with your searching eye you crush the daylights out of an insect with pleasure. This process of holding the shirt and searching by candle light is called by soldiers as a question, "Reading the evening paper?" Blame poor news, believe me.
Beside our billet is an enormous hill upon the top of which you can see with strong field glasses Belgium, France and Germany proper. Therefore they say the reason for Luxemburg army not having any heavy artillery is: A shot fired will not land on their own soil, get me? (Small colony.)
On Feb. 27 the 33rd division holds a house show at Diekirch to which are expected 10,000 visitors and 600 horses. Now believe me Doctor, the military police will have their hands full to keep management or orders in unison. In the army lots of dough¬boys will holler or say, "Who won the war? M. P.'s?" or "Mother take down your service flag, your son's in the M. P.'s." Nevertheless a military policeman has no easy task enforcing the laws of Uncle Sam's army.
There is a Catholic church in this village, built the year 1100. No services held in it — age has condemned it.
In your tour of Europe you probably noticed the old castles, built on high hilltops, the old homes of the duchess, very interesting to tourists.
A. W. O. L. (absent without leave) laws are very strict here, a soldier going A. W. O. L. and caught is forwarded to a labor unit, to do hard labor until the government sees fit to release them.
It is a stated fact that they are the last to leave France.
We are listed at the present time to sail in May. Hope it is true, and to embark at Rotterdam.
The Ford brothers, Bert and Austin, correspond with me regularly. They are in France. Bert sails a month before me as to orders.
The Ives brothers, Ben and Edwin, are near me, but it seems impossible to see them. Just imagine, I was in Bettemburg, where Ben was stationed, and I'll be blamed if I knew he was there at the time.
Our company of 200 men from all states in the union are to be mounted, either a horse, bicycle or motorcycle. I want a bicycle — no engine trouble.
It will interest you to know what a soldier has in the army of occupation: Two O. D. shirts, one oversea hat, one winter cap, two trousers (long pants), two blouses, three pair socks (heavy), two pair hobnail shoes, two pair leggings, two pair underwear (heavy), one overcoat, one raincoat, one leather jerkin, one shelter-half, one Red Cross sweater, three O. D. blankets, no pillow (but I have one with real feathers in, too), one towel, toothbrush, shaving brush, Gillette razor, steel mirror, mess cover, knife, fork and spoon, one pair overshoes, steel helmet, gas mask, canteen and cover, first-aid packet, 45-caliber automatic holster, two clips and pockets, one pair heavy mitters, one pair wool gloves, one pack carrier, field belt, waist belt.
Doctor, I will close with the soldier's prayer:
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
Grant no other soldier take
My socks or shoes before I wake.
Take me back into the land,
Where people walk without a band,
Where no thrilling bugle blows,
And where the laundries wash the clothes.
God, Thou knowest all my woes,
Give me back my civilian clothes.
Take me back — I'll promise then,
Never to enlist again — Amen.

Yours sincerely,
33 Military Police Co., A. P. O. 750,
A. E. F., France
Photo of WWI Military Policemen non copyrighted.
Neither men are E.A. Mudge.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Okinawa Flag Raising: The Last Major Battle of WWII

In writing my recent blog about my dad, Tribute: My Dad & Okinawa Gunto (The Last Major Battle of WWII), and the operation he was in, I discovered something interesting: the raising of the American flag at Okinawa on May 30, 1945. That made me question why this part of history was overshadowed by the Iwo Jima flag raising, which was February 23, 1945. The Okinawa operation (26 March – 23 June 1945) is listed not only as the last major battle but the largest amphibious assault in the Pacific during World War II.

The last major battle? I decided to investigate.This island was the last stop before the Japanese islands. Japan, having agreed in principle to unconditional surrender on August 14, 1945, after two atomic bombs were dropped, formally surrendered, ending World War II on September 2, 1945. Okay, bombing isn't the same as battles. After fact checking many battles and dates, it appeares the wording of "last major battle" is accurate.

So, back to the flag raising of this last battle. Why is this flag information so low key? When you do an internet search for WWII flag raising it only shows the Iwo Jima one unless you're more specific. Maybe the notoriety was due to the amount of men raising the American Flag there, or the amount of lives lost there was greater than in the Okinawa operation? Who knows? Yet, one would surmise the picture of the raising of the last battle flag would have some importance and be as discussed as much as the Iwo Jima picture.

