Sunday, August 28, 2016

A Positive Side of Bigotry?

With the political rhetoric going into the usual name calling, I decided to look into the more recent one of bigotry. The definition of a bigot is "a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions." Intolerance definition is "an unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one's own."

Now, folks, I don't want to point fingers but from what I'm seeing on various media locations, a lot of people fit this category, including me. Yes, enlightenment doesn't prevent intolerance and it can often promote it. For instance, I understand a lot (or try to), but I'm reminded (often) of one command that I received from our Creator many years ago: "allowing doesn't mean putting up with."

The word bigot is often used in a negative manner but can it have a positive side? After all, I may understand why people do what they do but should I always allow it? As a few examples, if an adult feels it's acceptable to molest a minor, I may understand the situation (possibly due to possession by their own soul or another's), but I don't have to accept it. If people want to run naked in the streets (insisting others do too, much less watch), become drug addicts or alcoholics, blow up buildings or people, rape and pillage, or riot and loot, I may know why but I don't have to tolerate it. Why should anyone?

Furthermore, what if a person says they chose to be gay or transgender, for instance? If doing all I can to understand the reasons and discover they actually didn't choose but were under a hateful possessive attack, should I allow it - tolerate it - accept it? Yes, I may know the reasons but that doesn't mean I have to accept the reasons. Who would?

You see, those who chose to go against the "do no harm" behavior can be in many dimensions and can create karma for many reasons. Did you have a choice? Are you sure? How would you feel if you discovered your "chosen" path was chosen for you and why? Would you still allow it? Would you be angry? Would you want to fight back or accept your fate? 

Yet, what if you discovered your unhappy or vilified life was chosen for a greater plan due to the collective concerns (thoughts) on earth; for instance, over population? Does the possession become more tolerable or would you want to change it? Did you have a say in anything before this life and would you care more now that you understand more? How's your tolerance level holding up now?

For all the reasons mentioned above, plus more, no one should tolerate that which they feel is intolerable. Parents generally don't tolerate misbehaving children. Teachers generally don't tolerate misbehaving students. I don't have to tolerate hateful behavior. Yet, intolerance, in a positive light, may occasionally represent an important, or sometimes much needed, check and balance system for humanity, bringing order out of chaos.

Lastly, my life's journey, which gave me my education (my opinion), taught me that there are many things that shouldn't be tolerated. I'm open to discussion but my opinion will only be changed based on another's opinion resonating. It has to make sense; it has to add up. My children never persuaded me with foot stomping and demanding. Neither will an adult acting the same way - in any dimension. I'm allowed to be intolerant towards your opinions, demands, or bullying tactics under those circumstances. If this type of intolerance is bigotry, then I'll proudly wear the title of bigot.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Practice What You Preach!

Sometimes, I feel we're becoming extreme hypocrites. I think of that saying: do as I say, not as I do. As if we're allowed to do or say things, yet we condemn another for doing or saying anything similar. Why? Because we have some higher expectation of another that we don't enforce on ourselves?

For instance, the other day an acquaintance said that politicians, especially presidents, shouldn't use profanity. Well, maybe not but they have. Andrew Jackson, when ridiculed over misspelling a word, during his political campaign for president, said: "It is a damn poor mind indeed which can't think of at least two ways to spell any word."

An internet search can show the many politicians who have - in public and in private. CNN even reported: "While President Bill Clinton and first lady Hillary Clinton were not known to have cursed publicly, numerous accounts from White House insiders over the years tell a different story -- that both often using the f-word in conversations and arguments inside and outside the White House."

Yes, it's hypocritical to expect others to behave better than ourselves. Most people, that I know, have used profanity and in public. Who gave us the right to expect others to live above the standards we place on ourselves, much less get upset when they don't?

It's similar to our condemnation over politicians forgetting something they've said or they're not allowed to change their minds. Heaven forbid!! Most people I know have changed their mind over how they originally felt about a topic or often regretted a negative impulse. Again, why should we expect any politician to be more superior to us? Aren't they human too? They can't make mistakes? Isn't it hypocritical to think we can err but not them?

Maybe people use the excuse of putting another on a pedestal so they don't have to excel themselves. It may be easier to point fingers of blame but it's definitely not smarter. Many see through the ruse and know it's idiotic. In fact, here again, it's okay for us to call people idiots but not a politician? Really? Of course, all one has to do is read comments on social media to see that many people are. This isn't a judgment - it's an observation.

In regards to observing, I often think our politicians are unconsciously voicing many of our feelings and not just their own. After all, they too are connected to universal emotions. Some may be more colorful at voicing our feelings, because they may not have the filtering that some of my family and friends say they don't have. Why? Because many, apparently, don't choose to be politically correct anymore, including our politicians. If we don't, why should they? 

However, it's easy to change. First, we can stop placing politicians, or anyone, on a pedestal. This only gives our subconscious an excuse to redirect the hate of ourselves onto another - in order to blame them for what we often feel lacking within us. Second, and most importantly: practice what you preach!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Women's Rights: Abrahamic Religions

Over the years, I've been told that women are supposed to be subservient to men, based on holy books, but I've also read otherwise. We seem to quote what we feel is right for each of us, which is why I decided to do the same in this blog. I'm sure there's similar thoughts in other faiths but I decided to only use the Abrahamic Religions.

