Sunday, December 18, 2022

Cultural Appropriation Hypocrisy

So much hypocrisy from those who want to point out cultural appropriation but don't want to look in their own mirror. With the recent decision of making Belle black (Beauty and the Beast) and the Ariel (Little Mermaid) also black, I got to thinking of other areas where black people have "appropriated" white culture. 

For instance: "In 1978, the movie 'The Wiz' was produced with an all-black cast. This was an adaptation of the white 1900 children's novel the wonderful wizard of Oz, written by L. Frank Baum. Also, Annie Live! is a musical television special that aired on December 2, 2021. It was a 1977 musical Annie performance based on the comic strip Little Orphan Annie by Harold Gray. Called an adaptation; this could be interpreted as Black Cultural appropriation of white culture."

Which is why all this "appropriation" stuff is crazy. I've always felt that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. People should be more inclusive, understanding and kinder about different cultures, not so selfishly devisive. It's why I like traveling so I can learn more about other cultures. Now, I can't even cook or enjoy Spanish or Eastern food because it's not appropriate? Does that mean that Asian people are not allowed to look like Europeans? Or, blacks are the only ones allowed to sing soul music or rap? Seriously! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Anyway, back when they made the Wiz, I never gave it any thought that it was offensive or cultural appropriation. I enjoyed watching it. But then, I hadn't had years of media and political brainwashing telling me I should be offended by every little thing. 

Of course, I do draw the line on anyone's culture or ideology that involves molestation of anyone or anything, especially children. I think everyone, everywhere, should be offended by that. 

But, be warned, if you do anything with the idea that it's only to get even or with an "in your face" attitude, I'm sure many will sense that and not give you their time or money. Appropriately so. 

Thursday, November 17, 2022


Science gives it the name of phantosmia, meaning a phantom odor. But they ignore the phantom part, meaning ghost/spirit. Is this science denial? A refusal to see beyond the physical for answers? If so, why?

Definition: "The phantom smell may seem to always be there or it may come and go. Phantosmia may be caused by a head injury or upper respiratory infection. It can also be caused by aging, trauma, temporal lobe seizures, inflamed sinuses, brain tumors, certain medications and Parkinson's disease."

Anyway, I know it can be done by the unseen, because I've been subject to it while "hearing" the reasons. I've had good and bad smells. In metaphysics, they say the smell of flowers is angel communication, a deceased family member, or the presence of God. It stands to reason that there are those who may want to torment others by bad odors (that good and bad thing). But, you can receive guidance via the five senses. In the sense of smell, it’s called clairolfaction.

One of my most profound odor experiences, I wrote about in my book, Great Flame Within. I had been under a horrendous psychic attack and Jesus came to me to help. He put an odor under my nose of a cologne I wore back then called Obsession.

Now, I'm not promoting my book or the cologne, I'm just saying that, apparently, some things still seem to be outside our current scientists' awareness. Maybe we should be investigating or understanding that dimension,.

Because, as a South American Shaman once said: all illness is spirit, yours or another's. 

Sunday, June 26, 2022

I Don't Live in the Past...

This morning, I was reading some comments about the Bible said this and the Bible said that. I was thinking about these stories of the past, as well as other religious books and their stories that I've read over the years. 

From them, we've learned that these are the foundation stones upon which our spiritual insights are based, but we don't live today as they did back then. In many areas, around our planet, we are a very advanced society today, because of science and technology. Hopefully, we will continue advancing into our future, because life is all about change. 

Of course, this doesn't mean we still can't live by the Golden Rule, which I believe is the main rule from what we've, hopefully, learned from many of these religious and historical stories. We can have advancements but we should still try and treat others as we want to be treated... as humanly possible. 

Anyway, as I was reading comments and trying to justify past and present, I heard: If I don't want my children living in the past, what makes anyone think I am? 

I believe I got my answer. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Closed Minds

Almost daily we deal with closed-minded thinking, but it shouldn't come from our family or friends. 

They should be the people in our life that listen without judging, offering sympathy and advice if needed. They should ask intelligent questions to understand, offer constructive argument to make sure you're doing okay or they're understanding your point of view. They should stimulate your mind with their wisdom... ideas to be discussed openly and reasonably with love not hate.

Anyone who doesn't meet this standard should be allowed to move on with love, but you owe no loyalty to anyone that's carrying a closed-minded ego who wants nothing less but to see you closed-minded too.

Of course, one should not judge others being closed-minded until given ample time to prove it's true. If you deny them your thoughts/feelings, you are the one being closed-minded... not them. 

If you judge someone, without given them an option to be enlightened, then you are responsible for closing the door to their minds. If you have the key but refuse to use it, you cannot find fault in anyone but yourself. 

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Spirit Attachments: Harmful or Harmless?

A long-time spiritual and metaphysical healer once told me that good healing facilitator isn’t attached to outcomes. She had many years of experiences with releasing spirits of all types from people. As she mentioned, "a well-trained spirit communicator isn't concerned over ego or judgments, but only desires truth-seeking for answers. What one does with the answers is up to the individual."

While we were communicating, she brought up the subject of gender issues. She said, "there are many who are in denial that spirit possession and attachments have been found to be one of the causes of gender identification issues, but the literature involving case studies speaks otherwise." 

I told her that this was something I had seen also. After I started making my videos, I was contacted by a young man who was having feelings of being a female. The short version to this story is that he gave me permission to investigate. Two major things came up in the many conversations we had. One was that he had been influenced by a drag queen show he went to once. Another one was an influence by his grandmother who he loved very much. This grandmother had passed on but was still around and her energy was prominent. I even suggested that she shouldn't be around him. I advised him of everything that I saw and heard but told him that it was still his decision to fight off the feelings or succumb. I wasn't there to judge but only advise. 

