Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Who's Really Being Greedy?

Mike Cernovich's tweet (picture) is correct.  Damned if we do and damned if we don't. I know people blame the government for all their problems. I've been guilty of it too. But we humans are our own worse enemy. We created unions to keep from being exploited but we got greedy and overly demanding. See, it's not just big corporations that can do this.

So, what's a company/farmer/rancher to do in order to stay competitive or keep prices within reason? Well, a few ideas would be 1) create right to work states, 2) promote outside impoverished country's temporary employment, and 3) hire illegals and pay them under the table with poverty wages while pretending you don't know they're illegals.

Okay, so now the government steps in and creates a minimum wage. We complain that minimum wage is too low and, eventually, companies are forced to raise them. We think we have accomplished something grand until employers downsize because of it. Something they've done every time minimum wage is raised or automation becomes part of the workplace. Oh, and unemployment checks don't last forever.

But we're so smart. We continue to undermined our "unstable employment perch" by arguing with only our hearts and not our minds. We need outside help! Forgive the illegals! They do the jobs we don't want! However, many are doing a lot of the jobs we once did. And, has it ever crossed our minds that they don't care because they're working - cheaply - maybe illegally - while we're unemployed or still living at home with our parents - because of the personnel glut on the market?  But that's okay, we'll just go on welfare. Right? How will that work out when we, eventually, kill the goose laying those golden eggs?

I can go on but I think you get the point. Hopefully.

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