Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Psychic Healer: Ethics and Awareness

Here's another reminder how we set ourselves up for failure due to ego. It's why I decided to share a conversation (below) where a friend of a friend, apparently, got a tad irritated with me for sharing my awareness and blocked me. Let me explain further. A friend posted a question on social media about how much should someone charge for healing energy work. She also commented that she had been going through psychic attacks for a few years with no relief - no matter what she did. I know this, personally, because we have talked a few times about what she was going though. As a metaphysical teacher, I offered free advice in what she could learn - in order to help herself - to empower her. I had also advised her, in private, to be careful of any healer (or exorcist) who couldn't prove their worth. This warning was due to people writing me about the ones they've encountered who were unscrupulous.

In addition, she had posted a link for someone she was interested in but said she was very expensive. To me, price is important but so is the service provided as well as the results. Don't say you can do something and then not do it, much less keep gouging (or blaming) your client. The worse case of gouging I had ever heard was years ago when a woman wrote me that she had spent over 10,000 dollars with a psychic healer and with no results. Unbelievable!

Anyway, I digress. My initial reply to her post was in regards to her concern about spending money and sensing she didn't want to be taken advantage of due to this person's high fees as well as stating nothing in the past had worked for her. This led me into a conversation with another person regarding healing ethics and awareness. I don't think he appreciated my education, versus his, because the discussion ended with his blocking me. Why? I felt my comments were logical and presented in a very unemotional and non-threatening manner, as they generally are when I'm sharing what I've been taught.

I'm glad I still had his replies, via emails, to capture them for this blog. Hopefully, by sharing our conversation, it will help those who are seriously wanting to help others. There are many things that need to be understood. Many! One of them is not displaying a knee jerk reaction while discussing any differences in metaphysical awareness. How does this educate anyone? If my awareness is different from another's, I feel discussing both helps open the door of understanding, not by running from it. In fact, that's how I learned - by questioning everything until I was satisfied with the answers. It had to add up - make sense - be logical. Anytime, I can learn a more efficient or more thorough way, I feel blessed not threatened.

~~~~~ Conversation

Me: I look at it this way, we buy products with a return guarantee if it doesn't work. If you go anywhere with anyone, you should have it in writing that your money will be refunded if it doesn't do the job. Just a suggestion.

He: I'd say this is subjective. Not if the product doesn't work because of the client. If the client pays, I do the work, and they block themselves from being healed or allowing the treatment to effect them. It's not the providers fault.

You'd be amazed at how many "non-believers" will pay for a treatment to see if it works. Hence why I won't take on that kind of client.

And some holistic results take time. Eastern medicine and holistic approaches are not band aids or quick fixes. To many variables for your question to have a simple answer.

Me: Then the person isn't good at their job because they would have asked the universe permission before beginning. Hence no errors anywhere. Job done. Everyone's happy.

He: A client can grant permission AND block themselves.

Not the practitioners fault. Which is why one should not treat someone closed off REGARDLESS of permission.

Me: Even a licensed doctor would know their drawbacks and guarantees (or none) but miracles have been known to happen.

Too many times I've heard it's the person's fault and never the practitioner. Seriously? Sounds like a flaw to me. Not getting the right permission. That would be like a doctor operating blind. Sets one up for malpractice then.

He: l'm not sure judging someone's ability is the best way to apron this either.

Doctors are different. Energy work is different. Reiki is universal divine energy. I am a humble vessel or conduit. It flows through me and does what it needs to do. It is not my place to tell the divine what to do. If that doesn't work for you, you don't have to go to an energy worker. It's quite simple. Energy work should never and could never hurt anyone.

Me: Which is why I said if you ask universal permission, everyone's on the same plate for using that divine energy for healing. That's what I was taught by my teachers. They're not from here. It was the first thing I was taught because not all answers to prayers will be positive.

He: Sure. And all I am saying is that humans can block themselves from receiving even while giving verbal permission. That's all.

And I agree. Not all answers are deemed "positive" due to general human perspectives.

Me: It's illogical to think that someone gave permission and then blocked their healing. It's not always the person but could be someone around them. That's who I would direct my thoughts to when it came to asking permission too. What if their guide says no because this was a major lesson they needed? Something they may have chosen before coming here. Lots of things to consider why someone is blocked.

He: Or maybe it's none of our business why their experience is the way it is because we're just supposed to be there for them to either provide or not provide. But I feel like this discussion will never end because you need to be right while I am simply trying to have a conversation. So I will and my participation here knowing that you will continue to do the good work that you do and I will continue to do the good work that I do regardless of who is right or wrong in their work.

Me: Hmmm. I thought I too was having a conversation but being judge by you in needing to be right. Interesting. Our universal guidance is definitely different.

He: Not to mention the fact that you have steered this conversation SO far from her question that you have buried her intention away from its original intent. Enjoy your evening.

Me: Which isn't true either.

He: Apparently so. Apparently it is. Interesting that we are both hearing judgement on each other's responses.... Hmmmmm

About pricing? Yeah. Ok. Love and light to you.

Me: My original comment stands. You intercepted it. People should be weighed on their merits. I wouldn't hire any professional with a bad reputation or wanting to steal my money. It's the right thing to do. We need more metaphysical  people who feel this way. We would have less ego issues within it. Working together as a team instead of egotistically opposing another. That's why this profession fails and is constantly mocked.

Hugs and peace to you and yours.

He: Well there we agree. I personally see a vast difference in your original statement and your last one. Together as a team sounds lovely.

Me: It's really not a difference if you think about it. It still dealing with those who choose to take another's money when they, as enlightened beings, will not be able to help in any way due to universal awareness or interference. Yet, will they take their money still or offer refund if they err? They may blame their victim in being the cause of the problem to avoid responsibility. They are the ones who create problems by undermining the good being done by others. But, isn't that the way it is generally?

No need to respond or agree. Just throwing it out there.

He: no need - (Meaning I didn't need to throw it out there - then he blocked me.)

Me: Sorry _______ (friend), I guess ________ (he) decided to delete his responses and/or block me. Bad form, since I thought I was only sharing what I've learned. I also thought that being  respectful and sharing was part of opening our awareness and removing ego to help us be more educated - more open minded. Even a mild debate helps educate us but some tend to get their feelings hurt even with that. Makes me wonder why. Must have hit a nerve. However after getting tons of emails from people, over many years, who have been gouged by unscrupulous "psychic healers," I think it's only appropriate to start believing that something's not working and try to figure out why. Maybe it's only people scamming those who need help the most, which makes it bad for the good ones who are trying to seriously help. Sadly, this can be in any profession. You'll just have to follow your intuition and hope for the best.  Hugs ♡

Friend: Quite the intense discussion! Wasn't expecting all that. :p

Me: Well, you know how I feel about people who say they provide a lot and give nothing. Then blame their "patient" in order to take the blame off of them. I don't even like that when a medical professional isn't honest. At least, lay the cards on the table, be honest, so I can make a proper decision for my wellbeing.

~~~~~ End

So there you have it. I've come to realize that in nearly 30 years of learning this metaphysical awareness, and through personal experience, that we don't know everything and sharing our awareness, as in any profession, is important. Many times, it's not the questions we're asking but the questions we don't know to ask. It's why I advise people to join support groups and suggest to all my like-minded friends that we are all pieces of the puzzle when it comes to helping one another. Each person may have that one piece in solving the complete picture.

When our ego gets in the way, we shut down and that's why we fail. We fail because we give our power away to others to heal us but blame them when they don't. We fail because healers, any form of healers, are often limited in knowledge but blame the patient for their lack of success: "he was too far gone." We fail because we allow our ego to block awareness from another because they don't fit in some stereotypical image we have mentally formed of a spiritual teacher. We fail on purpose, unconsciously sabotaging ourselves, because we don't want to live forever in the same body. 

The door closes - the light goes out - life goes on - better luck next time. Maybe.


  1. I, personally, agree with both sides (sometimes on his side to some extent). The part where he mentions it being a half and half job on both ends, the on receiving and the one giving. But I also agree that it's the person seeking to receive to look into it more, because if something goes wrong it's also the fault of the giver.

    I'll give an example why I agree with his side. If someone was recommended by a doctor to not walk on a leg or do strenuous activity due to an injury, but the person refuses to heed the advice, it's the person's fault and it's not right to blame the doctor for reckless behavior.

    But I agree with you that if someone is charging a large sum of money (which I don't completely agree with, yet I also understand that everyone has bills to pay...but 10,000 dollars! I want my money's worth in that case lol) they should only expect the best that is offered. Why charge so much if you aren't going to take the job seriously. Give 10,000 dollar effort. Don't blame the client because you charge them such a huge amount of money and your work didn't give what it promised.

    And the fact that he removed himself from the conversation (and not you being removed) is perfectly fine. You were only stating your side, and he his.

    Also perhaps he was looking for some similar ground within the situation/topic you two were conversing because, he being a practitioner and being told that what he feels is right, is something he should consider reevaluating is just ludicrous :P I mean he has been doing this for a while Char.

    Not to toss salt in anyone's eyes, but shouldn't it be something common among doctors to share what they learned, inhabit news skills to improve their practice?

    At my school I'm often looking to learn a few things from my classmates (that's where the good stuff is! Lol)

    Yet, I get both sides. I will state honestly that if I didn't read your above statement, it does come off as you disagreeing with most of what he said, but that's not wrong, it's just you see things differently from him.

    This topic is definitely something to view from all angles.

    Interesting post. Sorry for the long message.

    1. Thanks Mon.

      I thought we were having a professional debate but I suddenly found I was wrong with his abrupt departure by telling me I had to be right. I hadn't thought that in the least. Just making a point. One healer to another. Maybe I was only a mirror to his own emotions. He wasn't reading me but himself.

      It nice to see things from a differnet perspective. It keeps us from getting too pompous. His remark about being different from a doctor in what he did, along with other comments, had me scratching my head with the confusion I was feeling from him. Almost defensive instead of thinking that possibly guidance was offering a plan that might help him more in helping others.

