Thursday, September 20, 2012

Psychic Attack Help Request - Email Response

It wouldn't hurt, for anyone that feels they are suffering through a psychic attack, to read the below message out loud, yet quietly, if possible.

I have read your email and want to tell you that there is a real sickness out there in the universe and there has been for a long time - this is nothing new. I get emails from all over the world of similar situations. As I am only one person, I decided to make videos about what you can do to protect yourself. The more you know the more you can do so. I even made a video on how to incarnate spirits that are abusing people and I have already taught a few people on how to do this.

I have talked about this in a lot of emails to people lately about showing love and understanding as these beings are misguided lost souls. It is a bully and control thing in what they are doing. In all honesty, they fear us more than you can realize and that's why they do this ... to make us intimated. If the truth be known, it is really the other way around. They are scared of what is going on with them and bullying people, even raping them, is showing us the lack of control that they have within themselves. In other words, they attack what they really want to be ... us. Be indifferent to what is being done to you and don't feed their desires.
Also, I like to take negative things and turn them around to a positive thing. I say things like ... thank you for your lesson to me, I'm sure you feel better now ... especially since it is must be so important to you (again, being indifferent). This makes them confused because you won't play their game of fear.
The smell of cinnamon will help against the feelings of fear; it will help bring some peace of mind. However, again ... the strongest will is your mind and your strength. Stay busy, during the day, with things you enjoy doing to keep your energy up and happy.

Please continue watching my videos. There is a lot of information on them that I was taught and that I'm sharing because of it. Empower yourself with this knowledge and don't allow feelings to take you away from doing this ... as it may be an intent to keep you in the dark.

There are two videos that I did on a man that's YT channel is called djmisplacedmarbles. Please watch them as this is the advice I was just given to tell you. This is one of the ways that they do things to take over a person. It's two parts ... this is part one:

 Talk to this being that is harassing another's loved one or attacking in any manner. Someone that does things like this are very unloved beings ... probably never had love in their life ... which is why they should be mentally treated as a child: like a mother takes a child's hand and talks to it when it's being bad. Ask them if you need to help in crossing over to our Creator or whomever they want to be with.
You have to understand that anger will never solve the problem and neither will fear ... if anything it feeds into the density that these beings are into. I have been down this road too many times, that you are on, and I do know how it feels. Because every time I put myself "out there" to help someone, the hate comes my way too, but once they get around me, they know who I am and they know I, or those around me, won't play their game.
Remember this, not all psychic attacks are from a unknown spirit, we have physical people that are learning astral projections, etc., and not all are of sound mind or of a higher awareness nature. These people can be even more troublesome. Attacks can also come from those that we live with, or people in our daily life, along with the familiar spirits around them.
The only other thing that I heard is to ask for the help from any Archangels available to do so.
I hope this helps. Please keep me informed.

Hugs & peace ...

For those that are reading this message, it is real and a generic email that I sent to a number of people to help them because my wrist were feeling the strain of so much typing. However, due to the subject matter and the amount of emails received, I decided to put the emails and my replies in a book called "Ask Atomarane - Psychic Possession or Attacks," so that others may know they are not walking alone in this subject as well as to help me, from what little revenue that I get from this, as I have never charge anyone for helping them with any psychic attacks.
Those that read this and know I have helped them - in any way - comments welcomed and thank you for doing so.


My YouTube site with teaching videos:


Saturday, September 15, 2012

"Loopers" - Time Travel - Reality or Fantasy?

I saw a trailer today about a movie called "Loopers" and it made me think: is reality creating fantasy or fantasy creating reality ... or could they both be looping

This is why I questioned this: I believe we have all heard of the movie Terminators and this movie seems to be similar ... time travel being used to eliminate "threats." It makes me concerned about the motives being used and by whom ... and the ultimate price of this ability ... whether we think is is fantasy or reality ... we need to really consider the price we may be paying.
Anyway, I digress, when I saw this trailer it made me think of a note I had written about something similar and made me go hmmmm ....
On Monday, March 5, 2012, I received a telepathic message and I posted a note about it at 8:40 pm that day on Facebook, but I decided to post it here on my blog today too. I still haven't had time to make a video about it, however below is what I wrote:
I got this strangest but most sincere message this morning while meditating about the ET Greys. I have already emailed this to some psychic friends and getting back confirmation, one through a recent vision/dream. So I thought I would put it out here before making a video about this. I hope it makes sense as I was taking additional (channelled) dictation after the meditation. I felt is was a very sad decision to make, however it was not taken lightly and consider by many for many years. I know this is long but I hope you continue reading.

I was told from a being of Zabrona's species (planet) that the Council had gone into many things before making this dire, but necessary, decision to help mankind and all its psychic attacks. They were “taking out” the Grey species. One was done some months ago and recently the last group was removed.

It was apparently necessary to go to a planet where a form of these Greys existed, in the now, and annihilate them (creating extinction) – that was the one I knew about and this was done many months ago, which is why I was able to report this in my book, “Reptilian Teachers form the Pleiades.” Recently, they completed the other form’s extinction. Apparently these Grey species, that we have been under attack for many, many years, are from the future, yet they had to have a beginning life to get to be that future life. Too many times, they have seen so many horrible things perpetuated onto mankind due to them. It was finally decided to extinguished their forms and annihilate (the word I heard) the first species (small) that I was able to talk about at the end of my book and just recently, the other one (tall).

Apparently, after this first extinction occurred, along with some other things they had to do, everything went extremely quiet around me for months. Not wanting to be a busy-body (because I felt something was up and maybe for my protection too), I didn’t nose around to find out why and tried to be patient. Just about a week ago, I started getting messages again.

I was told that one of the reasons, for disconnecting from me, was that there was a great deal of concern about a certain species which were being allowed to reside on their planet, recently, and it wasn’t working out. This species, what we here call Tall Whites, which I had also mention in that same book along with their comment “as long as they behaved” were allowed to come there due to a need to set up new residence. Apparently, and they didn’t want to get into it with me about it, this decision started creating a lot of mayhem there and they were finally asked to leave their planet as well as being escorted off.

Also, a friend/student of mine, Susan, had started receiving messages about the Greys being removed from us (something like this) also about a week ago, which I had not been privy to hear, but I am busy with so many other things including answering numerous emails daily. We were going to Skype about it but I “just happen” to develop a sinus infection and felt the need to postpone things until feeling better (more like the timing was off – not just yet). Now today I get this message about the other annihilation (this is the word I keep hearing) that took place recently.

In this morning’s meditation, I was asked to share this and was also asked to inform everyone that it will take time to clean things up … that they are working on it. Apparently, the Tall Greys were taking souls out of the universe and incarnating them in their bodies. This is something they had done for many years. Then they would place these souls back out into the universe in their persona and have these new Grey souls (whether they be animal or young human souls) help them wreak havoc on mankind ... with no thought at all of them having any repercussion wreaked back upon them.

Well, they messed with the wrong ones one time too many – as these androgynous Reptilian teachers (the one I became acquainted with) are part of the Grand Council of Elders (that my original soul belonged to) and they went to the other Reptilians (male/female species) and got them on board of being more disciplined and less attacking (yes, this took time too). In doing so, they reminded them that once upon a time they too had this ability and were part of the Council. They lost this ability when they became more physically and mentally dense over millions of years of evolving and also due to the splitting of their genes and becoming male and female species from the original androgynous ones. They were reminded of their abilities again, compliments of the Council and the androgynous beings, and shown that they too can live in harmony if they will co-operate with the Council. If not, they too would be facing extinction. Their species relented and decided to help the ones that I knew about … that taught me.

This all came to me this morning and they said to relay this – they are still cleaning up the spirit energy of the Greys (and others) that are still out there. They do this by incarnating them and hoping to incarnate them into kind humans who can handle the changeover, especially if the Grey was human before. They have been doing this for some time and within a short period of time we may only be dealing with the density of this planet’s “human spirit energy” which is still evolving.

It is up to us to do all we can about this. We can do this by learning and being more aware of other dimensions as well as other areas of the universe, as well as respectful of life that exist there, as well as here, and not leave everything to others to clean up the messes around us. From this, I seriously felt it was time for our species to become more responsible and not just in our dimension. They know it takes time, and they also know first things first – they have been working on this. The feeling I got was – do you wish to remain un-evolved children or part of a more evolved understanding? It’s going to take all of our co-operation for this to be allowed. Messages will be going down into people’s minds over the next few months. The more of those that are “dedicated to stubbornness” will not abide by the messages and will be making it difficult for others; you have to be just as determined to move people beyond old ways and the hatefulness that they still have within them in order for everyone to move forward toward a more harmonious existence.

They also said, “This too will take time, however you will have no one to blame but yourselves ... you will be on your own souls. Those thought forms of Greys, projected to your mind, are from fear mongers that want to control you. These are spirits that can be incarnated and physical people can be disciplined (many of us know what mind power pain feels like by now). If it is a Grey spirit doing this, they too can be incarnated too, as the physical ones have cease to exist. Look into the future for confirmation of this and you will see as we do.”
This is the book where I had already mentioned some of this - published in 2011.
Again: is reality creating fantasy or fantasy creating reality ... or could they both be looping?

The Flow and Snare of Obsessions/Addictions

Have you ever noticed how a flow of energy can pick you up and carry you along like a strong river... not knowing the journey "could" be tragic because of it? A lazy river now becomes a raging river that ends in a huge waterfall destroying you. How could this be? It was so innocent and blissful in the beginning?

One scenario: husband buys a motorcycle with the excuse it will save gas. Then he decides to join a biker group (how cool). But wait! Got to get a tattoo to fit in... got to go with the flow. Of course, it doesn't ever end there, now the wife (girlfriend) has to fit in. Oh, come on... it's only one.

Sure let's drag another into your fantasy. That makes it right. Right? If it's good enough for me, why not another? After all it's only one, right?

But is it or will it?

Now... put that same principle to any "addiction" story and how it all began. It always starts out blissfully innocent. Right?

However, this is how obsessive compulsive behavior begins. Unless you or another knows how to stop the flow or remove yourself from it, you will be pulled along with that flow.

The problem is that most are unaware of any such flow... of any addictive behavior... until it's too late or you "wake up" to who or what is really in control. Is it you or the tattoos? Is it you or the alcoholism, drug, sexual, food, electronics, or the plastic surgery addiction? Is it?

Please understand that the tattoo scenario was only an example of what flows of energy means. For every flow you enter, you have to understand what is behind it... other people that need food and shelter, etc.

Oh, you didn't know about them? Yes, you will be supporting them and they don't care about your addiction. Why? Because they have an addiction too... survival... and you may be supporting it.

Who or what will win? Are you really in control or has that "flow" taken over?

Decisions have consequences.

Innocence is not always bliss.

To me, less is more, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

What is enough for some or too much?
Below is how I feel.

Enough 😊

Too much 😕

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Memory of 9-11 ... Plus More

I was working at Disney Travel Company and had just taken another call with a travel agent. A cast member had just mentioned that a plane had hit the World Trade Center just before I took the call. I asked the travel agent if this was true. She was just telling me a second plane had just struck the other tower and we were calling this an act of terrorism.

As she was explaining what was going on, my manager came up to me with a balloon ... it was my anniversary … I had started with Disney on September, 11, 1998. I had to put my finger up to silence her from singing happy anniversary and I told her what happened. She, like I, hadn't heard. She tied the ballon to my desk and walked away feeling the same sorrow I was feeling.

I kept my mind occupied by handling the call I was on, and the calls that followed, until I could take my break and go into the break room to see the repeat broadcasts of what happened.

I had a numb feeling the rest of the day as well as months afterwards, because I realized that there was more to this then I had previously understood. For sometime I had been hearing (in my mind) ... 911 ... with the thought immediately following that it was my anniversary date.

