It wouldn't hurt, for anyone that feels they are suffering through a psychic attack, to read the below message out loud,
yet quietly, if possible.
I have read your email
and want to tell you that there is a real sickness out there in the universe and
there has been for a long time - this is nothing new. I get emails from all over
the world of similar situations. As I am only one person, I decided to make
videos about what you can do to protect yourself. The more you know the more you
can do so. I even made a video on how to incarnate spirits that are abusing
people and I have already taught a few people on how to do this.
I have talked about this in a lot of emails to people lately about showing love and understanding as these beings are misguided lost souls. It is a bully and control thing in what they are doing. In all honesty, they fear us more than you can realize and that's why they do this ... to make us intimated. If the truth be known, it is really the other way around. They are scared of what is going on with them and bullying people, even raping them, is showing us the lack of control that they have within themselves. In other words, they attack what they really want to be ... us. Be indifferent to what is being done to you and don't feed their desires.
I have talked about this in a lot of emails to people lately about showing love and understanding as these beings are misguided lost souls. It is a bully and control thing in what they are doing. In all honesty, they fear us more than you can realize and that's why they do this ... to make us intimated. If the truth be known, it is really the other way around. They are scared of what is going on with them and bullying people, even raping them, is showing us the lack of control that they have within themselves. In other words, they attack what they really want to be ... us. Be indifferent to what is being done to you and don't feed their desires.
Also, I like to take
negative things and turn them around to a positive thing. I say things like ...
thank you for your lesson to me, I'm sure you feel better now ... especially
since it is must be so important to you (again, being indifferent). This makes
them confused because you won't play their game of fear.
The smell of
cinnamon will help against the feelings of fear; it will help bring some peace
of mind. However, again ... the strongest will is your mind and your strength.
Stay busy, during the day, with things you enjoy doing to keep your energy up
and happy.
Please continue watching my videos. There is a lot of information on them that I was taught and that I'm sharing because of it. Empower yourself with this knowledge and don't allow feelings to take you away from doing this ... as it may be an intent to keep you in the dark.
Please continue watching my videos. There is a lot of information on them that I was taught and that I'm sharing because of it. Empower yourself with this knowledge and don't allow feelings to take you away from doing this ... as it may be an intent to keep you in the dark.
There are two videos
that I did on a man that's YT channel is called djmisplacedmarbles. Please watch
them as this is the advice I was just given to tell you. This is one of the ways
that they do things to take over a person. It's two parts ... this is part one:
Talk to this being that is harassing another's loved one or attacking in any manner. Someone that does things like this are very unloved beings ... probably never had love in their life ... which is why they should be mentally treated as a child: like a mother takes a child's hand and talks to it when it's being bad. Ask them if you need to help in crossing over to our Creator or whomever they want to be with.
Talk to this being that is harassing another's loved one or attacking in any manner. Someone that does things like this are very unloved beings ... probably never had love in their life ... which is why they should be mentally treated as a child: like a mother takes a child's hand and talks to it when it's being bad. Ask them if you need to help in crossing over to our Creator or whomever they want to be with.
You have to understand
that anger will never solve the problem and neither will fear ... if anything it feeds into the density that these beings are into. I have been down
this road too many times, that you are on, and I do know how it feels. Because
every time I put myself "out there" to help someone, the hate comes my way too,
but once they get around me, they know who I am and they know I, or those around me, won't play their
Remember this, not all
psychic attacks are from a unknown spirit, we have physical people that are learning
astral projections, etc., and not all are of sound mind or of a higher awareness
nature. These people can be even more troublesome. Attacks can also come from those that we live with, or people in our daily life, along with the familiar spirits around them.
The only other thing that I heard is to ask for the
help from any Archangels available to do so.
I hope this helps.
Please keep me informed.
Hugs & peace ...
For those that are reading this message, it is real and a generic email that I sent to a number of people to help them because my wrist were feeling the strain of so much typing. However, due to the subject matter and the amount of emails received, I decided to put the emails and my replies in a book called "Ask Atomarane - Psychic Possession or Attacks," so that others may know they are not walking alone in this subject as well as to help me, from what little revenue that I get from this, as I have never charge anyone for helping them with any psychic attacks.
Those that read this and know I have helped them - in any way - comments welcomed and thank you for doing so.
My YouTube site with teaching videos: