With the political rhetoric going into the usual name calling, I decided to look into the more recent one of bigotry. The definition of a bigot is "a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions." Intolerance definition is "an unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one's own."
Now, folks, I don't want to point fingers but from what I'm seeing on various media locations, a lot of people fit this category, including me. Yes, enlightenment doesn't prevent intolerance and it can often promote it. For instance, I understand a lot (or try to), but I'm reminded (often) of one command that I received from our Creator many years ago: "allowing doesn't mean putting up with."
The word bigot is often used in a negative manner but can it have a positive side? After all, I may understand why people do what they do but should I always allow it? As a few examples, if an adult feels it's acceptable to molest a minor, I may understand the situation (possibly due to possession by their own soul or another's), but I don't have to accept it. If people want to run naked in the streets (insisting others do too, much less watch), become drug addicts or alcoholics, blow up buildings or people, rape and pillage, or riot and loot, I may know why but I don't have to tolerate it. Why should anyone?
Furthermore, what if a person says they chose to be gay or transgender, for instance? If doing all I can to understand the reasons and discover they actually didn't choose but were under a hateful possessive attack, should I allow it - tolerate it - accept it? Yes, I may know the reasons but that doesn't mean I have to accept the reasons. Who would?
You see, those who chose to go against the "do no harm" behavior can be in many dimensions and can create karma for many reasons. Did you have a choice? Are you sure? How would you feel if you discovered your "chosen" path was chosen for you and why? Would you still allow it? Would you be angry? Would you want to fight back or accept your fate?
Yet, what if you discovered your unhappy or vilified life was chosen for a greater plan due to the collective concerns (thoughts) on earth; for instance, over population? Does the possession become more tolerable or would you want to change it? Did you have a say in anything before this life and would you care more now that you understand more? How's your tolerance level holding up now?
For all the reasons mentioned above, plus more, no one should tolerate that which they feel is intolerable. Parents generally don't tolerate misbehaving children. Teachers generally don't tolerate misbehaving students. I don't have to tolerate hateful behavior. Yet, intolerance, in a positive light, may occasionally represent an important, or sometimes much needed, check and balance system for humanity, bringing order out of chaos.
Lastly, my life's journey, which gave me my education (my opinion), taught me that there are many things that shouldn't be tolerated. I'm open to discussion but my opinion will only be changed based on another's opinion resonating. It has to make sense; it has to add up. My children never persuaded me with foot stomping and demanding. Neither will an adult acting the same way - in any dimension. I'm allowed to be intolerant towards your opinions, demands, or bullying tactics under those circumstances. If this type of intolerance is bigotry, then I'll proudly wear the title of bigot.