I knew in my metaphysical training that repeated thoughts or words coming into my mind meant there was a message in the universe. That day reaffirmed that these messages could be deliberately distorted, especially when one's life is very involved with other things. We shrug it off as unimportant or we don't want to judge.

Not that I feel I could have done anything to prevent this ... it took years of planning. Besides who am I to have someone believe me?

Live and learn!

Now, when I have repeated messages I do what I can and when I can to discover what it could be ... if inclined.

However, as I told my guidance ... in this country, we cannot hold someone accountable for a crime that they haven't committed, but we can try to thwart one if we know about it.

People can watch ... feel suspicious ... be wary ... but as a police officer told me once, we either have to catch someone in the act or with the goods ... anything else would be torn apart in a court of law.

Sometimes, I think of our government's hands being tied in the same way, especially when dealing with other countries. Damned if they do and damned if they don't. Trying to maintain civilized behavior, in a world that can still be barbaric, has it's drawbacks. Do we become barbaric ourselves ... do we bring ourselves down to that level?

All anyone can do is their best, even if others think that best isn't good enough. We all do what we can ... when we can ... or allowed.

Everyone blames the government but forgets that WE are the government. Did we, as individuals, do anything to thwart this disaster? I know I didn't. I had the training, I was being allowed information, albeit distorted, but I didn't go the extra mile.

Later, I reasoned that it would have been ignored anyway. The same way many things (videos/books) I have done has been ignored.

If the powers that be allowed this day, then maybe the real message would be why? Why was this and other major catastrophes allowed? Maybe someone is talking but we're not listening.


This picture was my layover in NYC in 1994. I was on my way to see the Statue of Liberty and I asked someone to take this picture of me. Later I realize it had the twin towers in the back ground.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

A God "Reality Check"

A long time ago when I was being attacked so viciously by mind power (no Luke Skywalker, it is not just in the movies, says Yoda), I was asked to put my life in God's hands by a loving, but totally unaware, family member.

My very strong reply was what I believed then and still do today. I said: 200,000 people just died in Bangladesh, do you really think God has time for me?!

Here 25 years later, I still have attacks coming my way. First, it was because of who I was; which I had no clue about past lives and karma. Now it's because of what I do, because of what I learned ... due to the attacks and the teachings that followed from my rescuers.

Also it's because of what I do for God: teaching and helping others going through the same as I did, and that is plenty. After all, no peace on earth ... no peace elsewhere ... it's that simple. Someone has to be a universal cop.

In other words, no man (or woman) is an island, not even God. No one can ever accomplish anything by himself or herself against any insurmountable odds. Safety in numbers can change a course in history.

So, let's put the blame or credit (for lack of better words) where it belongs ... in ourselves ... because truly we are the ones, to the most part, that is allowing our life's situations and, as I discovered, it's not always from our current life.

You can curse God all you want but He (and I use He for simplicity as I feel God could be any gender at any time) may not even be aware of what is going on around you due to other areas He is involved in.

You can also bless God when things go right, but the same principles of His lack of awareness may still apply.

What doesn't kill me makes me stronger. ??? Has God really turned His back or is it tough love time ... letting go of our hands and allowing us to learn to walk on our own.

Think like a parent, if you can, and ask yourself: what would I do to raise a child to be there for me when I need help? Now ask the same question: what would God do for the same reason?

Fall down we will ... get up we must. Getting up with help is part of learning and learning will teach us to get up by ourselves. Did God do it, or did you allow it?

Furthermore, whether you wish to use God, or anyone of His many names, it is still The Creator. One being ... one soul! Walk a mile in His shoes before you curse or even want to bless Him.

I believe one should give credit where credit is due. I feel that He knows this more then most or He wouldn't keep sending all these teachers to us and giving them names for us to call out to ... to teach us ... to help us.

We are all learning many things and in many ways. What will you do with what you learned?

I hope it's not whining that it's all God's fault because that means three fingers are pointing back at you.