Saturday, August 6, 2016

Are Americans Blindly Selling Out the Soul of America?

I've been looking into the other American party's platforms just to see where they stand. I looked at the Green Party but I'm not convinced. I do like the Libertarian party but not 100%, but I don't like other parties or candidates 100% either. However, I've never been one to vote for anyone based on race, creed or gender - or party either.

I know what I don't want. I'm tired of old government (including judicial) and the back door policies that have put us where we are today - a nearly 20 trillion dollar deficit. At this point, if we keep on with the "same old same old," we will capsize the boat. If we go down, you'll see a major domino effect around the world, especially with other countries that depend on our trade and loans, who are also suffering. We've often helped bail out others, including our own corporations, but who has bailed out our goverment? We give countries loans and forgive them, often for nefarious deals behind closed doors while they keep telling us - it's all honest and good. Right! Yes, we've received loans from other countries but with strings attached - for "goverment favors" - but we're still required to repay the dept. Not to do so may lead us into selling our nation's soul.

However, from what I've been seeing lately, this may be the path we're being blindly led down. I didn't spend most of my working life being in accounting not to see the writing on the wall of where our path has been and is taking us. I don't need to be psychic either; it's common sense. We can't keep milking a cow that's old and dried up. We can't keep being fed the political - "I'm going to make it better" - either. The only thing they make better is their bank accounts and, as we've learned, not always legally. Our "old school" politicians convince new politicians to play their fat cat game. They bribe them to persuade them to come over to their thinking. They don't want their cart to turn over and their fortunes to spill out. They sit in their ivory towers with their large goverment paychecks asking for more pay and spending allowance increases even knowing the mess we're in, yet keep selling our country out along with our jobs.

When I've asked guidance what to do, all they said was: vote your conscience. That's why I've been sitting and observing. I'm not ready to make a decision on who I want but I do know what I don't want. I don't want a leader who will overly pander and be controlled because of being weak; not just by our people but other nations and their leaders.

Like Albert Einstein said: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Can Americans really allow change knowing it might not pander to our individual needs but it's good for America? Will we continue to blindly sell the soul of America? All I know is with the flow of energy we're currently in, and if it continues, it does not forebode well. Think not? Take a moment to look at other countries who are failing or failed. Then ask yourself what flow were they in and why. That's when I discovered that it wasn't only due to country leadership. It was also majorly due to the people within them allowing it for selfish reasons. Maybe it's our turn to fall.

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