Check out the below Worldometers website for some interesting data about world deaths, births and much more. Some say overpopulation is a myth. Maybe it's time to take our head out of that proverbial hole and do some investigating.
Also, I have been hearing that governments are into conspiracies to contain population growths via diseases, wars, forced sterilization, etc. It would seem that if any government really was involved in any form of conspiracies to decrease population or control population, they have failed based on current statistics. If this was truly a fact, I would say ... what else is new? Even "known" government incidents, throughout our generations, would say it has not accomplished anything of which it is purportedly being held accountable. So what is going on?
The real truth is mathematical ... more people living produce more people and more people are living longer. Even the major amount of deaths occurring by multiple ways (natural or unnatural), since the 1960's, has not even maintained population control. This is the reason why we have gone from about 3 billion people, since then, to 7 billion today and forever increasing in numbers. If they keep increasing, at this rate, in less then 50 years the numbers become staggering.
Could the real conspiracy be a lack of male accountability with "out of control" testosterone, lack of education or both? Let's call a spade a spade here. We know how babies are made so stop making so many or the consequences will be more then the future will want to bare.
I am not excluding women from being part of this decision making process, however as we know the majority of laws have been controlled by the male populace for eons, until recently, and religion, along with uneducated third world countries, has been a major factor too.
If more people took accountability and did less blaming, we could hopefully insure our future generations a better life. I don't consider this a complete answer for this situation because China went to a one child rule and population is still increasing and mortality rates are still decreasing.
We have to stop talking and start doing, beginning with the education of our children and grandchildren. Why? Because the increasing numbers, as I mentioned above, are staggering. Verified by numerous websites, not just the one I have listed below.
Food and drinkable water will become scare and oxygen diminished. How's that for future generations looking back and seeing the legacy we left them? Shameful!
Oh ... you say why bother, or who cares, as I won't be around. Well? Really? How do you know that isn't another conspiracy to keep you from being accountable or knowing the truth? The truth of reincarnation.
Many lives but one earth. Think about it.