      This is the same thing that can occur from doctors who get too big for their britches and think they know everything. They shut down to studies that could help their patients by assuming.

      Yet, my intuition with this young man told me he was uncomfortable with what he was told by guidance, because he didn't want to be wrong, and that's why he disconnected. Yes, it was guidance who was setting him straight, not me. They offered a path that would help both healer and client. To help know what was the correct path to take to avoid charging or over charging a client. To know what blocks a healer is up against instead of putting a client through anything unnecessary. One block could be that he (or another) isn't the one to do the job and the client should be directed to the right one. Similar to a doctor referring a patient to a specialist.

      Sure a patient may not obey a doctor but a psychic would know this if a client is misrepresenting themselves. This isn't what guidance was advising me. They said it's a general excuse with many psychic healers to blame a client. This way it takes the heat off of them for being incapable of doing what they say they can do. This is why I was taught about asking permission to make sure the path is clear for healing. Yet, guidance stated that many don't and then wonder why they fail. Then they blame the client in order to avoid refunding the money. After all, a psychic should know more than a regular doctor in that case. This is what he said which is why I was confused then because if he's psychic enough to know someone isn't going to do what they're asked to do, why bother with them or continually keep taking their money? Made no sense.

      Yes, there are exceptions to every rule. However a good psychic would know that and explain this to their client. In other words, a psychic healer would let a client know that they know they weren't doing what they were asked to do - whatever that may be. After all they're psychic.

      As I said in this blog, there are lots of things to consider. Debating isn't bad if someone isn't carrying a chip on their shoulder. It's helpful for everyone to learn and improve. However, after his initial remark about my needing to be right, which offering suggesting isn't trying to be right but only offering a differnet point of view to discuss, I knew then that he was huffing and puffing. That threw me because up until that point I thought we were having a scholarly debate. Then when he continue with a bratty attitude (something Janelle said she picked up), I was trying to explain that he wasn't reading me right. Far ftom it. His blocking me was childish (someone else says that). I was going to ignore it but guidance suggested I write this blog to help others understand that bratty egos are not the quality of a good psychic. And since he completely read me wrong, then his abilities in healing would be questionable too.

      Thanks again for your opinion. Always appreciated. I never consider your comments long. Many times they've helped me too. That's what friends are for.

    2. Also I appreciate the time you took to read it. It was lengthy. Mercury is in retrograde and can cause difficulties in understanding. Thanks again.

    3. Ahhh, I see. So your post is much more valid, and I see nothing wrong with it. Perhaps he should've asked you to elaborate instead. Most often I find that I can misinterpret things due to my own ignorance and lack of understanding of another. Most people say and do what they do due to some kind of personal experience. It doesn't always make what they say or do right, especially if it's harmful to another, or they're misleading someone, which, after what you stated, makes me question about this guy too. You posted quite a good amount of points. It may be one of those things where a person increase their awareness of their psychic ability and then assume that they know any and everything thing. Perhaps you did give him something to think about. All I can say is it may have got him thinking, and that's a good thing. He may start to question what he wrote, and that may lead to self-reflection and rediscovery. It's not bad to admit that one can improve or doesn't know all that they think they know.

      I will admit that at first I didn't get any of what you typed in your post. So, as I stated, it was nice of you to elaborate. I guess it goes to show that asking someone to explain themselves could help, rather than just making an assumption.

      Sorry I replied so late. I haven't had the chance to come here.

    4. Thanks again for reading my comment and replying. Also, thanks for understanding my point that discussing things through helps in understanding more instead of running from something that may be misunderstood or often uncomfortable to discuss with some people.

      As you said, asking to elaborate will help with the explanation. This is what scholarly people do. It helps clear the air for both parties involved and hopefully a better understanding is achieved.

      Can you imagine if I had done that to any of my students or friends who asked me questions but I just decided to shut them off? That would only maintain my knowledge and not empowered them? Too egotistical for me as well as the burden I would carry because of it. By sharing my knowledge, it also shares the burden.

      Yet, I do know that, ocassionally, there will be someone who will come along and who will abuse this power. It's the price we pay at times. We'll know who they are by their actions. Then all we can do is hope they're open to getting help in understanding more so they don't hurt ohers who are more credible. Similar to when a student is learning to be any particular profession and will have teachers to guide them as well as interning in their profession to assist in furthering their awareness.

      This "profession" should be no different. I've noticed many who get into this without guidance from above or below. When they fail, because of it, it undermines many others. It causes suspicion and disbelief because there's no accountability. That's the point Janelle was making on this blog post on my Facebook school site. I see her point but it may be many more years for this ability to be credible enough to even be considered regulating. In the meantime, charlatans will abound and we'll have to keep our intuition high to protect ourselves from them.

      I'm a firm believer: when in doubt - ask.

  2. Original posting date was September 27, 2015. Changed it to draft and didn't make any changes, but it changed the date when I republished it. 🙄
