Sunday, May 7, 2017

Want An Answer? Channel It!

Sometimes, I shake my head over social media comments that some people make. After the constant warnings of fake news, I'm amazed that some are still so fast to judge and still don't understand how their bias can be used to manipulate their emotions. It's, possibly, why I read a huge amount of arrogant comments on a daily basis. 

In particular, there are the arrogant remarks directed to people who they feel are opposed to their political idealogy (whichever side that may be), who are not commenting fast enough on any recent news topic. The typical: "Now what do you have to say? What? The sound of silence? I thought so!" Well, instead of being so haughty, maybe they should consider a few things. Let's put this in perspective. 

First: Maybe these people are waiting for the facts to add up instead of being caught up in rampant, fake news, which might lower themselves to the aggressor's standards by replying too soon. 

Second: Maybe they know that commenting would cause a pointless debate with someone of limited gray-matter and they choose not to participate. After all, just because someone tosses out a line, doesn't mean another has to take the bait. 

Third: Maybe, just maybe, they did comment, but on THEIR wall or on THEIR public page. Of course, people would know their opposition's feelings if they hadn't "unfollowed" them or if they had "liked" those many public pages. In the common sense department, this would be a way to read, and be more aware of, a different point of view.

Finally, if anyone really wants an expeditious response, and they're not just being bratty, they can learn to read people. It's not like many, including me, haven't spent years teaching the steps on channeling the God/Universal mind for truth and wisdom; which may help them know who's really telling the truth, once they learn to get their ego out of the way. In fact, even if they are being bratty, about wanting an answer, my response would be, "channel it." But, just as it takes effort to look up information on the internet, all this knowledge takes effort too... so, I'm not holding my breath. 

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