Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Look Beyond What You See

My life's story has taught me that one must remove their blinders in order to see beyond their current awareness. 

I shared this comment (below) on a post I was tagged on. It's in regards to the scenario of "why me and no one else in my family." I, completely, believe that not every mental or physical illness is inherited through family genetics or an environmental issue. Yet, what else can we call it without knowing more?

--------- My Comment
I heard this from a South American Shaman on TV one night and a light bulb went off in my brain. He said, "every ailment is spirit, whether it be yours or another's."

This is true, because many people forget they've been here before and may have brought past life diseases with them - from within their soul. This could also explain timing: why did it happen to me at 40 and not before? Because, you may be programmed to have it happen then, due to it happening many times before during that time frame. These are situations that can happen from our soul due to soul genetics. 

Outside of that, it could be from another's spirit - meaning as little as catching a cold from another to a full on plague going on around you that attacks you too. 

As far as "outside spirits," there can be those who are invisible but attached to your soul causing problem. Spirits you either brought with you, or attached to you, due to what you got involved in during this life. The proverbial magnet of the mind that draws you to something and keeps you there to serve another's purpose.

This could even be to feed into a medical system or to keep someone from walking away from getting just one tattoo. The obsessive-compulsive behavior that may not be directly our own, but an influence from another who may be keeping one locked into a situation in order to feed/clothed/shelter them at our expense.

So you see, there are many scenarios of why things happen. For instance, besides the typical environmental situations, we, as I mentioned in the comment, may have soul genetics (past or present life) creating problems. These programmed soul moments, especially if it's a strong memory, can affect our current physical and mental existence, which has nothing to do with family genetics. In fact, family genetics may often protect us, in certain circumstances. 

Furthermore, based on my personal awareness, as well as others who have written to me about their experiences, some incidents can and have been "thought projections" from another. Have you ever had a feeling that "someone out there must not like me?" Or ask yourself, "what did I do in a past life to deserve this?" 

As Rafiki said, in The Lion King, "look beyond what you see." Our ability of looking beyond, via telescopes, microscopes and space travel, can and has opened doors of discovery, as well as answered many of our puzzling questions. Why not looking beyond and understanding the soul connection?

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