To begin with, Abraham and Sarah were close and you can tell there was love and respect between them. Based on my last blog, her gender wasn't dismissed when it came to God making a decision. Her intuition and wisdom were important enough for God to tell Abraham: Whatever Sarah says to you, do.

Also, Muhammad held the women in his life with esteem. For instance, why would Muhammad seeks permission from his wives if he didn't value their worth? Muhammad was ill. It turned out to be his final illness. He was in the house of his wife Maymoonah and asked her to call all his wives to him. When they gathered, he asked their permission to stay with his wife Aisha, during his illness. Volume 1, Book 11, Number 634: Narrated by Aisha: "When the Prophet became seriously ill and his disease became aggravated he asked for permission from his wives to be nursed in my house and he was allowed."

Even Jesus was against displaying inequalities. Women were part of his followers. Jesus' teachings, recorded in all three Gospels of Matthew [20:25–26a], Mark [10:42], and Luke [22:25], indicates that Jesus forbade any hierarchy in Christian relationships, presumably including both women and men: "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you." 

These are only a few things but it had me wonder why some current cultures, who say they follow these Abrahamic religions, consider women inequalities acceptable? Is it really protection, as they often insinuate, or subjugation? Have they forgotten that these things, I've mentioned above, are also included in our holy books? I know there are times where people "cherry pick" from them. There are times when there's also discord over them, but I believe I know why: free will. 

Yes, we've been given free will to guide us and help us on our current path in order to keep us from living in the past. Free will, which is individual as well as collective, to keep us moving forward. What Creator would want his children to become stagnate? Even our current technology indicates we've moved on from our past technology and many around the world are using some of it if not a lot of it. That's a big clue in my book. 

Furthermore, we were also given a Golden Rule to follow. To me, this is the ultimate rule to guide us. No doubt the meaning could be twisted too, but it seems difficult to believe that our free will would interpret it to mean that men are to subjugate, be cruel to, or lord it over women anymore than woman are to do anything similar to men. 

I can't imagine the prophets, which many say they love, would approve. 

I can't imagine the women, who were in their lives, would approve. 

I can't imagine God would approve. 

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Does God Take Sides?

Can we pray to God for help? Absolutely! However, it might be a good idea to keep in mind that if anyone chooses to bring God into the equation, and if he wishes to get involved, he may go with what's right for many (higher purpose) and not because of someone's idealogy, race, gender, or political opinion.

For instance: In Genesis 21:9-12, Sarah confronted Abraham over his passive and tolerant attitude toward Ishmael’s destructive behavior toward Isaac. She insisted that he get rid of Hagar and Ishmael. Abraham was reluctant to do so and the Bible stated that Sarah’s demand was very upsetting to him. Nevertheless, God took Sarah’s side and said to Abraham: "Whatever Sarah has said to you, listen to her voice; for in Isaac your seed shall be called."

It was not a matter of who had authority over whom; it was a matter of what was right in that situation. Sarah happened to be right and God requested that Abraham carry out her wish. However, if we investigate further, we may see a deeper meaning. The reason for taking her side was due to a planned future. That's the side which was actually taken. Sarah was only an instrument for that plan. 

This taught me that we can ask but that doesn't mean we'll receive, especially if we don't know what side God may have already chosen and why.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

God Tells Job: Walk A Mile!

When studying the Bible, for a degree, back in the early 90s, I had a friend tell me to read the book of Job. I asked her why and she said that my life reminded her of it.

After reading it, my first reaction was to think: God, we need to talk! But knowing God's response to Job challenging him, I knew my efforts would be similar - futile. After all, there's a lot of things I would have to take into consideration in order to understand, which would take me walking a mile in God's shoes, so to speak. Not sure I, or anyone, could or would.

For instance, people lament over the various and numerous harshness in life and wonder why God allows it? I can almost hear that voice booming down asking us the same thing: why are you allowing it? Our thoughts create our reality and our reality isn't always pleasant because of it.

Consider, for instance, our plea for harsh karma to be bestowed on evil people. Yet, maybe in God's awareness the evil people were used to handle other's prayers. Maybe on this higher awareness, God allows the punishment to be minimal, in the next life, while still answering our plea for retribution, and places their souls into bodies in areas that has some form of suffering. We asked for karma but is this what we meant? Can you think of another reason why we have these areas on earth ... this hell on earth?

This is why I knew my response would be similar to Job's. Why was I suffering in this life? What have I done before? But my suffering was less than others. Was I paying my "karma" off and things were getting better? Are these children, that go hungry or homeless, being used as vehicles of the souls that were or are being punished per our requests? Wishing "karma" on the soul? No? Think about it. I know I have. And that's why I also know that we want answers but we don't always want to hear the truth in them.

