Friday, January 9, 2015

The Darker Side of Curses

I feel like I'm talking in the wind but here we go again. Why do we forget these things? People throw curses around, due to hate of a person, without realizing there may be someone willing to carry it out, for some justifiable cause, or forget that it may come back at them. As you sow...

However, we also keep forgetting that it may be the innocent people around them that may suffer more because of being beaten or murdered by the accursed; due to their's or another's dark side ... or both. This is the darker side of curses. Think about it.

Yes, we have spirits (angels/family) around us, but don't forget, so will they. The attacked accursed may have those around that are carrying out someone's wishes but they may also have those around deflecting them to another. Possibly back at the curser or someone the curser may love.

I remember one of my first guides explaining this to me once. A friend's little sister would have ocassional unexplained temper fits and when my guide looked into it, he advised me she was a Mary (mother of Jesus) soul. He explained that many times, with lifetimes such as Mary's, they will have many souls share a lifetime for numerous reasons, including reflecting future trouble. This way, if the main mind/soul is being inundated by too many spirits around it, they will send them to another person that shared that lifetime. Deflecting it away from the main spirit from becoming attacked. I was upset because I said that this child's mind did not know what was going on and she's being attacked too. How long before this indiscriminately sending spirits to her will cause her to become accursed herself, because of any hate or anger around her?

Honestly, I could understand this logic but in that moment it also seemed very unreasonable.

So you see, we don't always understand what's going on "out there" in order to protect ourselves from those who may be protecting another or cursing us ... sending things our way or removing them. These reflecting/redirecting curses/causes may become too intense. Eventually, the accursed may seek medical help, which may make it worse, leaving them feeling disappointed or a failure and resorting to anything that will rid them of their hurt. The angry and frustrated accursed, now being of unsound mind and body, may eventually cross the line of decency and strike out at a completely-unaware, innocent one that may not be able to defend itself. This could be an animal, family member, friend, co-worker or stranger.

The dad that threw his five year old daughter, Phoebe, off of a Florida bridge a couple of days ago is an example of what deflecting a curse can mean. She was an innocent  bystander of someone accursed and she took the blunt of it. How many stories have been told over the years of this same type of scenario? Where someone went off the deep end and struck out in murder or mayhem due to suffering from some form of mental condition? Do you think that anyone who redirects a curse to another cares? Did the father care with his own flesh and blood child?

Deflecting or redirecting curses isn't anything new, even in India families are known to keep goldfish in their homes to ward off evil. If the goldfish dies, their belief is that it deflected a curse from the family. However no goldfish was involved with the recent murder of this child. She became the deflection.

If someone is mentally imbalanced, or on mind altering substances, they would be easier to manpulate and easier to convince to deflect an attack on themselves ... to kill or be killed. So before you curse the wicked, be sure you see who are the innocent ones on their path. They may be the ones to take the heat of your curse by those out there throwing their weight around or using another to do it.

This video is another example: Human Sacrifice - Then and Now?:

I never ask anyone to believe me. Please do your own research. There's plenty of information in books or on the internet. All I know is that we need to be more aware and be able to read those destructive signs; to stop enabling it by continually being in denial or naysaying.

We've been given enough proof, but before demanding more, please remember there are also some who may carry out those thoughts too. Be careful what you wish for.

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