Sunday, January 11, 2015


Most people avoid this subject until it comes knocking at their door via family, friend or news media. I know, because I felt the same way until something similar happened to me and I started making videos about it years later. I have one video, in particular, that gets more comments then most of my other videos (link). 

Jani Schofield - Schizophrenic or Possession?:

However, what I find as interesting as the video subject is the various comments I've received on this video, which tells me about the commenters.

For instance:

1. Refusal to read previous comments and replies before commenting, so they repeat previous comments that have already been answered. After all, reading a lot of comments may be too difficult or time consuming; they have other fun things to do.

2. Age of commenter and their lack of awareness, much less scientific awareness, but puffing up their own self importance. Those who actually prefer video games or trolling over actually educating themselves on this subject.

3. Those that suffer with any myriad of what's listed as mental conditions and desparate for answers outside of the medical community. Willing to listen to someone willing to listen to them. Sometimes still falling victim to their minds because changes take time and time isn't always on their or another's agenda.

4. Those who are enlightened and share their experiences (which are part of the comments not being read), who completely understand and agree. Thankful to those who've been there themselves and are met with understanding and compassion. Those who know the game being played and stand strong against the negative forces coming at them.

Generally, the typical hostile comments I receive are from young males who are part of our world's problems today. Those that think they know everything and refuse to listen to anything. Most of these I delete because they're generally filled with anger and profanity. Ocassionally, I'll respond if it isn't, as I did with a comment I received today from a young male.


Comment: This video is irrelevant to the mental illness of Schizophrenia, and makes no forward progress regarding anything.

Response:  And please explain your scientific point of view or rather lack of it. There's a lot of people walking the streets with mental illnesses and what particularly has science done to cure them? Not a thing. Maybe because some are refusing to see the obvious - the unseen. What's in your soul that makes you who you are today? That energy that makes you different from others? That energy that can make you a mental case? That energy that drugs can make you more delusional or psychotic? That energy that tells you not to go there or do that because you could be stepping into trouble. Like coming here to my channel talking like you know something when you don't.


If inclined, you can read this and other comments on the above video link. I've even uncovered more information about Jani, since making that video, that I've only discussed with others privately and for collaboration.

Also, just for the record, I never profess to know everything, but I know a lot about this due to my own personal journey and the journeys others have shared with me. These were shared with videos on my channel, for anyone to watch, as well as private comments that I eventually made into a book (link).

Furthermore, for every argument I receive about brain x-ray proof, I'll give a return argument about how anything can be influenced, or tampered with, by any energy source. Sources that can cause a myriad of mental or physical conditions which can create a spectrum of issues within us all ... including, as in my case, an unseen nemisis. 

Of course, the medical community may be so overwhelmed that it's easier to say: take a pill. All I know is that when I read things like this medical description (link), what I feel from it is a lot of holes that need filling. Where's the consistency to make their argument more viable? It's seems to be a puzzle with a missing piece. Could what I and others know be the missing piece that will tie it all together? To help understand another possible source of addictions, obsessions or paranoias. That it's not just in their heads.

After many years of sharing my knowledge with the public, the only reason, I can surmise, that people are kept in the dark, regarding the facts that I and others know on this subject (and why I still get uneducated comments), is that people are puppeted easier by being kept in a fear based mode. Like anything we see around our planet where people aren't allowed pertinent information to help them make better choices.

Maybe one day the light will chip away at their ignorance or the puppeteers will suffer their consequences. Until then, I can only pray that people like me will keep knocking on these closed minds until they open.

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