Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Coveting and Karma: What's In Your Soul?

This morning, I "heard" someone being told: "thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods." It made me think of a friend's recent dream about me.

She told me that she had a dream where a woman was telling her that she was upset over what I had (possessions). My friend told me she was trying to explain to this woman that I had earned it and she was being jealous, but she felt as if someone was trying to put an invisible hand over her mouth to keep her from telling this woman anything.

When my friend was telling me about her dream, I agreed this was jealousy. I told her that it's possibly thoughts in the universe that she received while dreaming.

Later, while reflecting about it, I thought it was tragic that people only see what they want and don't want to understand the struggles I've gone through to earn what little I have or what I need to do to maintain it. Much less that I should work as hard as I have, just to hand it over to another.

Not that I haven't done that many times with family and friends.

Later guidance reminded me of the  commandment about coveting as well as karmic law. They said that it was disheartening to see people, but especially metaphysically aware people, not abiding by it. To see how fast they forget their teachings about not coveting, or karma, whenever it suits their purpose.

They told me that jealousy is a sickness of the soul. To covet what another has, especially without understanding their path, is a darkness within them. They are more than likely still karmically reaping something from their past and acting like a petulant child because they either don't want to pay their dues or wait their turn. They particularly don't want to understand a soul's path.

For instance, my original soul did many good deeds in the spirit world to be rewarded with a peaceful existence, yet I don't live in this world alone and my destiny was dealt many blows by fate or other's paths. My life was a struggle but I don't have any sense of entitlement due to past life situations. I constantly kept my head high and kept looking forward. For someone to be jealous of my life, only shows they have no idea about it. I feel it's shameful behavior on their part, because many people around the world understands coveting and karma.

Another example: my husband's soul was in many struggles and poor in many past lifetimes. He learn to bypass his struggles and walk with the universe in helping people, including being a spirit guide many times. He came into this life to prove his worth. This was done with working more than one job at a time for most of his adult life to have comfort later on. This comfort was to include me, and the protection and care of me, so I could do what I was chosen to do.

Are you starting to see how God/Universe works? How karma flows? I've spent many years studying and analyzing past emotions to uncover this information. It even opened my eyes wider because of it.

So, when someone wants to be upset with what another has, or what another is doing in life, they may want to take the time to study these people's soul path. Maybe it's their turn to be up and another's to be down. Maybe it's their turn to have and another's to have not. Who are we to judge without knowing the full story?

I know, I can hear it now: but, but, but!

This is not saying that we shouldn't be vocal about what we feel is someone's misuse or abuse of power. Maybe it's their karma to be this way. It may be another's to call them out. It's a very different emotion than coveting ... displaying one's own greed while pointing out another's.

In conclusion, this article (below) was another reason for my blog. It's well written and worth the time to read for anyone wanting to broaden their awareness about these subjects of coveting and karma.

Do Not Covet Your Neighbors Goods

I also wanted to share what I wrote over a year ago, in case anyone missed it.

Coveting: Poor In Spirit

In the meantime, what's in your soul?


  1. Interesting blog! :) Somehow you always end up writing about something I read about a few days ago. One post stood out to me and that's this:

    "You are envious and resent the feelings that come up so you find something wrong with those who have what you want and end up judging them.

    Someone who has attained recognition may remind you of your own lack of success in this area. You may resent their higher degree of accomplishment and then find something wrong with them in order to avoid your own feelings of inadequacy.

    Since inspiration is a much more effective motivator than competition, you’d be more likely to experience success if you got inspired by other people’s victories instead of wasting time finding fault with them."