And that's why God threw Job's "lawsuit" out of court. As this website explains: "Finally, God responds. But in legal terms, he throws out Job’s case on a technicality. In his oath, Job claimed to know everything about God and how the universe works, so God reprimands him. Where was Job, questions God, when he laid the earth’s foundations? If Job is so wise, he must have been present at creation, God adds sarcastically. Job has no reply. By suing God, Job gets an answer, even if it isn’t the one he wanted."

If you want to read the eloquent challenge God gave Job, to throw his case out of court, you can read it here:

It's shows why we shouldn't assume anything about anyone unless we "walk in their shoes," including God's. As a final note, Job must have paid his dues because he had his health and wealth restored.

Picture is from William Blake's Illustrations of the Book of Job

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Going With the Flow?

Going with the flow may not always be the best direction. For instance, can anyone say river and waterfall? We could be flowing along peacefully and then our peace is shattered by the roar of the falls. Can we turn around in time or will we go over?

Which is why I like to add - "with what feels right and good within you, in each moment" - when teaching my students. Now, that doesn't mean it will always have a positive outcome, but it will eventually and hopefully teach us to sharpen our instincts.

Of course, we can learn to be around others who may have sharper instincts, if we choose the easier way. If we do, that is giving our power away to another. Yet, if that is our path then may we be blessed by another's wisdom.

Either way, if at first we don't succeed, try, try again. We learn by trial and error through those "flows" that can take us on many various journeys; new adventures just around the riverbend, with or without the sound of falls.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Politicians: Fanciful or Compulsive Liars

With all the recent political mudslinging, and accusations of candidates lying, I was reminded of those who lie due to psychological disorders. Here's a couple of definitions I found.

Mythomania: "The tendency to lie, exaggerate, or relate incredible imaginary adventures as if they had really happened, occurring in some mental disorders."

Compulsive Liar: "A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit. Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions. Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right. The terms Pathological Liar, Habitual Liar and Chronic Liar are often used to refer to a Compulsive Liar."

Apparently, there are people who lie compulsively without control. However, some that do so are more into fantasies by nature. They believe what they say is real but it's not done deliberately to be hateful. Even if they thought before they spoke it might not help. Too much prior programming may have more control. Their brain isn't functioning to think otherwise. They have no mental filtering to prevent it.

I've seen people do this, including some family members, throughout my life. They make up stories about anything and everything, living in their own world. It reminded me of Pinocchio and the stories he told that made his nose grow.

Video of Pinocchio lying:

Eventually, I learned that it's a mental disorder. So I can understand the concerns that I've read from people over politicians lying. Maybe it's time to take accountability and ask ourselves: Do we want them running our country if they have a fanciful disorder such as Mythomania or are compulsive liars?

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Are Americans Blindly Selling Out the Soul of America?

I've been looking into the other American party's platforms just to see where they stand. I looked at the Green Party but I'm not convinced. I do like the Libertarian party but not 100%, but I don't like other parties or candidates 100% either. However, I've never been one to vote for anyone based on race, creed or gender - or party either.

I know what I don't want. I'm tired of old government (including judicial) and the back door policies that have put us where we are today - a nearly 20 trillion dollar deficit. At this point, if we keep on with the "same old same old," we will capsize the boat. If we go down, you'll see a major domino effect around the world, especially with other countries that depend on our trade and loans, who are also suffering. We've often helped bail out others, including our own corporations, but who has bailed out our goverment? We give countries loans and forgive them, often for nefarious deals behind closed doors while they keep telling us - it's all honest and good. Right! Yes, we've received loans from other countries but with strings attached - for "goverment favors" - but we're still required to repay the dept. Not to do so may lead us into selling our nation's soul.

However, from what I've been seeing lately, this may be the path we're being blindly led down. I didn't spend most of my working life being in accounting not to see the writing on the wall of where our path has been and is taking us. I don't need to be psychic either; it's common sense. We can't keep milking a cow that's old and dried up. We can't keep being fed the political - "I'm going to make it better" - either. The only thing they make better is their bank accounts and, as we've learned, not always legally. Our "old school" politicians convince new politicians to play their fat cat game. They bribe them to persuade them to come over to their thinking. They don't want their cart to turn over and their fortunes to spill out. They sit in their ivory towers with their large goverment paychecks asking for more pay and spending allowance increases even knowing the mess we're in, yet keep selling our country out along with our jobs.

When I've asked guidance what to do, all they said was: vote your conscience. That's why I've been sitting and observing. I'm not ready to make a decision on who I want but I do know what I don't want. I don't want a leader who will overly pander and be controlled because of being weak; not just by our people but other nations and their leaders.

Like Albert Einstein said: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Can Americans really allow change knowing it might not pander to our individual needs but it's good for America? Will we continue to blindly sell the soul of America? All I know is with the flow of energy we're currently in, and if it continues, it does not forebode well. Think not? Take a moment to look at other countries who are failing or failed. Then ask yourself what flow were they in and why. That's when I discovered that it wasn't only due to country leadership. It was also majorly due to the people within them allowing it for selfish reasons. Maybe it's our turn to fall.