Friday, May 17, 2019

Internet Battles: Calm the Mind

There's plenty of opinionated, social-media, rhetoric, especially when it's political, which is stirring up a lot of vitriol. Some have noted that it's creating feelings of unrest worldwide. Here's a little advice to hopefully calm the mind. 

With any particular fervor, it would be prudent to take statements lightly. Do your own research. Know the facts/truth. Don't be a puppet. Don't be too fast to assume. Try not to be a hearsayer. Be part of the solution, not the problem. 

For instance, when it comes to politics, and their media supporters, we know there can be errs, and they can often err deliberately and deceitfully. Sometimes, politicians have selective or faulty memory, but, hopefully, there will be plenty of areas to fact-check outside of bias media. 

Avoid the temptation of sharing anything dishonestly mean and hateful. It may escalate this hostile energy being felt by all, as well as create a vindictive retaliation. If you share what you feel is the truth, hurt feelings are their responsibility. Also, avoid the pitfall of placing oneself on a self-indulgent pedestal, which may prevent conversing in a civilized manner. Deliberating seeking to persecute, torment, or intimidate may undermine believability. 

Learn to sense those who are being, intentionally, offensive or provocative, don't take the bait... ignore them. And, if you can sense someone baiting you, than you should also be able to sense when someone is giving educated information. Use your sixth sense wisely. Use your freedom of speech wisely. 

Lastly, ask yourself, often, if these internet battles are really worth the stress... worth your time? If so, a calm mind can often think more clearly. However, with current enforcement of certain social media rules, on removing accounts they deem as hateful, this may be a moot point.

Although, being calm, especially within a storm, is an accomplishment one should still aim to acquire. 

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