Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Trials of Balance

I've been telling people, for a long time, that I like our socialist/capitalist government system in the United States. It took many years to achieve and maintain a balance between the two. Of course, it's a continuous balancing act to maintain it. However, I read comments from people who want full on socialism/democratic socialism (meaning communism) and thought I'd share some of their feelings I've channeled.

What I feel, behind their words, are a plethora of emotions. Some are in fear of doing things on their own. They are still living in a "slave mentality" of wanting another to provide everything for them, so they don't have to think (weak-minded). Yet, like children still living at home, they are subject to the whims of the parents and whatever this authority figure dictates. That is, until the oppression overwhelms them and they finally rebel (grow up).

Also, they would rather complain about what others have, then doing the same for themselves. I sense a lot of greed as they complain about the greed of others. They want what others have, are jealous that they don't have it, but have very little drive to be competitive.

So, in totality, what I've channeled is fear, laziness, greed, jealousy and a lack of drive. They prefer complaining instead, which is similar to a child rebelling against parental rules, without understanding what the parent (authority) knows. It's that gimme-gimme mentality without knowing or caring where the money/resources are coming from or how to maintain the flow without upsetting the balance. Sadly, these aren't children who are behaving this way - they're adults.

From the other side, I pick up two major emotions. How can you still be so stupid after all we've shared regarding history and what it has taught us? How can you be so egotistical to think you can do what others have tried, yet failed - repeatedly?

I've also noticed that when one side pushes too far, there's a push back. Like it or not, apparently, it's part of our trials in maintaining balance between many things like emotion and logic or socialism and capitalism.

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