If interested in knowing more, this "Final Campaign" link below is a detailed telling of the Okinawa campaign. One thing, out of the many things, this article mentions is the kamikaze pilots. It made my heart sink to think my dad's ship could have been attacked that way and the numerous things that could have been running through his mind during that time.

I also thought I'd share an excerpt from the link in order to single out, from among the many interesting things in the article, the information about minesweepers. This was one of his ship's assignments; one ship out the many ships and men involved.

Excerpt: "Meanwhile, Turner's minesweepers had their hands full clearing approach lanes to the Hagushi Beaches. Navy Underwater Demolition Teams, augmented by Marines, blew up hundreds of man-made obstacles in the shallows. And in a full week of preliminary bombardment, the fire support ships delivered more than 25,000 rounds of five-inch shells or larger. The shelling produced more spectacle than destruction, however, because the invaders still believed General Ushijima's forces would be arrayed around the beaches and air fields. A bombardment of that scale and duration would have saved many lives at Iwo Jima; at Okinawa this precious ordnance produced few tangible results."

The Final Campaign:

To continue, my blog photo shows the raising of the American Flag by one lone but still significant Marine. The caption stated: LtCol Richard P. Ross, commander of 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division, braves sniper fire to place the division's colors on a parapet of Shuri Castle (Okinawa) on May 30, 1945. This flag was first raised over Cape Gloucester and then Peleliu. (The Department of Defense has the original photo - USMC 121832.)

Additional links:

1) Some sources state the flag was raised on May 29th or June 1st but this video shows May 30th ...

2) A brief newspaper article, with picture, about the flag being raised on May 30th along with a little more history of the flag and battle.

3) For World War II Timeline:

Thursday, July 2, 2015

What is Sin?

The other night, my husband and I watched the 1966 movie called Hawaii. It was about a missionary and his wife going to Hawaii to teach the natives about Christianity. The first thing they noticed, upon arriving to the island, was that the women, greeting the ship, were bare breasted. That was only the beginning of the things the missionary demanded to change in order to save their souls from the eternal fires of hell. Later, there was a somewhat humorous scene when the missionary discovered that adultery and incest were common among them. At one point, the brother (and husband) of the Queen lists the twenty-three ways to commit adultery on the island, based on the missionary's definition of it to him.

This had me thinking about today and our concept of sin. Apparently, back then, in this Hawaii story, they thought it was strange to cover themselves, or not to have sex with, or get married to, their siblings, etc. That is until a missionary came along to save them. Yet, did they need saving? Wouldn't God know of their "wickedness?" Did he feel they were being sinful in what they did? Would he have allowed all their ancestors to burn in hell? After all, their feelings were of innocence and disbelief. They weren't doing anything evil. That thought had to be planted in their minds from an outsider.

Sure, some may say the missionary was sent to save them, but did they really need saving? Their ideology seemed to be working quite well and they all seemed happy and content. Until someone came along and decided to change their ideology, implant these judgments, and call them sinners. There was one scene where it was discussed about the Hawaiians killing babies that were born with birthmarks on them. They thought it was more cruel to allow them to live. The Hawaiians were taught that this too was sinful. Until then, they felt they were doing the right thing. In that time period, maybe they were. Maybe they too were being guided by God for their needs. Who are we to judge?

As you can see, this movie made me think about the innocent mind doing something and not thinking it was wrong until told. Yes, we have more scientific awareness that helps our decisions today. However, we have multicultural concepts that are wrong to some but right to others. So who is right or wrong? Who is a sinner and who isn't? A long time ago, I felt the need to ask God, while meditating, about sin and judgment. The short message I received was basically very simple. It went: "I do not judge you, you judge you based on what you feel you did wrong."

Interesting. We judge ourselves before him. In their innocence, of what they did before the missionary arrived, they were sinless, until the thought was planted into their mind and they believed it. Before, when approaching God, he may have found them sinless based on their purity and innocence of thought. However, if they believed the missionary, and continued on with their old ways, they may have met God with guilt or shame; thus judging themselves.

What is sin? Well, what's within you to judge yourself? What has been shown to you, in order for you to decide? What do you feel is right or wrong based on education and awareness? I feel that's how God will see our souls; not so much with mankind and all its judgments, laws and rules, which we still need to obey or pay, but with his infinite wisdom. Also, something else I learned, while meditating: man has many rules but God has one and it's Golden.

Just in case the movie over indulged truth, I found this website that describes more of Hawaiian life back then.