Thursday, August 11, 2016

God Tells Job: Walk A Mile!

When studying the Bible, for a degree, back in the early 90s, I had a friend tell me to read the book of Job. I asked her why and she said that my life reminded her of it.

After reading it, my first reaction was to think: God, we need to talk! But knowing God's response to Job challenging him, I knew my efforts would be similar - futile. After all, there's a lot of things I would have to take into consideration in order to understand, which would take me walking a mile in God's shoes, so to speak. Not sure I, or anyone, could or would.

For instance, people lament over the various and numerous harshness in life and wonder why God allows it? I can almost hear that voice booming down asking us the same thing: why are you allowing it? Our thoughts create our reality and our reality isn't always pleasant because of it.

Consider, for instance, our plea for harsh karma to be bestowed on evil people. Yet, maybe in God's awareness the evil people were used to handle other's prayers. Maybe on this higher awareness, God allows the punishment to be minimal, in the next life, while still answering our plea for retribution, and places their souls into bodies in areas that has some form of suffering. We asked for karma but is this what we meant? Can you think of another reason why we have these areas on earth ... this hell on earth?

This is why I knew my response would be similar to Job's. Why was I suffering in this life? What have I done before? But my suffering was less than others. Was I paying my "karma" off and things were getting better? Are these children, that go hungry or homeless, being used as vehicles of the souls that were or are being punished per our requests? Wishing "karma" on the soul? No? Think about it. I know I have. And that's why I also know that we want answers but we don't always want to hear the truth in them.

And that's why God threw Job's "lawsuit" out of court. As this website explains: "Finally, God responds. But in legal terms, he throws out Job’s case on a technicality. In his oath, Job claimed to know everything about God and how the universe works, so God reprimands him. Where was Job, questions God, when he laid the earth’s foundations? If Job is so wise, he must have been present at creation, God adds sarcastically. Job has no reply. By suing God, Job gets an answer, even if it isn’t the one he wanted."

If you want to read the eloquent challenge God gave Job, to throw his case out of court, you can read it here:

It's shows why we shouldn't assume anything about anyone unless we "walk in their shoes," including God's. As a final note, Job must have paid his dues because he had his health and wealth restored.

Picture is from William Blake's Illustrations of the Book of Job

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