If anyone wants to read a more in-depth life evaluation, the below link is what I wrote regarding Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner some years ago.

As you can see, influences may be from anywhere and anyone for any reason and at any time. Even a loved one crossing over can be an influence to ones' way of life. Not all attachments are extreme to the point of possession either. There are a lot of variables which I've discovered over the years. And, anyone can do an internet search regarding spirit attachments to learn more, as there are numerous experts offering information. 

Please keep in mind, we don't live in this world alone. Spirit attachments can be a huge cause of many things. However, a well-trained individual, dealing with the spirit world, can determined if influences are coming from an individual's soul, outside, or both. They can also determine if it's an innocent attachment of like-mindedness, or a willing to harm someone - as in a curse. 

In addition, if one's immediate reaction to something said (written) is a strong denial or a hateful rebuttal, that may be a sign that it's time to investigate; if one wants or is allowed to do so.

The question then would be: whose free will is going to be stronger?

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Pride Goes Before A Fall

I had a dream this morning that I was yelling at a young woman sitting at a table with some others (my feelings were she was a member of Congress), because she had said something sarcastic to me about being unimportant (or something along those lines). The discussion had been on our current economy.

I told her that my background in bookkeeping/accounting, as well as my knowledge of past history, regarding economic topics, were more important then her just holding a position with little to no knowledge of this. That this attitude is what creates problems in our country. Too many have little knowledge of economics or our laws. But what's worse is when they show their ignorance with arrogance or judge another that's there to help. 

Yes, I was a tad angry in the dream, because it's what I've seen for years with people being elected. They're going to change the country, or the world, but most are ignorant to many things and then get mad when anyone tries to advise.

When I was younger, I wouldn't dream of being so arrogant or acted as if I knew everything. Today, especially with the comments from some on social media, the idiocy, hubris, and arrogance that I see and sense is outrageous. 

Afterwards, I started thinking about that saying, "pride goes before a fall" and that maybe this dream was a warning. Which is why I decided to write about it, because it's been on my mind ever since. 

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Welcome To Communism

The sad reality, today, is that many don't understand government control (overreach) until it's too late. 

One day, we're living at home under our parent's rules and regulations... looking forward to moving out and making our own path in the world... making our own rules and regulations... only to find out the government rules and regulations has been in charge of nearly every inch of our life without knowing it. 

Reality sets in and that's when we really grow up. Moving out didn't change much because we're now realizing the government has a stronger stranglehold on our freedom. We feel oppressed and rebellious. 

But, rebelling will only last for a few years. That's because we will begin to go along with the restrictions and boundaries or we'll die and be released from them that way. You know... give me liberty or give me death? But, once we determine that going along is better than death, we'll now be easier to control when the noose is tightened with more restrictions and boundaries. 

In fact, as we get older, we may even propose more restrictions and boundaries ourselves. Think not? Look at our current legislative body, they too were young once. 

Slowly but surely, we replace individual responsibility, which may be more lenient and understanding, to group responsibility, which may be less lenient or understanding. 

Government solving our problems has now become a problem. We, overtime, have empowered that entity as we reduced our own. By using our fears and needs to control us. Telling us we weren't capable of doing things ourselves. We were inadequate to understand or do what was necessary. Using key words or phrases to manipulate us into obedience.

Instead of us being responsible in contributing to whatever cause or charity we felt was needed, we now are taxed, and taxed some more, so they can do it for us instead. Instead of things like schools, infrastructure, or military, we see it trickling down into every part of our existence. Even when they've proven, over and over again, how they've misused and abused those funds and responsibilities. 

But, like some weird hypnosis, we just keep believing that they have our best interests at heart. Until, one day, we're not only told what we can eat or drink but what we are allowed to think.  

Welcome to Communism.

Saturday, February 12, 2022


While watching Bad Boys 2, something was really noticeable to me about the movie. It was about a drug lord in Miami and had the typical blood and guts plus high speed chase entertainment. A little over the top for my taste but Will Smith and Martin Lawrence did give it some levity, occasionally. 

However, what got my attention was the drug lord's attitude towards his mom and daughter versus a perceived enemy. It reminded me of the old mafia days where their women and children were kept out of "family" business. In the perspective of these women and children, who were treated with love and respect, they didn't see them as evil. Not so with their enemies, which is understandable. 

This is why I feel we have such polarity in the United States (and other countries that have theirs), they are seeing what they are being told to see or what they choose to see. 

I can't help but wonder if the mafia or drug lords' women knew the opposite perspective, even told that truth, but they turned a blind eye in order to protect what they had going for them or out of fear it might happen to them too. 

I'm sure our politicians and media know how to feed into that mentality. Ignorance isn't bliss. 

Which is why I'm glad my dad told me about the bank robbery perspective when I was a teen. He said the police have to listen to all the witnesses in order to form a conclusion... build up a case. Because they were all seeing things from their perspective. But each one felt it was the truth. Well, it was "their" truth,  because it was what they witnessed. Eventually, the police take all those puzzle pieces to put the puzzle together. 

In regards to what any government or media "feeds" us as truth, don't forget the others who are witnessing things. You may see a benevolent situation, where others may see the opposite. 

Or, there could be many truths to a situation. The side you choose is based on your perspective, which is why listening to other's perspective can give us a better understanding of any situation. 

Like putting a puzzle together that has a thousand pieces, it often takes time to see the overall picture.